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The original Half-Life game has always been one of my favorite FPS games (potentially my favorite single player FPS unless you want to count Portal 2), so of course I was definitely interested in Black Mesa as a remake of the game, and on that note... yeah Black Mesa is really damn good.

I know it's a bit corny to be like "haha the fans did it better" but considering how Half-Life: Source was pretty... middling, to say the least, even just as a Source port, I really feel Black Mesa takes much better advantage of the Source engine by just, well, recreating all the assets and art within the engine, resulting in the game just looking visually gorgeous overall - to the point where it doesn't look out of place with more modern FPS games and is easy to forget that it's based off of a game from 1998. I really liked the atmosphere of the original as it is, but Black Mesa enhances it with improved lighting and models. Xen especially looks absolutely gorgeous with the environment, lighting and just seeing all the creatures of space around you in the sky and whatnot.

Not to mention, in addition to being a massive visual overhaul, the game does make some changes to the original gameplay and stage design. This does make it a bit less faithful as a remake to the original, but at the same time I think the aspects that were remade mostly bring about an even better experience. In addition to just being so much nicer looking, Xen in general is a lot more 'cohesive' in this game - whereas in the original it was basically just a bunch of floating platforms that you could get past in a few minutes, Black Mesa actually has you exploring the planet - still involving platforming but taking you through a few different environments with a greater focus on puzzles throughout the journey. It just makes it feel a lot more 'alive', and more like an actual planet, rather than in the original where it was basically just kind of a video game level thrown together. Plus, while this is a bit more related to the story rather than the core game design, I also really liked how Interloper (the final chapter before the final boss) had you interacting with the Vortagaunts in the context of their own society, which without spoiling too much, actually kind of provides some context why they appear more friendly in Half-Life 2 despite being common enemies in the original.

If I did have a criticism on a game design level though, it's that the Interloper chapter does feel a bit too drawn out in my opinion. I think a lot of it just comes down to there being a ton of 'conveyour' sections which you basically have to stand and wait for periods of time while occasionally fighting enemies and avoiding hazards, with the puzzles and setpieces towards the end of the stage kind of just getting more repetitive to the point where about halfway in I was just constantly wishing the chapter would end already.

Otherwise, the same gameplay of Half-Life 1 is pretty much intact - the gunplay and movement especially feels just as good here as they did in the original and there's a really good use of the game's environments in finding ways to traverse.

My only other major criticism of any sort is that the native Linux version of this game is pretty broken. I started the game via the native Linux version and I pretty much immediately noticed issues with the lighting where reflections and shadows would constantly flicker and appear 'broken up' for lack of a better word on top of just being inconsistent with the environment in general (sometimes the lighting would completely change/cut out just by walking two steps in the same exact area and room), and I also noticed some objects that I assume were from later parts of the game appearing transparently through the walls of the room I was in. Plus, after looking it up, I did see quite a few reports of people experiencing massive frame drops throughout the game but I didn't really play the game's native Linux version long enough to really run into anything like that. The next solution was playing the game's Windows version through Proton and that worked better but at the same time, I did run into somewhat frequent stuttering and frame drops, plus the game crashing pretty frequently even after I turned down the settings. Lo and behold, I didn't run into these issues when I ultimately decided to play through the rest of the game on my actual Windows partition on the exact same hardware and at Max settings (at worst the frame rate dipping to ~30FPS at some intense points towards the end of the game). I say all that to warn you, if you're playing this game on Linux, I would recommend playing the game through Proton, but even then you might have to expect some issues. Also I guess the loading screens did feel a bit long but that's kind of just a weird quirk of the Source engine and I imagine it'd be better on an SSD.

But yeah, good fucking game and would definitely recommend playing it if you liked the original Half-Life.

A polished, rock solid game that sets the standard of how remakes should be done. Only complaint is that the Xen levels felt like the ending of "Return of the King" in that they went on for way too long.

Bel remake, ma forse troppo lungo.

Me lo sono goduto poco perché salvavo di continuo e mi perdevo come un perusi

box opening simulator (2020 edition)

oyun keşke nereye gideceğimizi de gösterse kaybolup durdum onun dışında bayaaa iyi oyun

Dios, cómo me ha rabiado este juego. La última parte a partir de entrar en el portal, lo mejor.
El jefe final jesusito me costó.

fixes xen literally definitive half life experience for new players imho

no words can describe just how an immaculate masterpiece this game is.. go play it for yourself..

For a remake started in 2004 to 2015. it looks good

it's like, a very competent game and plays very well but also it just... sort of keeps dragging on.... and on... ended up feeling burnt out and shelving it for now.

