Reviews from

in the past

There is no better game of this genre than the good old Age of Empires II.

I didn't just play this game a long time ago, I have continued playing it up until now. It remains one of my all-time favorite games. I can vividly recall the gameplay, emotions and experiences from my initial playthroughs. It's truly remarkable to witness how this game still thrives within the gaming community today. It's a prime example of a successful game with lasting appeal and longevity.

One of the best all-time classics that is still kicking today.

🕗 Total time played (approx.): +2310h
🏆 Completion: 100% (294/294 Steam Achievements)


"Age of Empires II: HD Edition" isn't just a remake of a classic; it's a loving homage to a game that has captivated generations of players. As someone who played the original tirelessly during childhood and witnessed it star in many LAN parties, I was eager to see how this HD edition would refresh my memories and give one of my favorite games a new shine. I'm thrilled to say it didn't disappoint.

The HD edition brings the timeless gameplay of "Age of Empires II" into the modern era. The enhanced graphics make the game world more vibrant and detailed than ever before. It's amazing to see the familiar landscapes and buildings come to life with crisp textures and vivid colors.

However, the true beauty of "Age of Empires II: HD Edition" lies not only in its visual splendor but also in its gameplay, which has fascinated me for decades. The mechanics are familiar and accessible, and even after all these years, the game remains captivating and entertaining. It's a game that's easy to learn but difficult to master, and that's a big part of its charm.

For me personally, "Age of Empires II" has always been best enjoyed with friends, and that hasn't changed with the HD edition. Over many years, I've spent thousands of hours playing the game, mostly in the company of friends, just like in the good old LAN party days. The ability to ally with or compete against other players provides endless hours of enjoyment and challenge. Although I haven't engaged much online, as despite my long gaming experience, I'm still somewhat of a noob and have little interest in precise build orders or shortcuts, it hasn't diminished my love for the game. I still enjoy it in a relaxed and casual manner, and that's something I've always appreciated about "Age of Empires II".

Overall, the game is a worthy remake of a timeless classic. It preserves the essence of the original while appealing to new players with its modernized look and accessible gameplay. For me, it's not just a game but a source of endless joy and memories that I'll continue to enjoy for many years to come.

⭐ Rating: 5/5

HD remake of a classic game. Finished a few campaigns.

i play aoe when i want to play not too strategic strategy games

Simplesmente um clássico insubstituível

I have had it in my library forever but got discouraged by the complexity and long matches. I gave it another shot last week and found it to be enjoyable and addictive. hopefully, I will stick with it and it won't go back to being buried in my backlog.


Lo jugaba de pequeña con mi prima y recuerdo que me encantaba. A día de hoy me regalaron la versión HD de Steam y junto con amigos nos marcábamos partidas de horas. Sin duda uno de mis juegos favoritos.

playing this with seven of the lads after school when we were 17 will always be a treasured memory

Lots of fun playing this with the boys and at school LAN parties.

Get cucked frenchman, aceept the korean supremacy

This game is fantastic, my absolute favourite RTS game. The soundtrack is fantastic, the graphics are nice and clear and the gameplay is just too engaging that you just lose hours upon hours. Besides multiplayer I have finished the Jeanne d'Arc campaign and it was incredible.

Turns out being really obsessed with Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds does not mean you now instantly love the AoE games. Who knew?

Lo jugaba mucho de chavo, pero creo que nunca he termindao la campaña, aún así un clásico

Fue una de las joyitas de mi infancia, y no me arrepiento de haberle dedicado tantas horas, pero ya no siento que sea un juego para mi. No estoy interesado en entrar en el ambiente competitivo o volver a jugarlo, por lo que quedara en mis recuerdos y mi memoria.

Im not smart enough for this game

Absolute classic. Besides the gameplay, what makes this game stand out is the main menu UI. Such a cool idea to have a medieval town as the backdrop. Its very on theme and feels very natural. Also love the rugged parchment look.

The campaign presentation and voice acting is also super immersive.

Le metí el mod de MLP en este juego, y vaya que si merece la pena, mis dieces la verdad.

This was cool and all but then they released a Definitive Edition and made it moot.

Age of Empires II is a really fun game to play. I enjoy the stage progression and the CPUs don't just wait till the end to attack which keeps you on your toes. I wouldn't call it the best in the series because it is more tribal and 1400s esc warfare compared to 3 and 4. There is nothing wrong with it but sometimes I have more fun with more modern warfare.

Fun game in my childhood, don't think I'd enjoy it as much anymore.