Reviews from

in the past

Like the Saw movies before, the premise of 9 people trapped with shared past and secret goals it's engaging and intriguing, and the escape rooms are a very welcomed added gameplay. Sadly, those escape rooms are not related at all with the story parts, so at the end feel tiring and unnecesary.

The story is good though, but not the writing, specially when the main characters are oblivious to obvious issues so the plot can happen. Sometimes the characterization it's a bit weird and inconsistent with the use of humour, and it's blatant that it's a story carried by the plot, not the characters, BUT, in the end, the sensations you feel when you complete the game are good.

Really good games, so I'll pretend that Zero Time Dilemma doesn't exist

I love puzzles. (My nucleobases are rearranged)

An excellent compilation of two of the best-written (if not THE best) sci-fi Visual Novels out there. My only complaint about it is regarding how it's presented, mostly speaking of 999.

The usage of the Nintendo DS dual-screen as it was initially intended and how the writer managed to include the said feature to add to the story is lost in this remake, making the final twist of the game less impactful in its presentation. Besides that, the voice acting is great in both games (since the original 999 didn't get voice acting, it was a great addition personally) and the writing is top-tier, undoubtedly.

Great mystery/pseudo science visual novel series (all 3, these 2 are the better ones overall than the 3rd sold separately though) that makes multiple paths canon in an interesting way.

When i played for first time i was bombarded with anime shenanigans in the first 5 minutes, to the point i did't have enough motivation to keep playing. When i try it again months later i felt releaved that there was some character development and good plot twists. Time well spent.

999 is a masterpiece murder mystery at its finest, Virtue's Last Reward takes a different turn, but it's still compelling and captivating

It is flawed but I love it.
Haven't started VLR though.

no encuentro la version individual asi q los 2, el 999 me encanto pero el virtue last reward cumplio con las expectativas y mejoro todo lo que el anterior hizo.

el primer juego es el peak
el segundo esta cerca

Gave 999 a 4.5/5.
Gave VLR a 4/5.
Ultimately rounded down due to changes this version made to 999.

i replayed this version of the games, after already knowing the DS & 3DS versions. i enjoyed those much more, but this version had fun voice acting, so that's something.

while i usually appreciate quality of life improvements, 999 didn't need them. part of the story gets lost (in my opinion) if you don't start at... well, the start, every time. but this version is much more convenient, as i can have the text on auto play and let the characters talk for an hour or two, while i do something else, then play the escape sequences and then repeat the process. i'm aware this isn't the best way to enjoy a game, but since i knew the story already and this was a weaker version of the DS game, i think it's fine this way!

as for virtues last reward, the silence when sigma talks is very awkward. i never felt that way with the 3DS version, but this time it's bothering me. i didn't bother to finish VLR yet, but will likely do so in the future. not too much should've changed in that version of the game, compared to 999

To this day Virtue's Last Reward holds a special place in my heart as one of the biggest "What-the-fuck" Plot Twists I've ever seen in any piece of media, an amazing story throughout.

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Heavy spoilers ahead...

999 review: What an experience I urge you not to look into this game at all do not spoil yourself. Do look up a spoiler free guide that will take you through the endings as getting every ending in orders of 1-6 really make the story come together in a certain way that makes the story flow seamlessly while you scramble to determine the truth. The only other game series that game me the same thrill and desire for the truth was Danganronpa. If you are a fan of Danganronpa I urge no I Implore you to play this game and just feel those emotions flow once more. This is such a unique story tied to the game design its really wild what they did here.
Im still freshly mindfucked from beating this game and I just want even more. I just really wanted A front shot of Alice cuz from the back Goddamnnn. This story really throws curb balls consantly and will have you second guessing and doubling back on information. The only real con to this game other than replaying the events over and over for different endings and not having a straight up skip section button is the math puzzles are tedious as hell especially if you hate math get ready to bust the guide out for this one.

