Reviews from

in the past

Say goodbye to my credibility, because not only do I love this game, I love this game more than the original trilogy.

I feel like I can write whatever I want now because there's no way anyone made it past that opening sentence, but I'm going to continue with the review anyway.

This game, despite the performance issues and unfinished areas, is an absolute blast to play. It's creative, open, and most importantly: Funny. My god, does Crash Twinsanity have some absolute zingers. I feel like people are down on this game because it's different to the first 4 games, but to me Twinsanity is a natural evolution of the Crash formula, and knows exactly what it wants to be.

The soundtrack is S Tier too, seriously. Go look up some tracks on YouTube, you won't regret it.

One of my favorite Crash games. The best music in the series with a slight madness, good humor and atmosphere. Not a bad platforming, although it is spoiled by bugs and slight curvature, which sometimes makes it very difficult to pick up a lot of diamonds. A great part, I would really like to see a remake.

No quiero volver a ver una gema en este juego nunca más.

Um jogo bom porém claramente incompleto, a gameplay é boa e responsiva e apesar de raros, os momentos de pura plataforma são divertidos até. A trilha sonora é muuuito foda e única. Mas sem sacanagem, a melhor parte desse jogo pra mim é a atuação do Cortex, esse é um dos poucos jogos que pra mim é genuinamente engraçado e isso tudo por conta do quão bem escrito é o diálogo. Porém mesmo amando esse jogo desde criança eu me vejo impossibilitado a dar uma nota maior que essa já que o jogo é evidentemente rushado e incompleto e não precisa ser um gênio ou saber da história da produção do jogo pra sacar isso. Fora as fases e inimigos cortados completamente, parece que o cenário tem uns assets meio esparrados no fodase e muitas cutscenes parecem incompletas, o crash vai de um cenário para outro completamente diferente sem nenhuma explicação na cutscene em si. E a pior parte são os bugs, e não é coisa leve não, é você morrendo pq atravessou o chão, é a camera ficando presa, é softlock, inclusive eu quase não consegui zerar esse jogo por conta de um bug que me deixou travado forte.

Could have been the best crash if they gave it more time.
Instead what we got is a broken game. But still fun

um dos jogos mais superestimados que eu já vi, eu acho que não tem uma única coisa boa nesse jogo além da trilha sonora

ele é todo quebrado e bugado, a dificuldade é completamente artificial e tem uma posição de checkpoints inconsistente, fases horríveis com level design não intuitivo e confuso, jogabilidade clunky ao extremo, as fases abertas são uma ideia boa mas é extremamente mal executado.

tem várias outras coisas que eu posso ficar falando mal aqui mas acho que já deu pra entender, todo mundo que defende esse jogo tá cego pela nostalgia e não percebem que falta coisa demais nisso aqui, infelizmente foi um puta potencial desperdiçado pelo desenvolvimento ter sido tão rushado.

nota 4,5

this was a pretty good 3d platformer, it wasnt bad, i think its enjoyable enough

Just Watch the cutscenes on YouTube dog it's not worth playing.

vai se foder mano, era pra esse jogo ser tão bom mas é todo cagado, pelo menos a trilha sonora é muito foda e o jogo é muito engraçado.
Realmente queria que a franquia seguisse as ideias e jeitão desse jogo, porém de forma bem feita.

This review contains spoilers

I truly wanted to like this game but uuuuuu! boy!, it is broken asf... if this game wasn't as broken as it is I would genuinely love it!

Now there are definitely parts of this game that I enjoyed, like the platforming, decent control, the overworld is lovely with collectibles that u can acquire through platforming challenges/puzzles, visually the game looks fine since it goes more for the art style than realistic graphics and the music is fantastic, all of it being acapella. The last level is really good! I wish that the whole game would have been like the last level.

