Reviews from

in the past

I think I'd played Starcraft before we got this one, but I still thought it was awesome. RTS gameplay with actual historical units (give or take a wololo), boats, and siege vehicles seemed like a great premise for a game. And as with most RTS games I got way more into playing the campaigns than any actual multiplayer against other humans. I did usually end up resorting to using cheats though, as I think the extensive micro-managing of units and buildings was too much for me as a kid. For as much as I liked battling with actual ballistas and archers, I also enjoyed calling in the convertible sports car with a rocket launcher-toting driver.

My first RTS. Actually got this game out of a cereal packet... those were the days.

WOLOLOOO, el mejor juego de estrategia para mi, me encantaba este juego, mis dieces, recomendado.

It may be the bias of a 'game played every day of my childhood', but this is one of the best strategy games I have ever played!
Amazing RTS game, amazing AOE entry.

Fantastic game for its time. Though not my literal first game, I consider it to be. It was the first game I was really into, rather than just filling time at grandma's.

I got this game in a packet of Nutrigrain in 2002! Unfortunately, I could never figure this one out. It's not necessarily a bad game, just one I could never vibe with. As a result, I think it would be disingenuous for me to give it a positive review.

Playing this game with friends was just amazing for weekends.

During my Bionicle script writer era I'd, on the sides, do scrip writing on this game. I love it for that

Strong 8

Spent like half of my pc gaming childhood just playing this game over and over. Sometimes I would edit the map so that the enemy was boarded off on the edge of the map so I could just build towns haha. Amazing time.

Meu eu criança achava que esse jogo era um city builder.

9/10. One of my first PC games, easily the best thing I ever got from a cereal box.

Never got good at the game and the genre is not for me, but I liked progressing my civilisation, and even playing around in custom mode, using the game almost as a city builder. Sometimes I’d stay Stone Age and have an expansive army of clubmen and axemen, trying to take on armoured phalanxes and siege weapons. And of course the cheats were classics.

i love this game only has men but you can still create new borns from the gay factory

De retomarlo, lo haría en la Definitive Edition.

Excellent game mechanics for the era it was released. Plus the cheats were always fun.
Campaign was a little boring.