VLR Review: Wow what can I say. They took this idea established in the first game and made it even crazier. Made it dependent now on the prisoners dilemma a much more interesting and difficult notary game. The plot is even crazier and takes even more advantage of game mechanics. 24 endings a daunting task but well worth the investment. VLR further goes down the rabbithole of time travel and dimension hopping with the use of ones mind. You thought 999 was difficult to follow you aint seen shit yet. Just wait for this rounds mind fucking.
VLR improves on what 999 did in every way except certain puzzles being tedious and the changing of the 2D animeish models to the 3D models. Had the models been a higher res and able to convey emotions better ( and have teeth) I would not mind heck I probably would have preferred it but alas it doesnt age very well compared to the 2d models of 999. The other massive issue I have with this game that actually really fucking bothers the shit out of me is Sigma constantly getting antagonized hard when he would pick any betrayal options or when he would get 9 points he would have really bad endings and almost never escaped while almost everyone else gets to escape when they had the points. Its such bullshit he really should of escaped almost all those 9 point scenarios. But the plot twists are even more crazy than 999.
There's a good chance you won't be able to predict certain things unless you are extremely keen. The funniest part ? VLR ends on an even bigger cliff hanger than 999. You are left with more questions than answers just like the previous title but now you really left hanging. Heck I wasn't sure I finished the game until I saw I had all the trophies.
I gotta say I did not See Sigma being zero coming that was a wild plot twist same with akane and junpei being in the game low key as fuck If you loved 999 your going to drop to your knees with this one. I'll see you guys in ZTD hopefully they will have some answers for us.

"Seek a way out."

Hey guys have you every played a visual novel that completely changes the trajectory of your life? With some of the best character writing ever? I sure have.

Two fantastic games, VLR was so immersive that I played it all day every day for weeks, amazing experience I'd give a lot to play it again for the first time.

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I finally got around to replaying the PC releases of 999 and VLR. Roughly 10 years was just enough time to forget enough specifics to make these rewarding as both stories and puzzle-solving experiences again.

VLR in particular seems really influential in the way that it treats the player's movement through parallel timelines as an action that affects the world of the story.

999: The story is a huge improvement! Though, while they do improve a lot of small things here and there, there's a lot that is unchanged from the previous entry. Playing 4 immediately after 3 wasn't the best idea. But I liked the multiple protagonists a lot, they were both refreshing, and mostly pretty fun to play. 9/10

VLR: A great follow-up to the first game, mostly. It manages to create a new narrative based on what was established in the first game. But I'm not a fan of the 3D models they use in this game, they're way too simple and look cheap. I realize this game was originally on handhelds, but it doesn't translate super well. But the puzzles and story were worth it, though. I definitely can't wait to see what happens next in Zero Time Dilemma. 8/10

Even though I bought this "bundle" I did not play the second game (I tried, but it looked so ugly and bad I stopped) so this review is ONLY the first game, which I consider to be a MASTERPIECE. It really amazed me how a "point and click" "escape room" game could get so deep and truly emotional. The feature of having to unlock all endings to truly understand what was going on is something I really really enjoyed... I still feel sad about some parts of the game to this day, loved the characters! Really really good!!!

999 is a masterpiece and i enjoyed every second of it! it made me fall in love with the series

vlr was also incredible despite the hideous character models (LOL) i initially refused to play it because of that but when i went back to it i did not regret it!

999: ótima história com várias curiosidades científicas e metafísicas. Bons personagens e puzzles cristivos.

VLR: Talvez o maior problema sejam os puzzles bem mais complexos e tamanho desnecessariamente grande na variedade de caminhos que você precisa fazer sté chegar ao final verdadeiro, mas pra mim valeu totalmente a pena e me deixou hypado para a conclusão.

both of the games are very complicated in terms of it's story, as you'll need to get every ending to even comprehend! they're very good and the characters are all really great aswell! the gameplay of the escape rooms are very captivating and challenging! would really recommend playing the games! the 3d might take some time to get used to in the second game but the artstyle remains the same!

Um dos plots mais interessantes em um escape game que eu já vi. Plots twists viajados mas ainda assim muito daoras e paradoxais, especialmente no final verdadeiro, os outros são quase que curiosidades, mas valem muito à pena.

Às vezes esse jogo consegue ser bem desconfortável.

if u like coolmathgames escape rooms boy do i have the game for you

999 so good that i had to download this game again after finshing ztd just to pay tribute