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in the past

Pretty fun game. Plenty of cool weapons to try out and the atmosphere is palpable.

im usually sensitive when it comes to horror games but this was more chill then the ones ive been playing. the ship is the real monster in the game as it made me more scared than the aliens. its noises and then silence is very eerie. all in all i enjoyed this, its my first experience with the game and i cant really give any complaints.

Não joguei os antigos, mas fiquei com muita vontade depois do remake. Gostei bastante. A gameplay é muito divertida e a história me prendeu demais. Só não é perfeito porque achei que ficou enrolando em alguns momentos e que poderia ir direto ao ponto

- Enjoyed it quite a lot, as i already like the original dead space.
- Made some changes but not significant enough to warrant a remake but we have it anyways.
- Isaac actually speaking now does actually give him a personality and does not detract from the game's tension or atmosphere.

Good lore & story but not that scary. I got scared by showers & sprinklers turning on (i cant shoot them).

beat on impossible mode with plasma cutter only. kinda easy ngl

İlk 3 saat: "Yaşasın be uzayda hayatta kalma, bayılırım"
sonraki 10 saniye: " Biraz sıkılmaya başladım."
KALAN 10 SAAT: "Uzaygazm."

An excellent remake, too bad I already found the original very boring.

Dead space is a fantastic horror game and how horror games should be done. The action/horror segments of the game make Dead space scary, but not absolutely terrifying, making you on the edge of your seat, but still wanting to see whats going to happen next. THis is also thanks to the well done story, which while isn't the main focus or all that interesting does help drive the game forward. The best part of the game though is by far the gameplay. The puzzles are all fun, ut the enemies are fucking aweasome. Having the gameplay be shooting off their limbs makes every encounter tense as you can't blindly shoot you have to be accurate.

I actually never finished Dead space, not because the game is bad at all, it's really good and my favourite horror game I've played. Even though I've not finished dead space (hopefully I'll come back to it eventually), i can still say confidently how good of a game it is, so if you LOVE horror games, or want to get into the genre i would highly recommend it to anyone.

elite story, world design, sound, and more. it just gets repetitive though.

Ich musste erstaunlich selten meine Hose wechseln. Eine positive Überraschung

o jogo em si é sensacional, dropei porque sou o maior CAGAO que ja botou o pé nesse universo

Cheguei a ter um leve contato com Dead Space no meu xcaixa 360, mas nunca tentei jogar por medo quando era criança kksks, mas agora pude aproveitar o remake com o gamepass ultimate, e posso dizer que PUTA DUM JOGO BOM, me surpreendi o quanto a ambientação pode passar medo e me aterrorizar, faz tempo que não jogava um jogo que realmente eu ficasse paranóico que qualquer barulho eu já ficava atento, é muito bom a experiência que esse jogo traz e sua história cativante e legal de se acompanhar, Dead Space não é um jogo, é um sentimento 10/10

“They’re giving me a lot of ammo, seems like it won’t be an issue”

Ammo then became an issue

I had only ever played Dead Space 3, and that was with a friend, so this was my first real introduction to the classic Dead Space. This 2023 remake is nothing short of a masterpiece for the survival horror genre. Systems which were annoying were improved significantly, the developers absolutely nailed the atmosphere and tone, the game is gorgeous, and any new features fit seamlessly into the Dead Space story. This is one of a very small list of remakes where I would whole-heartedly recommend playing it over the original.

As I said, I never played the original Dead Space, but I have really enjoyed watching others who have played it fall in love with the 2023 remake as well.

Hopefully rumors of the DS2 remake being canceled are false because I would love to see another with this level of love and care for the original.

my debut into the dead space series, i can see why it has bred an entire sub-genre of horror content. i enjoyed how aspects of survival, exploration, puzzle-solving, and combat all intertwined, as it felt as though each significant aspect of this game's identity had its time to shine.

hitting crits with the pistol felt gritty and satisfying. i had a great time during the first few parts of the game when i was experimenting with each weapon & excitedly sprinting back to old locations to unlock previously blocked off lockers/rooms the moment i could. i did notice that, toward the end, i started to find my niche with the blade shooter where i'd just spam blades at enemies and frantically look all around their weakpoints to easily dispatch them. also, as the game came to its conclusion, the story took an understandable stance, asserting itself as significant for the first time (at least beyond the notion of 1. look for x, 2. get clue, 3. run into obstacle, 4. explore, 5. fight big guy, 6. something happened to x, 7. go fix/find something/one else). the story was fine. the twist was fun in the moment, and the resulting boss fight was very enjoyable, however, the exposition that set it up wasn't anything CRAZY, in my opinion. it was certianly fun, don't get me wrong! i think i was burned out by the end by the way the mc was lead on and on and on by his gf.

nevertheless, good game! grateful they remade this in such a beautiful and atompsheric way!

I've never played a game that NEEDED a photo mode more than this. Perfect remake, adds without taking away from the source material. I really hope DS2+3 get the same treatment. As was the case in the original I highly recommend going for the One Gun achievement, which requires you to beat the game with just the Plasma Cutter.

