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The Surge 2 is a very decent sequel to the first game, continuing the souls-like gameplay style. Personally, I found The Surge 2 to be a significant improvement over The Surge 1 in several areas, and it provided a slightly more challenging experience.

The Surge 2 feels better in almost every department. The gameplay is smoother, the mechanics are more refined, and the overall experience is more polished compared to its predecessor. The combat system, which is a crucial part of any souls-like game, feels more dynamic and responsive.
Visually, The Surge 2 is a step up from the first game. The game’s setting feels more alive and engaging, making exploration more enjoyable.

One of my favorite improvements is the boss fights. The Surge 2 offers a greater variety of bosses with better design and mechanics. Unlike The Surge 1, which only had around five boss fights, The Surge 2 provides more challenging and memorable encounters.

The Kraken DLC, was not very long, sitting at about two hours, but it was a nice addition.
It took me around 30 hours to achieve 100% completion in The Surge 2.
Overall, I would recommend both The Surge games to fans of the souls-like genre. While The Surge 2 is an improvement and offers a better experience, don't skip the first one.

Finally beat this. I stopped at Ezra Shields for a year, came back, and whooped his ass in one-try, and basically just cleaned house through the rest of the game.

This is my new favorite souls-like, I adore The Surge games cyberpunk presentation, and while the Surge 1 focused more on a sci-fi horror System Shock thing, The Surge 2 goes for what I can only describe as a 90's Anime OVA aesthetic. This includes the mediocre voice acting, which I think is a POSITIVE. Even though I said it was my favorite Souls-like, I do ultimately think that calling it a Souls-like is what has doomed some really underappreciated gems from getting their day in the sun. These games have similar verbs to Dark Souls but ask different things of you, and I know Souls fans struggle with anything that isn't I-frames and dodge rolling, but there are other ways to approach game design!

I want to write a more in-depth review later, but I enjoyed the hell out of this entire game. The boss fight with Delver was so good I messaged Deck13 on Twitter to tell them it was the best boss fight ever. The level design is just as complex and winding as The Surge 1's, and I found the story compelling if unfortunately undercooked. I think what is clearly a tight-budget has to do with that. Honestly, I would prefer static shots with no voice acting if I could get more world building, which Deck13 are really good at.

Deck13 are one of our most important developers, as I would DIE for more AA games like this that are incredibly ambitious while also being really solidly put together. The size and scope of a game that costs probably the fraction of a Dark Souls title is awe-inspiring and I really hope they continue to have success.

I'm puzzled why these games don't have difficulty modes though. I don't see any reason there can't be difficulty options, these games could be so much more well-liked if there was an easy or normal mode to cut your teeth on its mechanics. Ninja Gaiden Black has easy mode fellas we don't need to act like we're above it.

Also the directional parry rules, A+ work guys.

A good improvement on the first game. Gameplay is fun, I find it to be kinda easy, but not extremely. I did not enjoy the Boss fights very much, they are ok, but felt very underwhelming to me. I was interested in the story since The Surge 1, and it really became boring to me near the end. Overall a good game, would recommend buying during a sale.

The surge 2 improves some core mechanics within the first game with a more open yet more dangerous environment.

Not to mention the grizzly combat and some action rpg mechanics. If you like it the first go for it.

Good game that takes what made its predecessor stand out from other similar games and improves the setting. It also adds more bosses, which were lacking in number in the first game, and reduces the danger that trash mobs pose.

Overall it is a fairly enjoyable game that, due to the introduced parry mechanic, is way too easy for the genre.

I also really enjoyed the setting in the DLC.

This review contains spoilers

Nota Final:
6,75/10 (RECOMENDO)

Contagem de Pontos
Gráficos: 7
Gameplay: 7.5
Controles: 7
História: 6
OST (Trilha Sonora): 6.5
SFX (Efeitos Sonoros): 6.5

