Reviews from

in the past

incredibly heartwarming and so fun to play. i see why a lot of people consider this their favorite classic Final Fantasy game, how could you not fall in love with such an incredible cast of characters... and the OPERA SCENE my GOD. playing through them all chronologically, this is such a huge level up in this game from square compared to the first few before it, I can only imagine the reaction when the game first came out.

O my hero, my beloved...

Its still fun to play, although it is missing the extra content from the gba version

Es la culminación de toda la saga hasta este punto.
desde la mismísima intro, el juego tiene una cosa muy clara: te va a dar una experiencia que supera los limites de su consola, y te lo vas a tomar en serio.
desde la estética más oscura que acompaña el tono de la historia, hasta la presentación y el estilo artístico. tiene los mejores personajes, siendo todos empatizables y con historias y arcos muy definidos, la historia general es la más definida y elaborada hasta el punto, la ost está repleta de bangers...

también tiene su parte mala. el combate empieza más lento que en V, hay cositas estúpidamente enrevesadas, es más fácil que en otros juegos quedarte atascado sin escape en algunos jefes, hay un par de jefes que son NEFASTOS y el juego se alarga un poco de más hacia las ultimas 5 horas antes de la mazmorra final.

pero merece bastante la pena, me parece un juego especial, en su punto más bajo tiene cosas molestas de RPG viejo, pero en sus puntos más altos, consigue traspasar la pantalla y las limitaciones del hardware.

se nota que tenían mucho cariño a este proyecto y que se propusieron romper limites.
Y lo consiguen con creces.

This game has a really great story with some incredible ideas, but I feel that it doesn't fully live up to a few of them
The game seems to want you to make use of the full cast, which is great because all of the cast members are really good, but nothing in the game really incentivize you to use the main cast except for two minigames at the start and two dungeons at the end. They had the idea of breaking up the game into scenarios, with different groups of characters forming parties and doing different things for the story, which is genuinely amazing, but they only use it once. They hold onto it a little bit for the first half of the game, making certain characters required for certain segments, but the game becomes much more open in the second half. The second half has it's own strengths, but I feel that the character writing takes a significant hit
The gameplay is above average for an RPG. Each character has a gimmick that makes them unique and adds variety to the gameplay. Other than that and the more in-depth skill building system, it's pretty standard
There are some areas where the design can be a bit frustrating, and they really stand out because of how good everything else is. One of the best scenes in the game can be missed based on random chance, and an entire character can be missed by succeeding in a minigame. On top of that, there are two bosses that take place immediately after a series of tedious, unskippable fights that you have to repeat each time you die
The game also has excellent music, good art, and many of the quality of life additions are really great (turning off random encounters is a god send)

This shit might just have the greatest title screen in video games. This is a definite must-play for JRPG fans and I'm upset at myself for putting it off for so long.

Sabin and Edgar my goats... I kneel.

After finishing the game, I can now clearly understand why FF6 is a favorite to many; even sometimes labelled as the "best Final Fantasy" game.

The dynamics and development of characters, the main antagonist, the initial defeat, and the eventual victory were put so well together. On top of that, the individuality and growth of the characters (and their unique abilities due to their assigned jobs) resulted to this very immersive and engaging JRPG experience. Plus, the SOUNDTRACK IS A MASTERPIECE.

My main issue perhaps was the puzzle found in dungeons being too tricky. I cannot imagine doing this without turning the encounters off. Thanks for this feature, Pixel Remaster.

finally played the pixel remaster. unfortunately one of those games for me that after coming back to doesnt feel as good as you remember it doing but even so i still adore this game. for sure one of the better casts in the franchise and god does it all still hold up so well. fuck that tower though.

This game excels on so many things that I was shook by the end of my playthrough. Its not my favorite final fantasy, but this is for sure in my opinion the best one. From the cast of characters, the villian, the music, the areas, the ending. I have enjoyed it all

I got to Kefka's tower at the end, and then gave up, tried to come back to it a year later, decided that was too hard, and looked up the ending on YouTube

Has some of the best set pieces I have ever seen in a JRPG, or in an FF game. The opera house segment was really unexpected, and Zozo is one of the most memorable areas ever.
I felt the game lose a bit of steam near the end of the first half, especially since I got my ass beat up badly in the Flying Continent, but the second half is where the game really shines.
Having a plethora of side quests and extra playable characters that you can get in any order (mostly) is a breath of fresh air from previous FF titles.
The gameplay was top-notch and a significant step-up from FFV.
My only gripe is that I had to grind a lot for some characters before I attempted the final area, but I guess that just comes with the territory.
The final area is bonkers all the way through, although I spent a solid 10 minutes fighting one of the bosses because of a poorly balanced party.
The final boss was really challenging and I died a couple of times, and I placed the party in the wrong way and had to fight the final final boss with a joke of a party, although they got through just fine.
A JRPG for the ages.

