Reviews from

in the past

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood was the first Call of Juarez game I played, and it left a lasting impression. It's a prequel to the original Call of Juarez, following the story of the McCall brothers.

The narrative is really good, capturing the tumultuous journey of Ray and Thomas McCall during and after the American Civil War. The scenery is cool and varied, featuring American Civil War battlefields, The Appalachian mountains, Apache villages, Mexican border towns, Gold mines, Canyons and more. Each location adds to the rich atmosphere of the Wild West.
The gameplay is solid, with the feature of choosing to play as either Ray or Thomas. Each brother has distinct abilities and weapon preferences, making for diverse combat experiences. Ray is a dual-wielding gunslinger, while Thomas excels with rifles and bows. The cover system works well, and the shooting mechanics feel satisfying and distinct.
The duels, while interesting, can sometimes be annoying. Nevertheless, they add a Western feel to the game.
The graphics, though not groundbreaking for a 2009 game, effectively capture the Western vibe. They might not be the best, but they do their job.
The soundtrack is pretty good, one track that stands out is "Mexico Fight" which perfectly complements the intense action sequences.

I can't decide which Call of Juarez game I like more, "Gunslinger" or "Bound in Blood." Both offer unique experiences and excel in different areas. It's a shame that we won't see any more Call of Juarez games, as the series had so much potential.

The button mapping in this game is insane and you can't change any of it besides swapping sticks and shoulders. Sprint is LB? Crouch is L3? Both LT and R3 aim? Bizarre. Plus the god-awful aim assist, so disorienting when you're dual-wielding. Also the crosshairs are so big you can't even fucking see what you're supposed to be shooting at. Unplayable.

Surprised at how good this was. Story was great with the two brothers. Guns felt fun and powerful when using. Only issue is the cover system was a little dated.

One of the best gunplays of all time right there. Killing enemies has never been this fun

bom jogo, devo ter joga a uns 10 anos atras, pretendo revisitar

Review EN/PTBR

A very mid game that doesn't add anything to the story other than the things that was already said in the first game, I have good memories of playing this one on the Xbox 360 when I was younger but replaying it today I don't see what really fascinated me at the time, It's not a bad game, it just doesn't have anything that really stands out.

And by the way, I didn't like the change in dueling style from the first game to this one.


Um jogo bem mediano que não acrescenta nada pra história a não ser as coisas já ditas no primeiro jogo, tenho memórias boas de jogar esse aqui no Xbox 360 quando eu era mais novo mas rejogando hoje não vejo o que que me prendeu muito, não é um jogo ruim, ele só não tem nada que destaque ele muito

E por sinal eu não gostei da mudança do estilo de duelo do primeiro jogo pra esse.

Played as a kid, don't remember much, but I liked it well enough, looks fairly generic in retrospect.

mükemmel oyun müzikleri olsun atmosferi olsun grafikleride oynanır güzel seviyede oynanışı sarıyor Hikayesı harika ilk oyunla tamamen uyuşuyor Juarez hariç

This is definitely one of those "awesome on release, less-so a decade later" games. There's a good number of gameplay mechanics (the lasso, horse-riding, etc.) that differentiate Bound in Blood from your average FPS, but the story is your typical tumble through western tropes, with a pinch of 00s-edginess on top. Yes, it's cool that Marc Alaimo (DS9's Gul Dukat) voices one of the leads, but it's not enough to salvage the rest of that narrative on a replay.

Jogão Demais, um dos melhores desse gênero de Velho-Oeste.

I am just not a fan of this. To me it feels like a lot was stripped from the first game and the dual mechanic was made even worse.

Am I wrong?
I remember this game being quite sluggish and off. I recall the voice acting being horrid and the gameplay not flowing with me, especially being heavily involved with COD at the time of release.

Gameplay - 8
Trilha Sonora - 8
Gráficos - 8
História - 9

Nota - 8.25

Extremely good. The kind of game that needs to be competent both in its gameplay, and its story, and Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, exceeds in both aspects. Gameplay is super fun, removing everything that was unecessary (and boring) in the first game, and keeping just the simple mechanics, making it such a joy to blast your enemies as you listen to the hardest bass known to man; I've heard some complaints regarding the duel mechanic, but I had no problem with it, it was pretty imersive actually, I was on the edge of my seat whenever it happened; concentration mode could be better though.
Now, where this game shines is in its story, I'm not spoiling anything, but let me tell you it's damn good; at first I thought the two protagonists had the same personality (a tough cowboy hardened by the war), but they start to constrast as soon as the story unfolds, but Ray is definetely the protagonist here, and unlike most video games (especially FPSs [especially from the 7th generation]), it does have an actual plot, you don't just run from point A to point B.

