Reviews from

in the past

The level design was interesting, the dialogue was fun, and the music was quirky, but good lord the game really FELT unfinished.

super buggy. super memorable story and environments

Esse pra mim é o melhor crash e quem não concorda é saudosista da época do PS1

Interesting gameplay mechanics, but janky controls at best.

best ps2 game probably, i will fight anyone who oppose

unfinished but acapella is peak

Creative, ambitious, fresh, and unique. At the same time, clunky, glitchy, and not so fine-tuned. Crash Twinsanity brings a lot of new ideas to the table for the Crash Bandicoot series, such as an open world setting with collectibles to find. In hindsight, it seems inevitable for the series to go in this direction but this game was the first to do it, and it does it well. I love that this game is focused primarily on the story and the gameplay is based around that. The settings/level themes in this game are lovely to see - a fully explorable N Sanity Island, the iceberg labs, N Gin's ship, and all of the Evil Academy, as well as Twinsanity Island. Almost all of the settings in this game are top notch. The level design, art direction, and great music coalesce into an experience that was just extremely enjoyable. The bosses are great: not particularly challenging, but creative and enjoyable. The final level along with the boss are very memorable and a tough but great ending to the game. As a long time Crash fan, I had not played this game until now, so I have no nostalgic connection to it. After seeing how safe Wrath of Cortex played it, Twinsanity is a breath of fresh air. The controls are good, most of the time. There are instances where too much precision is required for how imprecise the controls are (the rolling ball puzzles, cortex-boarding sections, etc.), but it does not affect most of the experience. What does affect the experience are the glitches that run rampant in this game. This game was completely rushed out the door which is why this game is either loved or hated. I personally am willing to look past the glitches and general jank that the game provides, but it was definitely there. That being said, this game was such a good direction to bring the franchise into. It is truly a shame it couldn't live up to its potential due to its rushed development. I am willing to appreciate what's here and admire the ambition and passion displayed by the developers.

Still my go-to example for good comedy in a game because of the writing and overall look of the characters. I know the game is completely unfinished, but I sure didn't care when I played it as a dumbass kid

If only the devs had time to finish the game...
A very charismatic game with great comedy and memorable moments. Amazing soundtrack too, despite many people disliking it.
God, nojoda

incredible game that was unfortunately rushed and has more cut content than content present in the game and several game breaking bugs including the possibility of bricking your save shortly after the dingodile fight within the evil academy level, with this said the games creativity, brilliant soundtrack and unique charm are huge saving graces paired with the mixture of open-world and traditional crash styled levels seamlessly stitched together make it stand out as my favorite crash game, this game absolutely deserves a remake with restored cut content.

TL:DR rated it a 3 forementioned game breaking issues due to a rushed development cycle however very fun game.

Welp, the positives. I think it’s vibrant, colorful, and maintains the pulse that is indeed Crash Bandicoot. It has some genuine comedy that works, some of the music is quirky and catchy, and I enjoyed some of the elements implemented with Cortex!

The negatives, nearly everything else.
After doing some research, it was evident that this game was unfinished so I don’t wanna pound it too hard but that’s obviously the primary reason for this games faults. Hardly any sound in cutscenes, making them awkward to watch. Some of the levels feel half cooked and needlessly difficult. Like corridors/caves not being tall enough for you to ensure your jump is safe to clear a pit.
The trial error formula here attributes to that unfinished feel. It doesn’t feel like a fair challenge, I feel like the game was actively working against me to ensure I struggled more than learning the curve.
Aku Aku felt worthless, whenever I’d achieve the 3rd mask the invincibility did nothing. I’d just bounce into an enemy and nothing would happen. Plus, all he does is grant you extra hits from enemies. Crates and environments still murk you in one hit. This is especially mind numbing due to the horrible check point system which sometimes forces you to rewatch the cutscenes.
Plus, the camera is a big adversary sometimes. The more linear vehicular sequences were the most fun and the camera didn’t try to bully you. Whereas it’s floaty feeling caused me to get hit off screen a lot by enemies I didn’t see or just fuck me over on jumps.

To top all of this off. The game is quite glitchy. Sometimes Cortex doesnt initiate things when he is supposed to. Sometimes high falls would cause my character to no longer move and I would have to load a manual save setting me back.

It’s an unfinished product and it became so infuriating that I just despised the experience after awhile. I’m done.


Easily the best non-ND entry, and the first to have actual new, interesting ideas. Everybody that acts like this is glitchy, short, or unfinished is an unthinking sheep led astray by millennial YouTubers. Glitches are not common at all, the game is just slightly shorter than any other Crash game, and the game isn’t unfinished, it just has a lot of cut content (yes, these are different)

Um dos jogos da minha infância que eu mais tenho mais carinho, queria muito um remake para pc.

Amazing crash, i finished it like 2 times

Se não,o meu Crash favorito,muito bacana o gamea história é show a parte mas ele tem um probleminha que realmente afeta o game
O motivo é que ele é muito quebrado e cheio de bugs, óbvio que por que ele foi feito as pressas mas o jogo ele é muito bom

Es un hermoso desastre lleno de Bugs, pero desprende demasiado carisma como para odiarlo.

Esta mas bugeado que juego nuevo de ubisoft
Pero esta kino igual

one of my favorite games. mid as fuck

Um dos melhores jogos da franquia Crash Bandicoot com potencial desperdiçado. Jogo não foi finalizado no tempo devido contendo muitos cortes de conteúdo e muitos bugs. Porem, o design dos personagens e das fases, os diálogos e principalmente a trilha sonora foram muito bem trabalhadas.

I can see how god awful the game came out to be but the charm and style kinda makes up for it. Sure there are over 500 glitches documented but you can tell the care they had for this game even though they had an unrealistic deadline. The humor maybe a bit outdated but it is a great time to have . The art style is very so expressive from the product of the early 2000's. There are many flaws with game such as missing sound effects, bosses that are complete ass and the chapter where stop at an academy and accidentally run in circles doing the mission over and over again if you're not careful of where you go. I can't say all the bosses are buttcheeks except for Dingodile where it felt like a real boss with the accompany soundtrack. Til this day I still hum themes from this game because its so damn catchy.

I honestly can't think of any other game that is so busted and yet manages to completely win me over with its charm and personality. If this game was actually finished/polished it totally could've been a classic on the same level as Psychonauts.

Shout-out to that soundtrack. Very unique and full of bangers.

its sad to see the unfinished state of the game it would have been alot better, its full of personality and passion

Saiu todo a pressa, todo ferrado e é incrível