Reviews from

in the past

Are you prepared to play the game? The dare's the only price of faaaaaaaame~ 🎡

Possibly the greatest crackshot rental I have ever had. Little did I know that during my wandering of those hollowed halls of that fabled local Blockbuster would result in me taking home quite possibly the greatest racing game ever known by my own two eyes. Captain Falcon's likeness on the cover beckoned me to come forth and play his game, a person who I had only known from punching Mario in the nose in some game involving smashing some brothers (DRAMATIZATION). How was I supposed to know he was the person behind the wheel of that blue car in that SNES game I played when I was like three years old? Unfortunately, I was most definitely not prepared to play the game.

After I threw that adorable little disc into my Gamecube, I was thrown into a twisting spiral of thrill going at the speed of sound threatening to somehow give me whiplash from the TV screen. With my new and now trusty Fire Stingray I became acquainted with the controls quickly, I leaned into those corners at Mute City as if they'd throw me from the seat if I didn't, and mashed the boost as much as I could upon my approach to the home stretch like some insane button pressing demon who loves pressing buttons. It wasn't until later I would find out about attacking other racers, and I would become a true heel of the circuit. Look out y'all, I'm comin' through! Get outta my way chumps! This doesn't even touch on other techniques I would learn such as snaking and flying like a damn jet aircraft. To this day, none can touch this.

Preparation in just the grand prix and practice could only do so much to prepare me for one of the greatest challenges I would encounter in this generation, the infamous story mode. The first few chapters? Not terrible, but then you get to your first true race and suddenly you realize just what kind of game you're truly in for. Chapter Seven is legendary amongst fellow racers who have experienced this mode. It's so well known that I capitalized it, as it deserves the distinguishment. The Story Mode Grand Prix race was insane and took me to my limit as a driver and put me on the brink of emotional breakdown, but in this world you've got to be strong. You've got to fight to keep your spirit alive. And you might feel like there is nothing left to go for and fight for, but it's the fight that keeps us ready and on guard!

I couldn't give up, I had to see the end! I needed to earn my happy ending. I had to channel Captain Falcon himself, I had to muster up driving ability that he would be proud of. I had to feel the power, see no fear, and feel no pain!

I've got power~ 🎡
I'm gonna fight to win~ 🎡
I'm gonna fiiiiiiiight to the eeeeeeend~ 🎡

Even I can feel the poooowerrrrr...when I think of him I see no feaaaaar....FEEL NO PAAAAIN!


For a second I had thought I had lost yet again, but I in fact won by a hair! Hell yeah, fuck you Black Shadow, you goddamn loser. One of my proudest achievements growing up, after endless hours over my weekend! After this, the final showdown with the true mastermind of evil was a piece of cake. After all, we are Captain Falcon. The fight has indeed kept us ready for anything they could possibly throw at us. In this world I have become strong, and my spirit is alive and well. They didn't stand a chance, as I'm not just a dreamer and Falcon will forever be the hero.

What truly captivates me most however, is the amount of love and care that was given to everyone on the roster. All FORTY ONE of the drivers have their own bio, theme music and unlockable Tekken movie. These aren't simple theme songs either, we're talking actual lyrics and many different genres being represented. How do you get me to care about Jack Levin? By giving him the catchiest song in the game, I mean why wouldn't he? He's a former pop group member. I used to spend an unhealthy amount of time dancing along with the characters to their music in the profile section, I love how Bio Rex looked like he was swaying and thrashing out to his music.

Kid translation of Bio Rex lyrics:



Hell, just last night at work I had Princia's chorus stuck in my head.

You're scared of the dark~🎡
Walk through the night~🎡
Give me your hand and let me take you through the night~🎡

You're scared of the dark~🎡
Walk through the streets~🎡
Give me your hand and I'll hold all the things you find~🎡

It's so good. I actually do really enjoy the cast, and it's pretty clear Nagoshi and the rest of AV had fun fleshing out the characters more. It's truly exceptional how the person who directed the first 3D racer I cared about would also be behind my favorite racing game ever. No one truly does racing as well as Sega. If there was one good thing that came about from Sega going third party, it's F-Zero GX. If there has to be an ending, I'm glad it's this. The only way you could one up GX is making the story mode a free roaming Yakuza-like with Falcon where you beat up Zoda goons, hang out at pubs getting pulled into illegal races, have a "Goroh Everywhere" mechanic where he constantly tries to challenge you to skeeball, texas hold'em, or darts, and meet up with the rest of the racers in crazy hijinx. One could dream, right? Even if it's all left in the past, he'll live through this masterpiece and forever he will be my hero....and now that I'm not just a dreamer....

Forever he will be my heeeeroooo~...🎡
and now that I'm not just a dreaaaaaameeeer~....🎡

Forever he will be my heeeeroooooo~....🎡
and now that I'm not just a dreaaaaameeeeerr~.....