Boring ass story and some of the most boring gunplay.

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood es un juego de inicios de PS3, lo cual se nota demasiado en ciertas ocasiones con escenarios un poco vacíos, texturas de baja calidad, malas expresiones faciales y modelados que, a veces, dejan que desear. El nivel técnico también ha hecho mella en otros apartados: el movimiento del personaje, el sistema de apuntado, y el diseño de niveles, si bien no son malos, se les nota ya cierta edad. Call of Juarez Bound in blood visto en perspectiva es un muy buen juego con una premisa original para la época que escapaba de la temática habitual de juegos bélicos, aunque se establece en la guerra de secesión estadounidense, consigue adaptar la trama y estética del cine western a un videojuego, si bien esta tonalidad más seria y menos caricaturizada que su secuela consigue darle al juego un aspecto más adulto no deja de ser el gameplay lo más interesante y aun notándose mucho menos pulido que Gunslinger es muy disfrutable.

Que su apartado técnico no esté tan pulido, le juega muy malas pasadas al gameplay haciendo de ciertas situaciones algo frustrantes si juegas en dificultad alta o muy alta. La dificultad no perdona y, a veces, los enemigos te acertarán desde lugares imposibles o desde mucha distancia, lo que se sentirá frustrante de vez en cuando; el sistema de apuntado no es tan suave como debería y muchas veces fallará el disparo por muy poco lo que te dejará vendido en muchas ocasiones, como fallo destacable está el pésimo FOV de la cámara, al apuntar gran parte de esta se pone borrosa, es molesto al principio aunque luego ya te acostumbras.

Las armas de este juego son pocas, principalmente porque son de la época, pero al contrario, en esta precuela las armas se sienten mucho mejor aprovechadas que en Gunslinger donde el revólver era supereficiente en comparación con otras armas, en Bound in Blood se podría decir que el arco está demasiado OP, sin embargo, este solo está disponible para uno de los hermanos, y definitivamente el gameplay de Ray es mucho más divertido que el de Thomas, quien posee el arco, ya que el juego nos pondrá en situaciones de conflicto directo y ahí es donde Ray destaca mucho más que Thomas, aunque la mayoría de veces el gameplay no cambiará mucho independientemente del hermano que escojamos al principio de la misión.

Thomas posee el arco y los cuchillos permitiéndole hacer incursiones en sigilo, lo cual es divertido, pero se pueden contar esas situaciones con los dedos de una mano, mientras que Ray tendrá una mejor habilidad de concentración y podrá empuñar 1 revólver en cada mano lo que es la habilidad más divertida del juego. Además, Bound in Blood a diferencia de su secuela permite llevar un revólver distinto en cada mano, de cara al gameplay, esto nos permite llevar en una mano un revólver con más cadencia y en la otra uno con más potencia para así poder quemar el gatillo cuando se apelotonen varios enemigos y poder disparar de manera más pausada con la otra con los restantes, sumado a eso el juego también respetará el arma que tengamos en la mano derecha para los duelos, pudiendo así tener un arma más potente o más rápida según nuestra elección, ninguna de estas dos cosas las tiene Gunslinger solo permitiéndonos llevar armas dobles del mismo tipo exclusivamente y solo contaremos con un revólver predeterminado para los duelos.

Los duelos, mecánicamente, no son tan buenos como los de Gunslinger, pero consigue, aun así, ser mucho más divertidos que los de Red Dead Redemption 1 y 2.

En definitiva, este juego no es un AAA actualmente ni siquiera un AA, pero es un juego altamente disfrutable y se merece darle un intento para así experimentar esta carta de amor al salvaje oeste que es Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood

infelizmente, a gameplay ficou extremamente mais fácil, mas continua sendo um jogo extremamente divertido com um enredo envolvente e imersivo(como o primeiro Call of Juarez), so que agora com a liberdade de escolher o personagem que quiser usar, e cada um tem suas vantagens e desvantagens. não vou me alongar muito, mas recomendo para um caralho

Playing this game actually gave me a bigger appreciation for the first game, which is more enjoyable in almost every aspect. While not technically a terrible game, Bound in Blood is average and boring, and they dumbed down or got rid of most of what made the first game enjoyable. I did however enjoy seeing places from the first game and once again playing as Ray.

