Reviews from

in the past

underrealized and not particularly memorable... but cool design elements

A short visual novel about the suicide of a supreme AI. You play as disembodied hands that accurately predict the future. I wrote a story for Stray Lines 3 oddly similar to this, if you would consider Divination a sequel to it, they'd go together quite nicely

A neat experiment, I think audio-visually it's great and the story's interesting for most of the runtime, but I must admit that it maybe left me slightly disappointed at the end. Still I enjoyed playing it overall, it was a cool experiment.

Tem uma narrativa visual bem chamativa, mas a sua "jogabilidade" é bem estranha, só que eficiente, acho que reproduz bem a sensação de ser um desses videntes que usam de "sorte" pra prever algo que no fim das contas, vai servir mais para a pessoa que esta consultando escutar o que quer ouvir.

i would play the hell out of a larger/expanded version of this, but even for what it is i really loved what i experienced

Really enjoyed this, love the aesthetic, the story is interesting and the art is fantastic. Worth it's short run time.

For the length and the price, Divination is an interesting 1-hour experience. It will make you think about AI for a bit. I myself found my time with it enjoyable, though I wish gameplay were more complex and that they played around with the concept more. It’s interesting to me, but I think this game isn’t gonna be for everyone. If you wanna see cool art and be edgy for a bit, I’d get this game.

(full review