Reviews from

in the past

better story, gameplay
deserved goty

Fantastic game, arguably the best Uncharted game.

Rerererererere(?)played on actual PS3, still good

Quem diria que trabalhar exponencialmente melhor as set pieces e espalhá-las descaralhadamente durante os capítulos resultaria num jogo inacreditávelmente melhor que o primeiro.

Para um jogo que, por sua fórmula, está preso as limitações da combinação infernal de "cover shooter" e escalada truncada, qualquer migalha é banquete. A melhora na I.A dos inimigos faz com que eles façam mais frequentemente o INCRÍVEL (calma, não chore) movimento de flanquear o Drake para obrigá-lo a sair do cover, além de jogarem 5 granadas por segundo e fazer você se movimentar pelo cenário em busca de mais cover. Soluciona o problema? lógico que não, faz parte do gênero pelo bem ou pelo mal, mas a amálgama de diversos clímax explosivos por capítulo + boas piadocas do Drake + tesouro mais grandioso (afinal, uma cidade inteira e não uma ESTÁTUA AMALDIÇOADA) fazem a progressão de fases ser bem mais instigante.

Gosto MUITO de alguns capítulos em específico, mas como um todo é definitivamente gostosinho de se jogar, o melhor da franquia sem dúvidas.

so much improved from the first game you'd think they're not from the same series

So much better than the previous one. A little too long

more movie than game in a good way

I won't hear that this isn't the best Uncharted. In the running for the best sequel ever made. The train level alone is mind blowing. A great story with amazing characters and an actual final boss. I consider it among the best on the PlayStation 3, if not my favorite PlayStation game.

Melhora muito vários dos problemas que seu antecessor tinha, até mesmo a parte sobrenatural da história é muito mais interessante e até mesmo aprofundada, além de felizmente já ter uma base no que já havia sido mostrado anteriormente.
Únicos problemas que eu consigo apontar é a gameplay que, mesmo melhorando um pouco, ainda é bem fraca em diversos aspectos, espero realmente que ela melhore mais para frente.
E os inimigos, mesmo que variedade tenha aumentado, possuem um problema sério de balanceamento, não que sejam difíceis, mas muitas vezes as hordas são chatas e apenas atrasam o andamento da história.

It's crazy that this came out just 2 years after the first one with such an insane leap in quality. The level design is superb, the action is so cinematic, the writing is funny and the cast is likeable. My biggest gripe with the first one was the overreliance on shooting that made it repetitve and they tried to fix that here as well and focus on exploration more. That is, until the final levels. Soon after we get to the village in Tibet every level is a shootout after shootout after shootout after shootout with snipers and annoying enemies everywhere. It falls into its old habit and gets so repetitive and frustrating that it kinda ruined my experience and I ended up dropping it before the finale. It's a shame, but I still love the game and look forward to continuing this series

I use to have a certain distaste for this franchise, for as much as these games want to be movies I was never very convinced of their storytelling. Yeah the moment-to-moment dialog can be entertaining, but it always feels like their idea of cinema is just Indiana Jones running from a boulder. Nathan Drake in particular has always come across as this Duke Nukem-esque chimera of different quippy action stars, he hardly feels like a real character. Doesn’t help Uncharted 2’s case that Lazarovic is a really generic antagonist. My girlfriend and I have been watching through the Indiana Jones movies and, in the case of Raiders and Last Crusade, making the villains Nazis is such a quick and effective way to make you understand what they’re after and why you want to see them fail. With Lazarovic it’s just a vague hunger for power, not much to go on. In my God of War 3 review I mentioned how that game was more successful at being a movie-game than Uncharted 2. While the writing in God of War 3 has some glaring issues, I’m still able to appreciate the cinematic presentation because its telling a story unique to itself, wheras the Uncharted series never quite escapes being a facsimile of film.

After replaying it again, I’ll admit I had way more fun than I was expecting to. Combat kinda carries this game. It’s easy to look at chest-high walls and groan at how ubiquitous they were in the 7th generation, but the game loop here is never static. Enemies throw too many grenades for you to stick to the same piece of cover for longer than five seconds. You are always moving around, firing everything you have in your arsenal, narrowly rolling past shotgun blasts, sniper lines, and grenade launchers. Watching it in motion, you really do feel like an action star which, at the end of the day, is the whole goal of this franchise.

Sabor vainilla con MEDIA pepita de chocolate.

So maybe these games just aren't my thing cause I feel like I'm too stuck on the fact that they basically just feel like fake platformers. This game was still a lot of fun but I just feel like I enjoyed it more so for watching stuff happen rather than what I was actually doing. I can see why people love these games though, and I'll still probably go ahead and play 3 and 4.
Also yeah this is a massive improvement over drake's fortune lmfao

A big improvement over the first, a lot more vareity and cool scenes. Still somewhat repetitive.

Para mim o melhor de toda a série, história bem mais desenvolvida comparada ao primeiro. Incrível experiência.

This game doesn't disappoint me they just improved what was already good in the previous game, I didn't find the combat boring at all, I also really liked the story, it makes you more interested in the game, and they also fixed something that I found a little uncomfortable in the previous game, where to buy it the items you would have to have a specific number of points, now they have exchanged everything for the game's money, I would say the same thing, I hope that the other games continue with the same quality that this one has, if it is a higher quality like this one I will too to like

Et c'est celui-là que vous appelez le meilleurs de la série ?

Uncharted 2 improved and did everything I wanted from Uncharted 1. Some of the enemies felt a bit spongier, but it wasn't the worst thing ever. Wish Sully was present more than Chloe. The "Final" boss puts the last mission of Uncharted 1 to shame.

Não é atoa que esse jogo ganhou o GOTY. A cinematografia desse jogo é o significado de obra de arte. Os personagens são cativantes, a narrativa é incrível e as cenas de ação são sensacionais. Definitivamente, o jogo do ano.

hardest boss fight i've ever encountered

Migliore della saga. Villains migliori della saga, e l'esordio delle chiappe di Chloe.