There are few games out there with a reputation quite as strong as Half-Life, and as a result, it was one of the few games that, until I had recently started playing this remake, I actively avoided anything that could possibly be perceived as a spoiler. I knew that the player character's name was Gordon Freeman. I knew the game was an FPS that featured 3D platforming. I knew the game had a sequel that left the story unfinished, and I knew that a gravity gun was involved somewhere in the series. That's it. That's all I knew going in. From what I've read online this game does an excellent job of remaining faithful to the original, so I will be moving forward from here assuming as much. Having now finished the game I can see why the original made such a big splash in the pre-halo landscape. That said, my own time here was decidedly mixed to put it mildly. The gunplay bothered me the whole time. The built-in aiming mechanic was basically useless and hip-firing was a gamble even at the best of times, which wouldn't have been so bad if the levels weren't so ridiculously long. I used to think Halo's the Ark or the Covenant were long, but those are nothing compared to some of the levels here. And then, of course, it wouldn't be a PC gaming experience with the thing that really dragged out the whole process of playing the game: performance issues. The game crashed on me constantly in every chapter. Usually it would just close the game window and boot me to the desktop, but there were a couple of times it locked up my entire computer to the point that I had to manually shut it down. One such instance occurred at the tail end of chapter 17. Only this time, I got a bonus surprise. All the saves I'd had stored for safety purposes for the last 4 chapters were gone except for the two most recent ones, which were corrupted and unusable. I did my best to play fair, but when the game goes and deletes my saves I have no issue using console commands to get back to where I was before, which is what I did in this case. I can honestly say that without that I would've dropped the game. It's mildly interesting to a point. I like the ideas behind its level design and the story is at least somewhat interesting. I still plan on continuing on with the series as a whole, but I seriously doubt I'll be returning to this entry.

A love letter to the original game. The graphics are stunning and the level design faithful. There were some changes to the main progression, like a large ommission of On A Rail, but honestly that is for the better.
A must play.

honestamente, não achei divertido e nem consegui finalizar, mas dizem que é incrível, então, joguem quem puder :P

Would have loved to play it, but it crashes at every other load screen and also randomly, both on native linux and when played through Proton.

played up until xen and then having to abandon it because i was a laptop gamer jerkoff, but after recently upgrading, i am now a chad desktop owner and beat Black Mesa. this game is super mid. i really dont want to go on for a long time explaining it, its just bad.

A bit long in the tooth towards the end but a seemingly faithful recreation of Half Life with more modern graphics. The revamped Xen levels, while stunning, feel sort of out of place.

Öncelikle ben bu oyun ile seriye giriş yaptım. Öncelikle Half Life'ın 1998 yılında sahip olduğu vizyon inanılmaz. Oyunun görev dizaynı, silahları, düşmanları her şeyiyle çıktığı yılın oldukça ötesinde. Half Life gerçekten bir başyapıt olmayı hak ediyor. Gelelim bu oyuna. Oyunun bir fan yapımı işi olması ve uzun yıllardır emek sarf edilmesi çok özel bir durum. Yine de bu remake eksiklere sahip. 1998'de hikaye anlatımı gelişmemiş olabilir ama 2000lerin başından beri bu alanda büyük değişimler mevcut. Maalesef Black Mesa bu konuda kendini hiç geliştirmemiş. Bir de Xen bölümü hakkında düşüncelerimi dile getireyim. Bu bölüm en baştan, yepyeni bir şekilde karşımıza çıkıyor. Müziği çok güzel olsa da ben orada geçirdiğim vakitten keyif aldım diyemem. Kısacası Half Life ortaya koyduğu vizyon ile bir başyapıt. Görevleri, mekanikleri, yarattığı evren günümüzdeki oyunlara taş çıkaracak cinsten. Black Mesa ise güzel bir remake fakat eksikleri olan bir remake. Half Life en yüksek puanı hak etse de Black Mesa 5 yıldızlık bir oyun değil. (Uzunca düşünmemin ardından)

çok iyi duruyor bitiricem ilerde

Half-Life has been on my agenda to beat for quite a while now, and I'm happy that I finally got around to beating Black Mesa. I could never beat the original but this is the definitive way to play the game. Really enjoyable experience throughout, but Xen is pretty crap once you hit the conveyer belts and the final boss was just okay. Loved the atmosphere though and now I can get around to Half-Life Alyx.

i cant express how happy this game makes me. it doesnt replace the original half life and it delivers such a fun experience while pushing the source engine to its limits.

Half-Life must've been mind-blowing back when it initially released, like an actual leap in storytelling and gameplay. Because this remake feels brand-new, and more alive than a lot of FPS games today...

It's Black Mesa, what did you expect. The entire game was honeslty a blast, with amazing combat and a lot of fun to be had. I did think I was tired of the XEN NIGHTMARE TOWER by the end though, and had just about all the fun I could have with it for now. I might come back achievement hunting, but until then.

O equilíbrio perfeito entre ação, exploração, puzzle e história, a master piece dos FPSs, isso é Half Life, e Black Mesa faz jus ao titulo ao qual ele faz o Remake, colocando gráficos belíssimos e transformando a experiência do jogo original em algo mais atual.

Mesmo tendo alguns problemas como alguns crashs e bugs (chegando á um ponto onde necessitei spawnar manualmente por meio do console um item que deveria estar no ambiente), é impossivel não recomendar esse jogo.

Half Life é um marco na história, e Black Mesa sem duvida é a melhor maneira de o experienciar.

Extremely fun! Massive upgrade from the original Half Life that you can appreciate and love with or without playing the original.

melhor remake da historia???