However! the game is hugely brought down for it's glitches and bugs. The game literally broke 3 times! by trying to move the camera, lots of sound effects and voice lines missing, which made the moment awkward and unenjoyable. There were also some parts that felt very repetitive, like with Neo Cortez and Nina, their levels were basically copy pasted with the only difference being the angle and a few more enemies. Bosses were also meh, some were alright and others were very boring/easy.

Overall, this game could of being something truly special but it fell very flat. (Spoiler for reveal of Nina being playable)

Perhaps the most highbrow and sophisticated of soundtracks.

daora que eu nao tenho memorias de ter jogado isso aqui ate o final, mas eu passava tardes e mais tardes jogando lol

Like Sonic Unleashed, but in Crash series. Some say its a hidden gem, a cult title.
It's just awful.

this was way above my expectations, the soundtrack is surreal but overall fits and man they just went way the heck out there on this one, it's good

It's not like classic crash, but it was still so good and fun. I really enjoyed it back in the day.

Not for everyone, but in my eyes it's one of the greats, if not the greatest Crash game. The only things I can really hold against it are the factors ourside of the game which held the title back. Bugs, not enough playtesting in certain places (looking at the final boss where I wasted over 50 lives to grappling hook and bullet scatter shenanagins) and a lack of checkpoints around bosses all come to mind as issues. These issues likely could've been fixed with more time, and the copious amounts of cut content could've made it in too, all things I can't really blame the game for as much as I can the rushed development time.

Well thought-out levels, a bold new direction, a great soundtrack, beautiful visuals and most importantly a fun game to play make this a favourite of mine in this series, it's just a shame it's let down on a few occasions by factors not at fault of the game itself but rather the conditions it was made under.

The amount of times I had to hear "the noble bull, the humble bumblebee" made me wonder if being stung by a bumblebee would be more interesting.

Game was okay but it kinda bored me a bit. Didn't have that special something that other Crash games had.

Trilha sonora maravilhosa, algumas fases insuportáveis sem falar no sistema de checkpoints todo ferrado em alguns lugares

Eu joguei MUITO na minha infância, ao ponto que fiz absolutamente tudo nele, mas vou deixar a nostalgia de lado. Apesar de ter algumas fases interessantes, esse jogo tem tantos defeitos mesmo para a época que ele foi lançado, tipo rever as cutscenes toda vez que você morre, os checkpoints desnecessariamente distantes um do outro, e várias fases desinteressantes.
Eu tenho um enorme carinho por esse jogo dado a nostalgia de minha infância, mas é inegável a quantia de defeitos que ele tem.

simples e divertido, o melhor jogo de plataforma 3d que já joguei, o jogo é bem curto porem muito bem aproveitado com muita variação nas mecânicas a cada fase, a trilha sonora é espetacular e não se compara com nenhum outro jogo do crash, apesar da falta de ambição do jogo deixar a experiência bem leve e divertida o jogo acaba não virando muito memorável por conta da falta de desafio, porem continua sendo uma boa aventura

Forever a classic in my heart.

Don't play this on a Xbox 360 through backwards compatibility. The FPS are all over the place and it breaks some important scripted zones like Nina Cortex grappling hook. A word of caution.

Now, for the game itself. It's bad, and good. Jank as all hell, and has...brittish humour. Wish it's fine by me. It tries to be so much things, not in a good way.

The platforming stangely gets really good by the end, a very hard, long but challenging level. The rest is ok.

It's a weird game to talk about.

unfinished mess that was a bad idea to begin with. boxes mean nothing so you're left with the most generic gameplay a platformer could possibly have

Beat platform game for PS2 (and still begger then some from PS5) but it's not been finished :'(

Despite hearing this game was rushed, it never felt that way to me as a kid. It was glitchy at times, but there was so much passion and care put into it. It's fun, has great humor, and memorable music. If you're a Crash fan, I'd say it's still worth giving a shot.

Eu poderia dar umas 5 estrelas pelo efeito da nostalgia, porque esse jogo marcou demaaaais a minha infância, mas para ser honesto, merece um 4 ou 4,5.