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in the past

Still haven't played Zero Time Dilemma yet, but this duo was great to experience.

Two really high quality visual novels with some fun puzzles to solve.

The ending of this ostentatious, tedious piece of shit is a fucking joke.

Virtue's Last Reward remains the exact same game from before, but this port of 999 sacrifices a lot of what made it unique in order to feature on these platforms, including bizarre negative changes to puzzles, but the VA work is good and the inclusion of a flowchart is welcome, so I can concede this might be the jaded opinion of a hyper-fan of the original

It's both of 'em, they're both great

both include great games but what makes it suffer the most is the sacrifice it made of removing the dual screen feature and shoving 2 types of vn modes in 999 and a major change in the final puzzle that ruins the challenge and mood of it. it's great seeing these 2 games being ported so people can experience it, but the sacrifice shakes the experience a little

at the very best this game inspired me to play the original 999 on ds

I only played this for the 999 remaster tbh and it's pretty good despite lacking the dual screen twist in its intended fashion

999 is great, VLR is even better.
If you can play the DS version of 999.

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It was a Q.

Both games are 10/10s. One of the best series I've ever played.

i hate the nonary games remake of 999 so much it's unreal. VLR is fine though

999 and VLR are high schlock, and I mean this as the highest compliment I can give. Both feel like the best kind of B movie—simultaneously completely absurd and incredibly endearing. both games take a vaguely Saw-esque plot—individuals kidnapped and forced to participate in a deadly game—but the miserable cynicism of the movies is nowhere to be found, replaced by intriguing characterization and a good heap of out-there pseudoscience for good measure. 999's more taut and thriller-influenced plot makes a natural progression to VLR's broader sci-fi setting—both offer a compelling narrative that's managed to stick with me for a long time (read: I may or may not cry when a certain song comes up on my phone).

The puzzles are fine-to-good: There's a couple of frustratingly obtuse solutions but the games, especially the second one, are good about doling out hints to the frustrated. the other gameplay sections—the visual novel parts—get a fair amount of flak for repetitiveness- it's certainly there but I've never had a major problem with it—the skip-text function works well to ameliorate the issue. (Note that this re-release comes with a modification to the first game that significantly mitigates repetition).

One final note is that the soundtrack to both games makes a great alternative soundtrack to any other puzzle game—there's something about Digital Root that makes it the best song to solve something to that I've ever heard.

My score is mostly only for the 999 remake because the full package is perfect due to having both 999 and VLR (which is unchanged). 999 however, is a bit of a sidegrade of the DS original. It adds generally pretty good voice acting (Junpei's VA is kinda spotty though) and a very very helpful flowchart.

However, the "redone" art is inconsistent and usually inferior to the DS' pixel art (Ace in particular looks fucking awful for some reason). The DS version also handles some story elements better as it divides text between both screens, which this version split into "ADV" and "NOVEL" views for no good reason. Novel view also obscures the artwork and places text on top of it, so I generally stuck with ADV, but novel is the "full experience" basically. I have no idea why they handled that so badly, it's not like 999 is the only VN that has descriptions cut in inbetween dialogue, but this is honestly the biggest flaw of this remake to me. I'm sure it could've been handled better.

Still, everything else is the same and it's still great, but I recommend the DS version of 999 over this one (hell emulate it on your phone if possible) unless having voices is that big a deal. Then again, this comes with VLR too, so it's 2 for 1.


Really Good. The plot is really interesting, and it probably has one of the best stories in the medium for me. The cast is pretty good, and the final twists were pretty well-done. The mechanics were enjoyable and it had a good gameplay. A really good first entry for an amazing duology.

Virtue's Last Reward:

One of my all time favorites. My 2nd favorite game as of ever. I loved it, the story, plot, continuation of the first game, plot-twists, mechanics, gameplay... Gosh, I loved this game, everything from it. All the endings were superb, the cast it's one of my favorite, and I loved playing it. My favorite duology of all time.


It's two of the greatest VN/ADVs that you'll ever experience in one package together. It's just simply a no-brainer to get this if you like hard sci-fi stories with an emphasis on philosophy and quantum physics themes.



pS: Between the two, VLR -was- for me, the most fun to play and I really liked SIgma as a protagonist!

Lo que esperaba: Escape Room

Lo que me encuentro: WTF???

El primer juego (999) es una buena vuelta de tuerca de las visual novels que mete en el centro la rejugabilidad como una nueva mecánica. Pero es que el segundo juego (Virtue's Last Reward) es una fantasía deliciosa para los que gustan de tramas enrevesadas con giros de guión atroces a la vuelta de cada esquina.

I played both 999 and Virtue's Last Reward when they came out on the DS and 3DS respectively. They're both excellent games, and I was excited to get to play them again on PC. If you enjoy puzzles / escape room games and haven't checked this series out, I highly recommend it!

999 is great, its a slow start mystery with a likeable cast that probably takes a little too long to get truly intriguing.
VLR is most likey one of the best VNs of all time, not even hyperbole or exaggerating. The emotional rollercoaster VLR sends you through in its about 10 different story routes is almost exhausting, by the end you will feel like you've just been in a 10 minute marathon and you haven't been doing cardio for MONTHS

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It is a great series worth owning. You can skip part 3 tbh.

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This review is specifically for 999, i have not played VLR but i will update when i have! Spoilers ahead.

Zero Escape is one of the greatest visual novels i have ever played. I suppose i haven't played too many, but this one is good. It has a good balance between visual novel storytelling and escape room gameplay, keeping you engaged one way or another. The way that you can learn about some characters' backgrounds while others are left in the dark kept me coming back to replay the different scenarios, and eventually, all of the endings. My personal favorite has to be the Axe ending. On one hand, seeing Clover go insane after she thought she had lost her brother, made me sad. That poor girl didn't realize that it wasn't any of them who hurt her brother, her brother wasn't even dead..on the other hand, it made me love her even MORE. Maybe i just have a thing for crazy women in fictional media, i dunno. The ending sequence was pretty cool as well, seeing everything tie together like how clover was holding on to a bracelet, Junpei suddenly remembering the code from the previous playthrough, and Seven remembering what had happened to him nine years ago. A fantastic game that deserves to be played.

apparently not the superior version of 999 but still slaps. vlr has the ds 3D curse but i love her anyways. i want to kill sigma with a rock i love him so much