Reviews from

in the past

You fly around doing cool shit and dante says cool shit and you kill cool shit

Dante is a cool character, but for the life of me I could never get into Devil May Cry. The enemies always felt to beefy, the soundtrack is so cringe le 2000s nu metal, and it just dosen't feel smooth.

While future games would polish on the mechanics and your move set, this game is undoubtedly the pinnacle for the franchise's identity. Anyone who likes action games needs to play this at least once.

Gaming's equivalent to the Messiah for the Devil May Cry series.
Name any action game that came out after this i can guarantee that it has some part of DMC3's blood in it.

Also introduced vergil of the special series.
Enough said.

"Talvez, em algum lugar, até um demônio chore ao perder um ente querido, não acha?"

Referência no quesito ação, o dono do gênero de Hack n' Slash: Devil May Cry 3 não deve ser lembrado somente pela sua gameplay genial mas também por toda a história apresentada.

A cena inicial dele lutando contra o Vergil na chuva é perfeita, e ele sendo altamente badass no começo lá na parte da pizza é incrível, eu não consegui zerar e espero ter essa oportunidade algum dia em emulador.

This was actually the first DMC game i finished and damn that was a treat
The crazy combos, the weapons, the music and the story??? (i'm so surprised i thought the story would be a smoking pile of crap lmao) were so good like really really good
I'm also happy that apparently this game is a prequel so i didn't miss any of the plot

black night, dark sky, the devil's cry

personal favourite dmc game, the difficulty, writing, and combat shines here the most for me, to me this game is an actual masterpiece, it is so worth checking out, and i absoluetly love every characters in dmc3

Uma melhora muito superior a os outros 2 anteriores jogos da saga. Recomendo muito jogar ele.

If only 5 lets you skate the enemies like in this one.

Simplesmente o ápice de dmc, tudo que seu antecessor não conseguiu fazer Dmc 3 fez com maestria, tudo nesse jogo é foda, não consigo nem por em palavras a grandiosidade e excelência desse jogo

While I click with the combat more in 5, I really miss the Resident Evil-lite level design and exploration of 1 & 3. Combine that with super deep combat and you get one of my favourite games. Also, me preferring the combat in 5 may simply be because the skill floor is lowered a bit in that one. Maybe if I put more time into learning this one I’d like it more.

I want to point out the story. Everyone knows how goofy these games are, but they’re genuinely well-written, too. They don’t spell too much out loud so you figure out a lot of finer details through implication and inference. This also leads to a surprising depth to the characteris. Good stuff.

лол чё людям серьёзно эта игра кажется сложной

quero ser igual o dante quando crescer

Just beat the three headed mutt - the combats pretty good I can tell there’s going to get even better and Dante does not have to be that cold

I prefer this over God of War. Fight me

La dificultad, la historia, la ambientación.. todo salió bien en este juego. Aunque tenga casi 20 años merece un tiento, el mejor Dante de todos.

Uma melhora muito superior a os outros 2 anteriores jogos da saga. Recomendo muito jogar ele.

the bangerest of bangers in hack n' slash / beat em' up gaming.

Dante is a sensitive young man who hates sex. Volcel, if you will.
His brother Vergil is a Nietzschean who seeks power and aims to eradicate everything that exists.
Its a shame fanbase is just muh “ where’s your motivation” memes.

Although it still doesn't make it a remarkable one, the story was definitely much better than the first. It's also worth noting that the gameplay was crazy fun and addicting as hell.

Bom demais, só não zerei na dificuldade que morre com 1 hit (mas um amigo zerou, brabo).

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