Such an incredible improvement over the first game . Bound in Blood excels in every department in comparison to the first I am truly amazed. The engine they used clearly is being put to work. Wow!

Amazing game with good memories.

I really liked Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood. It was a great improvement from the previous game and the western cowboy theme is spot on. The mechanics, graphics, sound and voice acting was revolutionary for me at the time and overall, this is just a great piece of gaming history.

For starters, this game has a great story that really sucks you in and let you bond with the two main characters, the McCall brothers. Because, (in my opinion), this is one of those games in which the story is the best/main focus of the game, I will not spoil it.

The mechanics in Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood work great. You can choose to play as Thomas or Ray in almost every stage, giving you new advantages and challenges each time you play. Besides the standard, excellent gunplay and a good function cover system, you can ride horses, achieve headshots on enemies to earn “concentration points”, which you can then use to active slow motion, giving you time to tag up 12 enemies and then enjoy the show as Ray empties both his revolvers in mere seconds, killing all tagged enemies.

Both Ray and Thomas each have different abilities and advantages/disadvantages. Ray is much stronger and beefier, allowing him to kick down doors and take more damage. He is also slower and cannot jump that high. Thomas is much more agile and can use some hillbilly weapons like throwing knives, bows and lasso’s. Trying both brothers in the campaign can be fun and the outcome of play can be different each time.

Graphicly, I think this game looks amazing. The detail in the desert wastelands, the effects of TNT explosions, the polished, accurate weapons of the time period, it was stunning for me back then when I first booted it up.

What makes this game shine however, are the sound effects. Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood is one of those examples in which the sound is near perfect. For me, this really enhances the overall experience. The sounds from firing a rifle or revolver provides your ears with feedback and solid, sharp bangs, making you really feel the shots you just fired. The voice acting is excellent and environmental sounds are also great. In terms of sound, this game would get a 10 out of 10.

I really liked the duels in this game. Normally, you could compare this to some pointless quick time event, like many other games, but here, it was actually intense and I really needed to focus and react quick. The bell rings, the slow motion kicks in, and my hand is shaking the mouse into the right direction with all my fury and tenseness in order to be the first to fire the gun.

The only problem, which still surprises me to this day, is that Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood does not feature any co-op. This is THE game to feature it, one player as Thomas and one as Ray. But for some reason, this was not implemented into the game, Such a shame if you ask me. It would have been great.

Another small issue is the stupid AI. Most of the time, enemies just walk somewhere, sit in a ducking stance or behind a barrel, and just wait for you to put a bullet in their heads.

Overall, I think Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood is a fine piece of work. It tells a great story while offering an intense combat experience.

Definitely recommend this game.

Калда в сеттинге вестерна с говённой стрельбой, отвратительным коричневым месивом на визуале и армиями противников. Коридорные скучные уровни прилагаются. Ничего хорошего в геймплее нет, кроме некоторых придумок вроде дуэлей или ульты-ваншота всех врагов перед собой. Сюжет крутой и глянуть его на Ютубе можно.

it was actually really really good, lot of improvements compared to the first one, still holds up really well

It's crap in terms of sound quality and the story has a lot of logical errors. Even though it connects the first game and the story well, everything seems to have been brought to an end. The gameplay is good. The 2 siblings have their own unique gameplay styles and it really makes a difference, but some parts seem to be designed specifically for one sibling, for example, 2 If you choose Thomas instead of Ray while escaping on horseback in the first level, the enemies will shit you.
and the trench system in the game is not that good, but despite all these drawbacks, it did not bore me while playing because I have a great love for cowboys.

I’ve finished this game on Xbox series x backwards compatibility yesterday and it was awesome and fun!, the quick draws can be hard but it’s perfect for this game, the dual wielding is cool, the gameplay, graphics, music and everything in it is so GORGEOUS for an underrated game franchise like this.

This is fine and all but a big disappointment coming from the first. Felt like a lot of the more immersive elements were thrown out for a more streamlined appearance. The regenerating health that they switched to for this game (and apparently what was used for the 360 port of the first game too) especially make it feel like it's aping Call of Duty and other popular shooters of the time.

Has its moments where it comes close to some of the highlights of the original, but doesn't even come close to reaching the highest highs, there's nothing here as wild and impressive as that climb up the mountain in Call of Juarez 1.

The second game in the series and still no solid duel mechanics