Resumo e Experiência

The Surge 2 foi minha primeira experiência com um jogo Soulslike.
Apesar do que as pessoas falam de jogos do gênero, esse não chegou a ser um jogo tão difícil. Mas isso não quer dizer que o jogo não tenha seus desafios, principalmente com alguns "inimigos comuns" que são muito resistentes. Bosses, por outro lado, tive problemas com alguns deles, mas nada que uma pausa de um (1) dia, ou algumas horas (ou um vídeo de gameplay no Youtube, XD) , não dê uma refrescada na mente para poder enfrentá-lo novamente.
A história eu achei confusa. Desde o começo me vi como um personagem ordinário que saiu de um hospital. Depois saiu metendo o "Zaralho" em todo mundo na tentativa de salvar uma criança, simplesmente porque começou a escutar a voz da mesma na sua cabeça. Após disso, virou uma espécie de "Guerreiro". Senti que a história existia apenas para você ter um caminho para seguir. Como não joguei o primeiro The Surge, não sei se acabei por perder uma parte da história.
A gameplay é super divertida. O jogo te incentiva a jogar com as diversas armas que o jogo possui para poder lidar com os diversos tipos de inimigos que você irá enfrentar. Assim, você sempre irá querer procurar por novas armas para montar o seu arsenal.
Sobre as armas, elas tem suas variações. As armas terão suas categorias e terão suas diferenças de aparência e de "Move-Set" (Padrão de ataque), mesmo sendo da mesma categoria. Mas algumas delas terão "Move-Sets" idênticos, com as únicas diferenças sendo a aparência e os statos da arma.

O jogo apresenta duas mecânicas básicas para que a progressão no jogo seja facilitada em "300%":
1° - Mecânica de Parry (A que soa mais óbvia para jogadores veteranos do gênero)
2° - Finalizações com desmembramentos.

1° - Parrys
Com os Parrys, você conseguirá deixar o seu inimigo vulnerável por alguns segundos (o famoso Stun) para receber todo dano que você puder dar. Mas não se afobe, pois com a sua barra se Estamina (presente em muitos jogos do gênero) será consumida por cada movimento que você realize; como ataque, a esquiva e o próprio parry.
Dominar essa mecânica é essencial para que, a cada parry bem realizado, você recarregue uma barra de energia. Essa barra recarrega a cada golpe realizado no inimigo (dependendo da arma utilizada, carregará mais rápido) e realizando parrys, a maneira mais rápida de carregar a energia. Com essa barra você poderá executar ações importantes, como carregar itens de cura.

2° - Finalizações com desmembramentos.
Para realizar uma Finalização, você também precisará de barras de energia. Essa mecânica é essencial não por ser "maravilindo" cortar o seu inimigo no meio e ver sangue jorrando, mas para conseguir armas novas e peças para seu set de armaduras.
Cada inimigo poderá ser atacado na Cabeça, Tronco, Braço Direito e Esquerdo e Perna Direita e Esquerda. Os inimigos que você encontrar estarão usando alguma peça de armadura em uma (1) ou mais partes do corpo, que poderão ser arrancadas dos seus inimigos com essas finalizações e montadas novamente para você as equipar. É sempre bom, ao entrar em uma luta, analisar o inimigo para ver se ele possui alguma peça que você não tenha. Dessa forma, você sempre poderá ter peças novas para montar seu Set de Armadura.

Espero que essa avaliação seja útil C:

I never got to finish The Surge. I appreciated its limb tearing but it was not enough to have me hooked on. Now, The Surge 2, steps up its game. With a better enemy variety, better close-knit levels and far more enjoyable bosses, it made me happy that I somehow got to embrace the franchise eventually. Being still the most of souls-likes in High Fantasy settings, a sci-fi take is very well noteworthy.

Mejor que el primero, aunque irónicamente, me ha pasado como el primero: al principio me ha costado de tragarlo, pero cuando me hizo pop, no hubo stop.
Es un poco tosco, pero es un buen soulslike.

i need more of this parry system i need so much more

So the surge 2 is pretty great actually.

I didn't really expect much from this game given that it's a 'soulslike' but I'm honestly pretty impressed by it after finishing. Really strong AA game that manages to be real unique in its aesthetic and gameplay. The story and lore isn't much to write home about, but I still found much of the world and characters to be pretty charming, even the middle-of-the-road, cheesy voice acting.

The combat, exploration, and weapon/build variety are the main strengths of the game and where I got the most enjoyment out of surge 2. Combat operates as the usual with the souls formula but relies less on evasion and more on directional parrying and blocking to break down enemy defenses and eventually dismember them in an impressively satisfying way. Though I wish the direction prompts weren't locked to a certain implant, I got so much fun in learning enemy patterns and delivering sick counters in both the regular enemy encounters and the bosses, the latter of which especially were surprisingly fun such as the fight against the Delver bosses. Combat kicked ass in the surge 2 and was very rewarding with the dismember system used against enemies.

