Reviews from

in the past

fun creature collector that is kind of like a love letter and bitter departure from pokemon. I think it lays a foundation for an amazing franchise in the long run, but as it is it has fun exploration, nonlinearity, traversal, and the CB type interactions are very fun. The main problem is the casette beasts themselves. The creatures should always be the highlight of a creature collector, and this is the only one I've played that feels lacking in the creature department. I don't like most of the designs, they dont feel unique enough in their gameplay due to no unique abilities and stats not varying much (or mattering much at all for that matter). The fusion mechanic is fun but very very strong. The overarching story is lackluster but the smaller, character focused stories are pretty good. This game obviously has a LOT of love and care put into it though, so I'm excited to see what comes next out of the devs.

I LOVED this game. Exploring was really fun and i adore damn near all the beasts along with good music, nice characters, and a nice but simple story i really enjoyed this monster tamer game, scratched my Pokemon itch very well

Such a great monster tamer game. Love a lot of the monster designs and animations. Really enjoyed my time with it, especially the first two thirds. The novelty of the combat system and premise kinda wore off towards the end, although I just scratched the surface of tactical possibilities. The finale also was more on the weaker side, because the group feeling between the other teammates wasn't really there, so some stuff didn't have a big emotional impact. But it's extremely impressive, considering it came from such a small team. Had some surprisingly fun movement / platforming-ideas as well and the combat system is really thought-out.

I think it has heart, but I couldn't get into it.

I'd give it half a star more if it had the option to speed up the battles, they are sluggish as hell.

I was initially a little turned off on the random inclusions of stuff like stamina and resources but overall I really loved it! The music is very nice, the story is passable, the characters are pretty cool, the monster designs are great, and the whole combat, while you can get a bit broken pretty easily, is very enjoyable and i love how they incorporated weaknesses in this one as a buff/debuff system instead of straight very effective/not very effective. It's definitely worth checking out, and if you don't jive with it that's fine!

A pretty boring game. Gave it a solid 2 hours and the game progression felt really slow, the music wasn't good, and the voice acting was pretty bad. Capturing mechanic was at least good but I guess it wasn't for me.

A fantastic Pokémon-like with plenty of original ideas and a larger focus on exploration than even S/V. Great mon designs, great music, engaging battle system and particularly interesting spin on how moves work. Will go back to it as soon as I convince a friend to go back with me.

Unlike Temtem, Casette Beasts actually tries to have an identity of its own. Yes it's a Pokemon imitator, but it tries to innovate on the formula, which I respect.

This quickly became one of my favourite games and puts pokemon to shame in every way

genuinely better than most mainline pokemon games have been. Also its a card game that tricks u into thinking it isn't very fun when it has proper online battling/multiplayer will be a must buy for any fan of pokemon.

The charming, other-worldly vibes of Cassette Beasts hooked me very quickly. Sadly, a Pokémon-style RPG just isn't my bag - so I bounced off soon after. But anyone looking for a game in that ballpark would do well to check this out.

Very cool-looking evolution on the pokemon genre that got a little too tedious to be fully enjoyable to me. Still the creative vision for both music and design of cassette beasts and other enemies will be memorable for quite some time.

Loved this. Perfect mix of Pokemon clone and originality. Definitely a little rough around the edges in places (performance, janky gameplay mechanics) but also incredibly accomplished and full of heart. Made primarily by two guys in Brighton so it's hard not to see past its faults. I loved the design, the 2.5D sprite art style was perfect, even if it took me a little while to warm to. The open world aspect was good, but didn't blow me away. Comparing it to Pokemon, I think I prefer to linear town-to-town level design of the older games. Obviously that's nostalgia based and doesn't ring true in the newer Switch games, but still. New Wirral could have a bit more life to it, and lacks the character that some Pokemon worlds have. Still though, top effort.

I loved the exploration! It was simple but beautiful! The soundtrack was great, but I think the highlight for me was definitely the exploration. I enjoyed the battling and finding different combinations with each monster! However, I think one of my main gripes with the game was the ending, as it didn't have as much of an emotional impact on me as I thought it would. But overall, great game, would highly recommend!

I don't think this is a perfect game by any means, but this is absolutely the strongest monster collecter played in a long time. The maybe absolute coolest part is the flexible enemy AI and level scaling.

As a long-time fan of the Pokémon franchise, I've seen plenty of games try and imitate their model to varying degrees of success over the years; Cassette Beasts wears this influence on its sleeve and yet it feels very much like it's own game.

It's only a few minutes into the game that Cassette Beasts starts to iterate on the Pokémon format when you are asked whether your style is 'Sweet' or 'Spooky' and this is what determines your starter. Both options are creatures that are very expressive and memorable whilst being neutral or 'Beast' type, so that their personality can shine through and they will later gain one of two types when you 'remaster' (evolve) them. The game breaks from trend in numerous other ways: having your beasts' level tied to your own so you never have to grind to add a new creature to your party; tying your overworld abilities to capturing certain beasts that make sense contextually (for example, capturing a bullet dinosaur that zooms about allows you to dash and break rocks) and many others.

The charm of the game isn't only found in the monsters however, the game's uses of a 2.5D art style creates the best of both worlds: the freedom of movement found in modern 'open world' Pokémon games and the beautiful sprite work of older titles. The OST is also worth highlighting, there are a variety of battle tracks that have excellent instrumentation in their own right but really come to life when you 'fuse' with your partner and it seamlessly transitions into a vocal track.