Shigeru Miyamoto inventou a fΓ­sica pra vender F-Zero

Holy shit this game is awesome. I already love x, but this is just so exhilarating to play, while also having actual graphics.

I don't know, it just doesn't speak to me on the same level that the first F-Zero does. I might need to get more into it and play for a little while longer. Maybe then I'll get it.

Super cool game, actually too fast for me and I found it challenging.

one of the best racing games ever and easily the peak of this franchise. it feels amazing to get the hang of, the tracks are great, the sense of speed is phenomenal, and the story mode is pretty sick although a bit annoying to progress in due to the whole ticket thing. it also aged absurdly well and still looks amazing, with an incredible and exhilarating soundtrack throughout. loved this game and it feels good to finally beat it after years and years of giving up on it cause i sucked.

It fast.

And that soundtrack? Jeeez louise

Captain Falcon is cool as sh*t and I remember the graphics at the time being really really good. I suspect it has aged very well

My favorite driving game of all time.

Its been 20 years and its aged flawlessly, one of and arguably the best racing game ever made.

Cool game but man I can't play it for shit.
Even then the soundtrack is fantastic and the cutscenes are fucking ridiculous in the best ways possible. Real "We had some motion capture stuff lying around and decided to play with it for a bit."

Sega really made a game beyond perfect in 2003 and have yet to make anything remotely close since.

The multiplayer sucks is the only bad thing I can think about this game and honestly I don't care at all. Some of the most intense single player racing in a game I've ever played, and while it is difficult to get to grips with it is INCREDIBLY rewarding to play. You feel like a fucking legend when you succeed in this game. Also, the music is absolutely awesome! And the cutscenes and interviews are just pure comedy. Amusement Vision's last hurrah. We were stripped of them far too soon.

make another one you hack frauds

It is absolutely an improvement in every conceivable way from F-Zero X. The driving feels much better and tighter, the tracks are much more interesting and longer, the environments look astonishing even to this day, all of it is nothing short of fantastic. I didn't even find it as hard as some people say it is, hell I'd say F-Zero X and Wipeout 2 are harder, but that's because it does feel very fair.
I won't attempt finishing the story missions though, damn are those indeed hard as shit.

Just finished my Very Hard/Master playthrough, and what can I say that hasn't been said a million times before? This game is peak F-Zero, and easily one of the best racing games I've played.

Super satisfying gameplay, a stellar soundtrack, and probably some of the best and funniest characterization of the F-Zero cast to date thanks to SEGA's mega-cheesy writing. It's very easy to see why Nintendo has had such a hard time coming up with a way to follow this one up properly.

Side note: People talk about how hard this game is, and it is challenging on higher difficulties, but I feel like some who haven't played the game might get the impression that the standard difficulties are insanely difficult. Which really isn't the case and I feel it's a disservice to anyone who might want to get into this game to imply otherwise.
Normal does indeed mean normal in this gameeee

In an extremely rare opportunity -- and an absolutely unheard one at the time -- Nintendo and SEGA joined hands to conceive a monstrous speed demon of a racing game.

Developed by Amusement Vision and utilizing the engine that powers their Super Monkey Ball games, F-ZERO GX is an obscenely FAST racing game that will constantly punish clumsy maneuvering, and it will feel good as it happens.

Maneuvering is everything in this game, and the design around the GameCube controller makes it so your delicate touch on the shoulder buttons will easily make the difference between you taking home the gold, or becoming a sticker on a wall.

The graphics are nothing to scoff at with a striking visual presentation while maintaining a virtually constant 60fps, and the soundtrack goes from electronic to a fusion with heavy metal, it is a joy for both eyes and ears.

If you are building a GameCube collection, this entry is a must on your library. Do not miss this one out.

This is the best racing game out there in my opinion. The presentation is top notch and the game feels very smooth to play. The story mode is very brutal tho.

When it comes to racing games, sega is just on another level in the arcade style space with this being a shining example for why.

It runs on the Super Monkey Ball engine. 10/10.

You come into MY house, suck MY dick, call ME GAY

Absolutely nothing comes close to being a better racing game.

It holds up incredibly well visually. It is a fun game, but I'm not in love with it. I've sporadically played this a few times in a couple of years. It's very frustrating at times and the racing isn't anything too amazing be honest

This is one of the most fun games I've ever played. It controls flawlessly and is so smooth and enjoyable to maneuver. I loved the graphical style as well and think it has aged beautifully. This is one of the best racing games ever.

β€œHave you met god? No, but you got damn close!” - Scott the Woz on F-Zero GX

Probably the hardest game I've ever played, also the best racer I've ever played

El sexo fue inventado en 2003 y fue llamado F zero GX para la gamecube

this game made covid bearable for me