Reviews from

in the past

Cool little spy point and click game, not much of a phone gamer but picked this up on a whim due to having an itch for a spy game for whatever reason and what I got was a cute, short point and click puzzle game. Puzzles are pretty easy but fun to figure out and make you feel acomplished, great art design as well, if you are a fan of old school puzzle games or something like I Spy, I think you will like this one


guys guess what. i really like puzzle games. i have played this game twice it’s very fun. and it’s short - you could finish it in less than a day! cute & campy spy family-friendly fun all around

silly puzzle game with mysterious french spy trope

as i'm continuing on my click em up kick, i find myself more and more frustrated by puzzle centric games with slow sweeping transitions that can't be skipped

this is REALLY bad in that regard

it'd be a relaly great game otherwise! it's basically one big escape room (as well as one smaller separate more traditionally-constructed escape room in the middle) and that part of it is great, but wow i hated navigating the world a lot

Agent A is a simple, solid puzzle game with the energy of a Saturday-morning cartoon. The 1960s retromodern spy themes are cool, if at least a tad cliche, and the art is neat and well done. I don't have much to say otherwise, apart from that it's generally fun.

Wannabe The Room. Akorát je to celé o poznání více "na pohodu". Což s ohledem na to, že již trilogie The Room nebyla žádný mozkolam, v podstatě znamená, že vás čeká oddychové neznatelné polechtání mozkových závitů s "jakože puzzly" v "jakože epizodách" a "jakože v adventurním hávu".

Děj sice je, ale v podstatě by bylo lepší kdyby nebyl. Hádanky i puzzly jsou všechny ohrané, jinde viděné a bez nápadu i invence. Zabere to necelé čtyři hodiny; a to ještě čtvrtina herní doby je nahnána honěním hráče přes "celou mapu" tam a zpátky ve finálních dvou kapitolách a jedním podpásovým zákysem. Ono to vůbec má nezvykle nevyrovnané tempo a průběh. První kapitola skončí tak rychle, že ji ani nestihnete zaznamenat. S druhou a třetí se to má také tak. Kupříkladu třetí je jedna místnost na cca 10 - 20 minut. Jenže čtvrtá a pátá kapitola se otevřou, rázem to spíše než soubor činností připomíná (vzdáleně, ale přeci jen) klasickou adventuru; aktivitami i designem. Jeden si až říká, co se stalo, že se to tak radikálně odklonilo. Zda ty první kapitoly jsou jen odfláknuté "aby se to už už vydalo" a ty dvě se pak dodělávaly už pořádně. Ve výsledku to nic nemění na tom, že rozdělení na epizody je výsměch, protože celý titul (ano, titul nikoli epizoda) je prostor jedné chaty a několika lokací kolem ní.

Navzdory nespokojenému mručení, se to dá doporučit. Pokud tedy hledáte puzzle oddechovku na jeden večer, u které (paradoxně) nechcete vůbec přemýšlet, tak nemusíte hledat dále. Ano, je to příliš krátké, nedotažené v konceptu i jednodušší než jednoduché, ale chytlavé a zábavné to ve výsledku je, ne že ne. A tak to po ty necelé čtyři hodiny vypnout chtít nebudete. Někdy (kupříkladu po náročném dni v práci) i to ke spokojenosti stačí.

Pretty good adventure game with a few challenging puzzles and some annoying backtracking. None of the puzzles were too difficult.

Fun puzzles. Story a bit random.

Agente A é um jogo de escape room bem focado na temática de espiões. Ou em outros termos, espere um point and click repleto de puzzles e sem muito do lance de combinações no inventário.

Fiz um review em video aqui:
Mas se preferir continuar lendo...

Resolver um problema pode ser somente um ponto em algo bem maior, como desarmar uma bomba. Com alguns destes se mostrando fundamentais somente ao final do game.

Digo isso, pois, apesar de termos capítulos, o jogo é quase um pseudo micro mundo aberto. Logo você pode estar no último local e ter de voltar lá pro comecinho para saber o que fazer. Portanto, é, tem bastante backtracking, mas tudo na escala de uma casa grande e não de um mundo gigantesco interligado.

Durante a aventura, além de achar segredos, armadilhas e passagens secretas, temos vários diálogos muito engraçados e um enredo competente para o tema escolhido.

Nenhum puzzle aparenta ser impossível, mas o jogo tem sim uma certa dificuldade em alguns momentos. A maioria dos quebra-cabeças envolvem lógica típica de filmes de espionagem ou necessitam de uma pista de outro segmento que envolve memorização. Num ponto que inclusive recomendo meter o print mesmo haha.

No geral Agent A é super competente e divertido, principalmente por NUNCA sair muito do seu tema central. Um dos melhores escape rooms que existe.

O melhor jogo point and click que já joguei. História cativante, arte INCRÍVEL, puzzles ótimos e dificuldade equilibrada.

Absolutely loved this game, Exploration, Puzzle, Adventure, Story, it has everything you'd want in this genre. Everything in the environments that you explore are important, gameplay is solid, controls are simple and effective. Story is good. Nice short game to keep you thinking. Graphics fit the style of game. Really enjoyed getting all achievements. Fully recommend - 9/10

Não zerei mas o pouco que joguei me cativou muito, os puzzles são muito bem construídos

Nice art, fun story, gameplay what it advertises, I'm just bad at point n click

Orra jogo bom para o preço dele

Point and Click gostosinho com uma história bacana, visuais bons e fluido (n tinha a sensação de ficar preso em alguma parte sem saber oq fazer durante horas)

Fun puzzle game but the story is predictable.

If you're looking for a mysterie to solve, tangle tower and jenny leclue are better. But if you've played those and this one is on sale, it will do the job

Siendo del mismo estudio que "Down in Bermuda" me quedo con este juego infinitamente.
Algo más larguito (unas 4 horitas) lo cual es una duración ideal para expresar sus mecánicas sin llegar al punto que notas que se empieza a hacer repetitivo. Sus puzles los noto bastante inteligentes y justos el 90% de las veces, pero ese 10% restante te clavan algunas soluciones que son ciertamente abstractas.
La historia es absolutamente irrelevante, no juegas a estos juegos por su historia la verdad.

No se le puede sacar mucha mas chicha: es un muy buen juego de puzles (más bien una escape room), con un apartado visual cuidado y bonito que aunque en general ni reinvente la rueda ni lleve a nuevos extremos sus mecánicas es sin duda una gratísima experiencia.

It didn't challenge me too much, although there were some challenging parts, but it's a good puzzle game.

Nice escape room with a cool visual style. Nothing fantastic, but a chill game to relax with.

A very nice Escape Room game with a spy movie mood. The puzzles aren't too obtuse, but the game isn't too easy either. I think it's a sweet puzzle game, with nice graphics and music.

Core older style adventure game with tons of style.