Para empezar, hermoso rendimiento y gráficos. El juego anda JOYA, una perlita. Se ve hermoso ademas, el remake es muy lindo y no tengo ni idea de como hacían para que el juego funcione antes de darle voz a Isaac. El gameplay está bien, un poco repetitivo con los combates y las misiones un poco pesadas a veces, pero está lo suficientemente divertido. La historia está piola, aunque un poco all over the place, no la terminé de entender a la perfección pero si lo suficiente. El jumpscare final me hizo saltar una banda, me dió miedo enserio. La atmósfera es lo mejor que tiene el juego probablemente. OJO, no es que sea una locura, pero está muy bueno. El setting y la ambientación en general son lo mejor del juego, descubrir y explorar la Ishimura es lo más divertido. Explorar los detalles y los diferentes lugares, se siente como si fuese un lugar real. No es Rapture kind of setting pero igual es un gran setting. Valió la pena mucho, sobre todo porque es un juego ideal para abrir un par de horitas, jugar, y cerrar sin drama porque no es tan adictivo.

Even on Hard the enemies didn't seem to want to even try to kill you. They would just casually walk up to you and get shot. Ruined the horror for me. Playing Dead Space 2 after this is insanely different because the enemies actually sprint at you and try to kill you. However its very pretty and I like Isaac's voice. Sucks the 2 remake is probably shelved forever.

Ob Dead Space unbedingt ein Remake gebracht hätte? Vermutlich nicht, aber es ist zumindest ein gutes geworden. Es fühlt sich an wie Dead Space, sieht nur um einiges besser aus und kommt mit ein paar netten Änderungen/Verbesserungen. Fast surreal, dass EA mal ein Spiel veröffentlich, bei dem es keinen Haken gibt. Ich hoffe Dead Space 2 bekommt ein ähnliches treatment…Dead Space 3 können sie ruhig skippen.

Impressionado com muita coisa aqui. O alcance do horror ambiental que o jogo traz é de uma execução técnica esplendorosa - talvez nunca antes vista do gênero, que é popular, mas nem sempre rentável na indústria, e por isso recebe orçamentos mais limitantes.

O jogo é angustiante mesmo no ócio, com um trabalho sonoro fantástico: os arranjos arranhados finíssimos ficará marcado em minha alma, assim como as batidas de coração aceleradas que acompanhavam as minhas. Quando parte para a ação, não pestaneja e traz muitas opções e modos de agir diferentes, assim como situações variadas incomuns para o gênero. Abraça o espaço e não larga dele, sempre te lembrando da solidão e loucura desse mundo tão opressivo e escuro.

Surpresa agradável foi a narrativa. Rica, instigante e com reviravoltas até demais até o fim. O mundo construído me deu vontade de jogar a sequência, fato que nem me passava muito pela cabeça.

Maybe I'm just not into action games anymore, but I barely felt the "survival horror" of this one. It just felt like a boring shooter with the same uninteresting enemies popping up at obnoxious times. The game also seemed to make a big deal about all the weapons and upgrading them, but barely gives you enough ammo to use your favorites.

adorei esse remake e eu achei ate melhor que o original.

Dead Space Remake foi, para mim, um ótimo Remake.

Nos poucos momentos em que eu conseguia jogá-lo, era bem tarde da noite, o que (no final das contas), ajudou bastante com o medinho :)
A história em si é bem divertida e complexa, apesar de eu não ter focado tanto, mas não é o ponto principal do jogo. Para mim, a jogabilidade, mecânica inovadora e gráficos foram o que mais me motivaram a zerar o jogo.
A ideia de você ter que cortar fora partes dos monstros para que eles morram (ao invés de atirar na cabeça) é bem interessante, e faz você pensar estrategicamente para conseguir avançar na história sem morrer, e juntamente com uma grande variedade de armas a serem utilziadas, eu consegui ficar várias horas entretido. Gosto também de que você pode melhorar suas armas conforme o tempo, então você vai percebendo que fica cada vez mais forte.
Além disso, os gráficos desse Remake estão l i n d o s, sério. A ambientação e detalhes estão incríveis, e eu adorei muito. Apesar de não ser essencial, gráficos bons ajudam basntanto na imersão (a depender do jogo claro), e nesse caso, encaixou como uma luva. Eu me sentia como se estivesse jogando um filme, é simplesmente demais. Um detalhe que eu acho muito daora no Dead Space (e em outros jogos que fazem isso) é que ao melhorar o traje do Isaac, mais detlahes são adicionados, transformando o traje cada vez mais em uma armadura. Assim, é bem nítido que você está ficando mais forte, sendo apresentado isso no próprio personagem, e não apenas uma aumento na barra de vida
O que eu mais gostava de fazer era juntar dinheiro para comprar um upgrade do traje e ver o que mudou, é muito legal!
Apesar de todos esses pontos positivos, preciso deixar claro que o jogo pode cansar um pouco. Como ele é meio longo, vai ficando cansativo com o tempo, e se você não joga preocupado com a história (como no meu caso), é possível que o interesse vá sendo diluído conforme o tempo passa. Mas mesmo assim é um ótimo jogo de terror que todo mundo deveria jogar.
Ah! por falar em terror, Dead Space é muito bom em nos deixar com medo. A atmosfera e os sons dos mosntros (gritos, movimentos, passos etc.), principalmente quando estou em um corredor apertado e escuro, é de deixar qualquer um alerta. Quando eu joguei, andava bem devagar e observando todos os cantos, até me acostumar melhor com o jogo, ainda mais quando você tem bastante vida e munição, aí é só sair correndo.
Enfim, como o jogo é escuro, e feito para jogar em uma baixa claridade, os sustos e medo são garantidos. Em algumas situações eu me assustei com um jumpscare aqui e ali, mas o que mais me preocupava eram as partes de combate, onde apareciam vários inimigos em um ambiente pequeno e todos loucos para te matar. Juntado isso com pouca munição (joguei no modo mais difícil) e pouca luz, é a receita perfeita para deixar qualquer um apavorado.
Os chefes do jogo são meio ignoráveis, pois não melhoram nem pioram o jogo, eles simplesmente existem.

