Reviews from

in the past

It has almost been 10 years since I last played DA2 as a 15 year old and now as almost a 25 year old, going back to DA2 felt like rather weird, but at the same time cozy and comforting. I don't remember much about my experience back then, but I think it most likely mirrored the way I felt about it now. DA2 is surprisingly a good game, even though it was made in 16 months, with lovable cast of characters, likeable protagonist and interesting city to explore. The combat feels better and more impactful than in Origins and it felt easy to build an efficient rotation that would work in every encounter. The story isn't amazing and the timeskips (that I think could have been utilized better somehow) felt jarring, but I still found myself wanting to play a bit more every time I shut off my xbox. This time around I also played the DLC, really liking Legacy, but Mark of the Assassin really missed the mark (hehe) and if I'm being honest, it is my least favorite out of all BioWare DLCs so far. I just couldn't stand Tallis and I just found the story of the DLC very uninteresting and unimportant regarding the bigger picture.

The game doesn't come without its issues though; repeating environments, acts that feel disjointed from each other (every act has its main plot that are all separate from each other, which leaves a bit weird feeling. For example something big that happens in act 2 is never really discussed again in act 3, even though it would have impacted Kirkwall greatly), some rather annoying bugs (Hawke wouldn't drink a health potion no matter what), clunky AI and weird difficulty spikes with some of the bosses prevented this game from really shining. I think DA2 does suffer a little bit from being in a middle of a trilogy, not doing much to it in general, but it is still worth of playing and experiencing at least once.

Better than I remember it being. I picked this up the year it came out since I was a huge fan of Dragon Age Origins, and sadly, Origins this is not, but that does not mean it isn't a good game!

Expecting an actual followup on Origins storytelling style this was a disappointment, but now, a decade later and those feelings mostly detached. I found a pretty good story, a likable protagonist (sarcastic Hawke) and some interesting and complex companions yet again. These companions especially genuinely feel like a ragtag group of friends who have built up real feeling rapport and opinions on each other, and multiple fun scenes of them just hanging out exist and it's great. One of the best found family narratives and genuine feelings in any game. The companions are great and the driving force of this game.

The story is fine, even good at many points, the writing especially for side quests and several main quests is stellar with good worldbuilding and characterization. Where the game falls apart is well... Where it also fell apart in development. This was an obviously rushed game and it shows, certain plotpoints are rushed, many dungeons are outright re-used, and the world is especially small and samey looking. The combat while fun, is sadly crutched by some decisions like the waves of enemies in nearly every fight.

If this was simply a side-game in the series rather than being called and presented like a direct followup to Origins it would have been a lot more understandable and viewed positively in my opinion. View it as a side-game to Origins rather than a full fledged sequel. Just change that name to "Dragon Age: Tales of the Champion" rather than Dragon Age 2 in your mind and view it as side content before the proper sequel Inquisition, and with that interpretation it's a fantastic time in the world of Thedas, a great smaller exploration with a contained and engaging story, characters, and plenty of worldbuilding that has large ramifications for the sequel and books.

If you can withstand some very samey levels, a smaller story, and less main character roleplay customization, you will find an enjoyable story and characters in an interesting setting that makes you want to keep playing to see what happens next with those characters and world. But you can get away with listening to a podcast while doing minor sidequests in the same ten dungeons.

Unfortunately for this game, it's just not Dragon Age: Origins

This is my second time playing through the game after playing it on the 360 over 10+ years ago. Back then I came away from it feeling quite dissatisfied especially with the repeating dungeon environments. But this time around playing on PC with all the DLC and a better understanding of tactical RPG combat in general...I liked it a lot more.

The three acts all have a neat throughline that give the plot a more episodic feel than Origins and other RPGs where the narrative builds up to one big boss fight that's been telegraphed ahead of time. The Deep Roads Expansion, the Arashok and Qunari, and Mage/Templar conflict are all executed and built to well.

Companions are a nice shade of grey this time around compared to Origins, which were mostly composed of varying degrees of "good guy." Inquisiton has the same problem. DA 2's companions have a tendency to be self-serving and a few commit straight up atrocities in pursuit of their agendas. But all have redeeming qualities that help the player understand their perspectives.

Mark of the Assassin and Legacy are both fun DLC experiences. It's kind of crazy that Legacy wasn't part of the main game as it sets up the main villain for DA Inquisition. But the it does feel pretty detached from the main plot so maybe it's better that it wasn't. Cool weapon you get from that you get to upgrade as you progress through that. Funny to remember how Felicia Day was EVERYWHERE in games a decade ago. She's good in Mark of the Assassin though. The plot of that DLC kinda goes everywhere and involves a very clunky stealth gameplay sequence, and a fun sliding tile puzzle.