Depending on what limbs are cut off, certain weapons, armor schematics or materials are dropped and this feeds into crafting new armor sets with certain bonuses and upgrading stats and equipment. Weapons and set variety is huge and I ended up swapping between so many across my time in the game that it's hard to pick a favorite; maybe the punching gloves, spears, and twin-rigs as weapon type favorites because of the cool combos that can be pulled off with a combination of horizontal and vertical attacks. New Game Plus will certainly make digging into the depth of these options just as satisfying and even more as it was the first time.

Exploration across the game's zones blew me away with the smart and deliberate level design of areas like Downtown Jericho City and the Underground. Many zones contain numerous beaten paths and hidden ones that usually result in scrap, weapons, gear, logs, and other valuable rewards that further encourage searching every corner of the map which thankfully isn't too large or too small, and felt pretty perfect in scale. Unlocking shortcuts such as previously locked doors, magnetic lifts, and zip lines felt so gratifying and made sure traversal across each map each time never got monotonous. The developers really outdid themselves with this aspect as I'd say it's as strong and addicting as the exploration and shortcuts found in the Dark Souls games.

Deck13 surprised me with the Surge 2 and I probably wouldn't have got this game if I didn't dig into their catalogue after becoming interested in their new game Atlas Fallen. They are definitely a studio I will keep my eye on now as this was a great AA game that lives up to the 'soulslike' name without any severe problems holding it back besides the narrative, characters, and world/lore. On my knees for the surge 3 from these folks when/if that does happen, and with even more budget put behind it because the surge 2 absolutely rules and this series deserves to get another follow-up.

what do you mean it's better it's literally the same thing

A definite improvement from the first game, big fan of the directional parry system. Weapon combos still feel pretty finnicky but I enjoyed the new spear, hammer, and especially punching glove weapons (I couldn't get into double-duty though). Areas were much more aesthetically appealing to explore than the first game although still almost as confusing. I wish the bosses were a bit more challenging, didn't die more than twice to any of them

So I didn't review the first one but I did complete and quite enjoyed it. Lemme say that Surge 2 improves vastly over 1. I mean everything is honestly better. My favorite thing in this game are the directional parries and limb cutting (you do this to get your enemie's gear btw) Its just so incredibly satisfying. The pace of the combat in these games is comparable to Sekiro and Bloodborne. I know these titles have reputations either negatively or positively and for various reasons but I am more of the latter. If you enjoy souls-likes but with a different twist, definitely check it out.

I respect the attempt, and there is some fun to be had with The Surge 2, but ultimately it is another soulsborne game beliving that difficulty and shortcuts are what makes From Software's games great. The levels frequently confuse complex Level Design with good Level Design, directional parries are either frustrating to read (when the enemy has bad tells) or overpowered (when the enemy has good tells), and the option to target different body parts to earn different equipment is cool in theory but gets tedious in practice.

Still, the moment to moment gameplay is solid and most of the bossfights I saw were challenging but enjoyable

Well, after 24 hours of gameplay and staying up until 2:30 am (which turned out to be 1:30 because of daylight savings), I can confidently say that this game is pretty good. The story is awful dogshit, but I think you already knew that. The mechanics are incredibly clean and fit well. The back and forth between melee beating and drone potshots makes for really entertaining battles. The part/limb breaking system is an awesome touch, making grinding feel rewarding and making boss fights feel more even. The one main gripe I have is just how much they reuse bosses in this game. For a game that only took me in actuality 18 hours to beat, there is no excuse to reuse the Delver beast or living statues at all. Other than that thought, very fun game, and please skip every cutscene. <3

Faster than it's first game with a lot more you can do, also just a more fully fleshed combat system, get this game 100% over the sequel, you won't miss much outside of a few story points and a character from the first game making an appearance in an optional content in this game. The bosses are better, the game is less frustrating, better level design, games has higher production value, etc etc.

Heavily underappreciated soulslike with a deep combat system and an interesting setting. Some difficulty spikes are annoying

Gameplay is a huge improvement over the first game but its story overall is quite weak and quite forgettable. The customization is when the game really gets good and a handful of the bosses give out quite a challenge.