Apesar de poder ser um pouco maçante, é um ótimo jogo de terror que todo mundo deveria jogar alguma vez, recomendo bastante.


Despite the many quality-of-life changes meant to bring this more in line with the rest of the series, like updating the Zero-G sections and letting you use your kinesis more offensively, the broad strokes of the game are surprisingly close to the original. A change I was really looking forward to was the “Intensity Director” which is meant to dynamically alter the mood of areas and what enemies will spawn, but in practice, this mostly seems to determine whether or not you’ll get ambushed while backtracking instead of radically altering the major combat encounter. It’s a nice thrill to occasionally get surrounded by enemies, but as with so many of the new features of the remake, it doesn’t wholly commit to this idea, more a proof-of-concept that could be really transformative if it was expanded on somewhere else. Basic Necromorphs are also substantially less threatening due to the fact that it’s surprisingly easy to stunlock them by stomping on them once their legs have been shot out, and for the sheer effectiveness of these newly revamped kinesis powers (encounters and the ammo economy needed to be dramatically changed to make threats meaningful the player).

Given that this production seems to owe so much to the success of the recent Resident Evil remakes, I wish it would’ve taken a cue from them and include some bolder pieces of design and pacing- throw in an extra Regenerator fight, change the order of levels, or go all the way and pull the best enemies from the entire series to give these fights an extra edge. There are earnest discussions to be had about what function the RE remakes serve (if they’re replacements or reimaginings) but at least they’re distinct- I’m compelled to go back to them from time to time!

Really, I think the hesitance to change to radically alter the structure and encounter design speaks to the real intent of this remake, which seems far more interested in making the narrative flow more seamlessly between this and Dead Space 2. Isaac Clarke more or less had to be invented as a character in the sequel, and that made the amount of screentime that was devoted to his guilt over Nicole all the more weightless- retconned baggage that hardly landed. The attempt to expand their relationship mostly works, the revelations here about how their relationship ended are much better about setting the groundwork for their arc in the sequel. For as strong as this dynamic, it seems to have come at the cost of much of the supporting cast; compared to their original versions, everyone on the Ishimura comes as the lifeless versions of themselves. Dr. Kyne and Dr. Mercer were amazing presences thanks to great performances by Keith Szarabajka and Navid Negahban respectively, but without that prior context, I’m not sure these new iterations of the characters will stay in the minds of those who’ve only played the remake.

The biggest sin is that the remake ends up being dreadfully boring to play through in practice, the threats so similar to the original that the horror doesn’t land and the action so easy to break that it actively feels like a regression from the constraints of the earlier version of combat design. There’s obvious passion for the project here, especially in some of the granular details, but seemingly not the broader vision needed to successfully combine the old and new ideas together.

In space no one can see where they're walking.

I guess its because I played this directly after resident evil 4 remake but dead space has so many problems that resident evil 4 just doesn't.

Complain all you want about yellow paint for re4 remake is way easier to read in a way dead space isn't. I found myself constantly checking the little guide line since its just incredibly difficult to follow what's going on, being so dark. That being said the looping is a cool concept and me saying "oh yeah i've been here before." was neat but not worth the confusion of not knowing where i'm going constantly.
Since I can't be bothered to remember that this body filled, very dark, industrial room is surgery and this other body filled, very dark, industrial room is gardening or whatever.

Oh the UI, or lack of UI, is cool, I like that. I also like the gun ideas, they all feel like something i'd see on a big mining ship, even if they all feel kinda bad to actually use.

The zombie aliens are cool looking, when you can actually see them i mean, its so dark on this ship.


Really impressive remake and all-round great game.