Combat is probably the big bummer here because it feels very oversimplified. They over-designed this game for a controller. Pausing and zooming out with the camera to give precise tactical movements is a chore, some skills are redundant (i.e. two Force Mage spells do the exact same thing). While it is satisfying to tear through crowds of enemies, they spawn out of thin air and routine encounters feel artificially lengthened by teleporting spawns of enemies.

Overall, better than I remember. Wish it was designed better w/ PC players in mind beyond having an action bar for skills. Hearing Inquisition kind of follows suit in the way it controls, but I'm curious to revisit it in preparation for Dreadwolf.

The way I fell for Anders was quite embarrassing and YET.

Una verdadera decepción después de ofrecernos el mejor RPG de su generación. Hace TODO mal, en todos los aspectos, pero si algo se puede salvar de este juego son sus personajes. Los personajes del grupo protagonistas y algunos secundarios no están nada, pero que nada mal. Tanto es así, que en Inquisition rescataron a varios de ellos para conformar el elenco principal del juego. Pero de verdad, horrible. Si lo podéis skippear y ver un resumen de la trama, hacedlo.

You mother wants a bigger house and more money, so she sells your sister to slavery and sends you to the streets to earn some cash for her. What a grand adventure! You get to run nearby street corners back & forth for 40 hours, and sometimes you can go to a cave, but it's the same cave every time. After the stunning 5/5 first game this was my all-time biggest disappointment in gaming.

A marked stepdown from the original but I don't really see why people rag on it as much as they do. Feels rushed but still a fun game

controversially, my favorite dragon age game. the more self-contained story does wonders for itself and hawke, especially sarcastic hawke, is one of my favorite protagonists in gaming. my favorite cast of companions and supporting characters. i am begging for a remaster.

not as good as the first one but i blushed a little when anders made moist smacking noises in my ears so i can’t give it less than 3 stars

story was great and combat is faster than DAO. love the more contained setting and the direction it went but i wish the devs had more time to realize their original plans for it though. would've made it a 10/10

My favorite DA, I love hanging with the gang in that grungy ass city

Not as memorable as Origins, but still a solid entry in the series.

My favorite dragon age, idc what the haters say xD

Primeiro contato com um rpg da geração do ps3. A variedade de escolhas e sistema de batalha me impressionaram. Joguei bastante e fiquei empolgado para o lançamento da continuação que viria a ser o Inquisition, um dos melhores jogos que joguei no PS4

Good game, but I found the predecessor's mechanics better.

pretty chill little less than half

Não é tão ruim quanto falam, mas claramente da trilogia é o mais fraco

apesar de todas as suas falhas, acredito que nenhuma versão de mim conseguiria dar menos do que 5 estrelas pro jogo que me fez amar rpgs

I like this game a little less than Dragon Age 1, but I think it's a better streamlined experience.

It has a more solid plot to follow with, with more story scenes and your companions are more fleshed out. You don't get to travel very far, and the entire story takes place in one large city instead of having to traverse an entire continent.

It's been a long time since I played this game, but I can't remember much of it. It's the shortest of the three Dragon Age games for sure, and I think you can just hop in this one without having played DA1.

Also if you like to play mages in rpgs I am so sorry but you might want to skip Dragon Age altogether. They do nothing but shit on mages and treat them like maniac scum of the earth no matter what choices you make, so if you want to play well just brace yourself for that!

Varric is the guy ever.

i had fun thats all tjay matters 2 me

The re-use of maps and small world really hurts this game. By Act 2 I was tired of seeing the same sewers and mansions and city streets.

The story is lackluster with maybe 1 or 2 interesting set pieces, and the gameplay never really evolved past mashing Attack and sometimes using skills when they were off cooldown / you have Stamina.

The companions are the only thing carrying this game. The different views of the world added levity to conversations I couldn't care less about. The party banter being confrontational in Act 1 or playful remarks in Act 3, and seeing the companions having conversations together without the Champion is a really good touch.

Even with how good the companions are though, the story and gameplay were so boring that it was a slog to complete.

Bought this game because a guy I had a crush on liked it, then he stopped talking to me and I never touched the game again.

Don't tell anyone but this is my favourite entry in the series (mostly bc of varric)

There's just something about the more contained conflict (well, at least until the end...) and closer party dynamics that boosted my enjoyment of the game. Things never felt samey/I didn't care because I had fun with the combat and the banter kept me going the entire way through.

an anomaly, but a memorable experience, dragon age 2 obviously cut back on level design, but definitely poured life into characterization, making it the most personal entry in the series.

My favorite one in the series plus Isabela my beloved

My favorite Dragon Age game. The gameplay is a learning curve, but playing as a blood mage is so much fun.

it reuses backgrounds it was made in under 2 years the gameplay is boring the characters fuck hard and hawke & varric are badass. why is it only 35 hours MAX for a playthrough I want this terrible game injected straight into my aorta REMASTER IT PLEASE

A game that manages to do the best it can despite it's insanely limited development time