Reviews from

in the past

i genuinely thought this game was a lucid dream of 8 year old me and i just made it up

I don't know which Rataouille for DS I played, I only really remember the cooking games and I don't think those were the frenzy ones. Anyway, I enjoyed it when I was in elementary school and I probably wouldn't now. But anything Rataouille is instantly charming! I guess I completed it?

Honestly this game is pretty average and doesn't have very much content overall. The ending was so hilarious though. Like they don't even try to keep with the same plot as the movie and it happens so suddenly that I was in a laughing fit for a good 30 seconds I swear.


otimo jogo mas infelizmente não consegui zerar devido sua extensa lore

That dang water level… left kid me shivering in his boots!


O jogo tem elementos bons e é divertido até, mas os controles são péssimos e muitas coisas foram extremamente mal planejadas, paredes invisíveis, a câmera parece ter vida própria, hitbox toda mal feita etc. Todos os elementos do jogo vão dar problema alguma hora e isso estressa, não tem como ficar bom em algo que já foi feito errado. Não só isso como também é outro nível quando se fala em repetição, toda fase tem uma perseguição chata no final em que a câmera não ajuda em nada e outros 19 coisas que foram reaproveitadas.

Eu não esperava muito, tanto que a forma como a história é contada era exatamente o que eu esperava, mas achei que pelo menos ia ser um jogo vazio mas divertido de se jogar. Não foi. Zerei pela nostalgia de infância e nunca mais pretendo jogar de novo.

Esse era pica, a minha irmã era boa dms nesse, slk.

I'd started this game the day I watched the movie, but I thought the game broke so I gave up on it.
The next day, I downloaded a ROM of the rare (in Europe) GameCube port, but it was in French, and while playing it I was like "...what am I doing with my life?" and turned the PS3 version back on and completed it.

The GameCube version corrupted a 64GB USB drive and the PS3 version almost lost me a decades worth of save data and other precious digital items when the hard drive got dislodged.
Obviously it's not the games fault but it's just funny that every time I tried to play this game, the systems I tried playing them on just broke.
I blame that damn rat.

Ratatouille for PS3 is a pretty decent 3D platformer game that's not dissimilar to Battle For Bikini Bottom (although it's done by the same developers). I enjoyed it, but it still had its hangups.

The game predates the DualShock 3, so the primary "cool function" of the PS3 at the time this release was the Sixaxis tilt controls, which is used annoyingly often here.
Luckily, you can switch it off, but that doesn't help much.

There's a bunch of objects you can interact with but they blend in too much with the environment, the only thing distinguishing them from other objects is a thin, glowing, blue line.
Like most thin blue lines, they don't do the job they're meant to be doing.
It needs to be more distinct because I thought my game was broken at first.

A lot of these interactable objects are also really hard to use, you basically have to spam either Jump or Interact until something happens.

The game itself features 5 "levels", each with 5 missions, plus a hub world.
There are charms in most, if not all of the places you visit throughout the game but you don't actually need to collect them all to complete the main story (I thought you had to at least grab a certain amount to progress but that's not the case).

Once you complete a set amount of missions you have a "heist" mission where you have to do a few things in a time limit (usually 10 minutes), and then you get a Crash Bandicoot style running segment where the camera is facing towards you and you have to do annoying parkour.

Those running segments are the most annoying part of the game and I'm glad I'm through with them. Some objects kill you instantly while others only remove one health point, and you can never tell which.
You can also just up and die out of the blue sometimes.

Do this stuff enough times and you complete the game.
Hidden around the game, however, are little Ratatouille icons that unlock extras.

These extras are just concept art for the movie and game, but completing the game gives you a 2-part short documentary on the making of the movie.

Overall, this game is fun on PS3 but it can be a little unforgiving at times.
I'd recommend you use an original PS3 controller (as in, a DualShock 3) for the best experience.

This was one of my first Ds games … god knows why

Cooking minigame is the bane of my existence

po, é maneiro mas tem uns problemas meio graves. Fiz todas as fases bônus e aquilo foi tortura. Zerado em 6 horinhas.

The racing game was unfar, my PSP joystick was drifting.