Reviews from

in the past

This was the first 3D fighting game I ever played which is probably why I only liked 2D fighting games.

There is a two month period between September 9, 1995 and November 8, 1995 where buying this game at retail, probably for $49.99 USD, could be justified. From that point on, and going forward till the time of this posting, I refuse to believe anyone has given a shit about BAT. Show me the Mizuumi page for any game in this series and I'll delete this post.

If there's any game I would argue has aged horribly, it's this.

Achei o jogo bem básico,eu sei que ele é um dos primeiros jogos do PlayStation mas ele tem pontos altos e baixos,na versão que joguei ela é bem travada e os inimigos são muito apelões,mas ele tinha potencial na época que saiu e tem uns gráficos bons

The first Playstation game I ever played. You get an extra half-star.

Thirty-first GOTW finished for 2023. It was interesting to play a fighting game that's arguably considered a piece of history for weapon-based 3D fighting games. The bones of games to come can easily be seen here, in a "Toshinden crawled so Soul Blade could run" sort of way. I didn't really have a handle on the special moves, but the dodge mechanic was mostly good, and each character felt pretty unique to play. Opponents being able to super out of lying down with basically no frames was hella annoying, as were some unclear hitboxes and wildly differing damage values between player and CPU. This one also suffers from a crazily overpowered final boss that is at least mercifully very slow. Fighting games aren't really my jam, but it was fun to visit this piece of it's history.