On the subject of partners, there are multiple you can team up with throughout the game who all have their own stories you can find out more about by spending time with them. I found these interactions a bit shallow, whilst your partners can start conversations with you at campsites you never really get to ask them questions and as a result they feel closer to the temporary allies you pick up in Pokémon Platinum rather than true companions you might see in a fully fledged RPG like Mass Effect, for example.

The story is serviceable and touches on some interesting themes. Side-quests can be more varied in quality, with Kayleigh's being a standout for me with its exploration of cult mentality.

Thankfully the game is still very high replay value thanks to customisable difficulty scaling and the permadeath and randomiser options you unlock by beating the game for the first time.

Overall I would strongly recommend this game to any fans of monster collecting games, with a lighter recommendation to more general RPG fans since the combat system here has plenty of depth to get stuck into.

A wonderfully creative and engaging game and an excellent take on the creature collecting genre. Amazing creature designs, unique spins on type advantages, capturing, combat and moveset creation. The soundtrack is delightful and I will be listening to the vocal tracks in my day to day life. The characters and story are well written; funny; actually fun to interact with; and feel worthwhile. The boss designs are insane and lovely but I cannot go in depth on that without spoilers. Every little detail of this game is wonderful and I would recommend it if it looks the slightest bit interesting to you.

Sin duda el mejor pokemon-like que he jugado. Si, tiene fallos probablemente derivados de lo pequeño que es el estudio, pero la aventura es muy divertida, retante cuándo debe serlo y otorga mucha variedad de estrategias. La música es muy buena, aunque no haya muchas canciones, y las misiones secundarias tienen su puntillo de interesante, al igual que la principal.

A pesar de recordar a un pokemon, no te dedicas a ir de ciudad en ciudad retando a lideres, es mucho más abierto, con muchísimos secretos por ahí, personajes con los que hablar y sobre todo muchos bichos que pillar. Aquí viene la primera cosita negativa y es que los bichos evolucionan y los diseños son tan interesantes y variados que yo quería probar otro equipo ya entrada en el último tercio, pero las primeras evoluciones son terriblemente malas, y como el juego está bien balanceado casi que te obliga a quedarte con las evoluciones que ya tienes a no ser que captures a algún ser evolucionado y tires de ahí, pero es raro. Irónicamente la dificultad ajustada juega en contra de la personalización, relativamente pronto deberás decidir que vas a hacer con tu equipo. Eso o farmear, claro.

En el juego hay una mecánica de fusión que permite unir a absolutamente todos los bichos del juego con otro, dando un diseño que casi casi parece hecho a mano. Eso son miles y miles de fusiones diferentes, que no es moco de pavo. Si te quieres perder viéndolas y sintiéndote el amo en ese combate, puedes, la barra de fusión sube con rapidez (y hay objetos para subirla). Quizás otra cosa negativa es que hay mucho mucho combate. En el mundo hay minipuzzlecitos para descubrir cosa, pero el resto es combatir todo el rato.

Otra cosa buena es que aun con el equipo montado yo seguía capturando a todo bicho nuevo que veía solo porque quería tenerlos a todos (cosa que no hice, pero no iba a desaprovechar a uno nuevo). Incluso los "shinys" que aquí son bichos de un color y tipo diferente, además de aprender ataques mejores con mayor probabilidad. Entre eso y poder reciclar a los bichos para conseguir algunos de los ataques, si le quieres dar al online tienes toda la profundidad que quieras aquí.

Con respecto a los tipos, no haces más daño si electrocutas a uno de aire, pero si que el pones un estado alterado de que conduce la electricidad, y ahora cada vez que alguien use un ataque eléctrico, se lleva daño. Claro, si dos tienen esta conductividad, y la mayoría de combates son dobles, tu haces un ataque eléctrico a uno, se activa la conductividad de ambos, que a su vez es un ataque eléctrico, de forma que se hacen daño entre sí. Y eso solo una interacción, imaginad el resto.

Pero tranquilos, al principio te dan, literalmente, la tabla de tipos para que no te pierdas y yo la he consultado bastante, sobre todo al inicio cuándo no entendía como interacciona rayo y plástico, por decir algo.

Como últimas dos cosas, la más negativa y la más positiva, si bien a medio camino se cruzan entre sí. La positiva es que está genial que a la hora de capturar un bicho veas el porcentaje. Si le atacas con el otro, pues uno está ocupado grabando a este ser en su cassette, pues aumentas muchos las probabilidades a más daño hagas, mientras que si te hacen daño, bajan. Eso está muy bien, pero a la larga se acaba haciendo lento de más, sobre todo si esta quemado envenenado, por decir algo, pues con cada daño, se recalcula otra vez en una animación.

Lo malos que acaba como bueno sería el movimiento. Al principio es malo. peor malo malo. Corres 1 segundo y te cansas, lo cual no ayuda a que te entren ganas de explorar. Lo bueno es que según vas capturando X monstruos vas desbloqueando otras habilidades de movilidad y entonces si empieza a ser divertido ir corriendo rápido de un lado a otro.

He hablado demasiado, pero la verdad es que me sorprende lo que tan poca gente ha podido hacer. Con más presupuesto para arreglar las cosillas que están mal o se notan algo cutres, estaríamos hablando de un juegarral importante, pero ""solo"" se queda en notable para mí.

Fun neat game but a little cringe at times. I do enjoy the fusion mechanic and how theres unique designs for each fusion

stronger than any modern pokemon game

As someone who wants to be the kind of person that likes Pokemon-style games but always ends up resentful and bored within a few hours, this is a pretty fun one-of-those.

The music and style of the game does a lot to improve my enjoyment of it and there's a lot more mechanical depth than I expected.

Lots of funky designs!!! Im excited to see the end!