The story, art, music, and characters are all absolutely amazing. However, the gameplay was overwhelming and unsatisfying for me, personally.

Enjoyed the game throughout, especially the World of Balance portion, I thought that was great. World of Ruin was good but at times felt a bit overwhelming for me personally, though me pulling an all nighter to do it in one sitting before the end of the year could've contributed to that

Out of all classic FFs, this one feels the most complete and closest to the modern games. The first half was an absolute blast to play through, I did not expect such heavy story beats. The second half was a bit overwhelming, but ultra fun nonetheless. At first I didn't like how many party membery they threw at you, but playing with 3 teams for the final dungeon was genius. Nuking Kefka with Ultima after Ultima was something else.

Every single Pixel Remaster you play leads to this. What a phenomenal execution of story, gameplay, and cinematics. There's one sequence that's given the Octopath treatment and it is so worth it.
Easily shoots up to one of my favorite games.

Final Fantasy I - VI: De tropeços a um Espetáculo!

Olha, sinceramente falando não acredito que conseguirei colocar nesse texto tudo que se pode falar dos 6 primeiros Final Fantasy, na verdade eu tenho certeza absoluta disso... Cada um desses jogos poderiam ter vídeos de mais de uma hora apenas dedicados em dessecar tudo o que eles apresentam...

Por conta disso eu pretendo, nessa análise, apenas passar brevemente a minha sensação e experiência com os jogos... Dividindo elas em duas trilogias, a original, composta por FF I, II, e III, e a subsequente, formada por FF IV, V, e VI.

De fato deve dizer que já tinha tido contato, e jogado, diversos jogos dá franquia Final Fantasy, de FF, X, X-2 e XII a Trilogia FF XIII, FF XV, FF VII Remake, também o recém lançado FF XVI... Além de ter jogado algumas horas do FF XIV... Tô na espera por Dawntrail inclusive.

Sim eu conseguia facilmente dizer que era, e sou, fã da franquia, porém não podia afirmar que havia jogado os seis jogos originais... Além de outros, como VII original, Tactics, VIII e IX... E depois de concluir a trilogia Mother, parecia fazer sentido mergulhar de fez nessa franquia e terminar minhas pendências.
Com isso dito, vamos a cada um dos jogos...

- Trilogia Original:

Final Fantasy: O pior livro finalizado é sempre melhor do que o melhor livro escrito pela metade.

Eu ouvi essa afirmação de um escritor amigo meu, e sem entrar em muitos detalhes, de fato concordo com ela... As vezes ideias e franquias brilhantes começaram com obras não tão brilhantes assim... Pois cada passo é um passo... É assim com a grande maioria das obras que conhecemos, óbvio que existem exceções, porém em sua maioria o primeiro jogo de uma franquia, ou de um estúdio, tende a ter coisas a melhorar... Pense que se FF I, e Tes: Arena fossem descontinuados, seja por venderem pouco, ou por não serem tão bons para sua época, não teríamos duas franquias tão espetaculares como temos hoje... Eles precisam apenas existir para que passos maiores fossem fatos depois.

FF I de fato tem seus méritos porém também seus erros, e em geral acaba por ser um jogo interessante, porém que para nesse aspecto... Sua história definitivamente não profunda ou detalhada, porém faz seu pequeno papel... Ao mesmo tempo que seu combate é coerente porém pouco profundo para o que poderia ser naquela época.

Final Fantasy é o primeiro passo, e um primeira passo necessário que me deixou com um gosto bom na boca... mesmo que seus sucessores façam praticamente tudo o que ele faz melhor... Para ele um 7.3/10 ou um 3.5/5...
Um primeiro passo para uma gigantesca franquia.

Final Fantasy II: Castlevania 2, Final Fantasy.

É interessante notar a trajetória parecida dos segundos jogos de muitas franquias antigas... FF II e Castle 2 são dois excelentes exemplos de como ideias novas e boas não necessariamente tornam jogos revolucionários para sua época... Ambos tinham ideias que só retornariam a serem apresentadas em um jogo anos depois.

Dá tranquilamente para afirmar que Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest é o "precursor" do ideal de Metrodvania que veriamos anos depois, assim como FF II carrega consigo muitas coisas que só iriam ocorrer muito tempo depois de seu lançamento, como poder explorar todo o mapa logo no começo do jogo...

Pensando dessa forma até pode parecer que ambos os jogos são bons porém... Ambos são extremamente frustrantes, chatos, e ruins de se jogar... Quebrar a cabeça tentando descobrir como passar de uma parede no Castle 2 ou encontrar uma battle a cada trinta segundos no FF II são coisas extremamente frustrantes, seja pra época em que foram lançados, seja para hoje em dia também...

No final das contas FF II, como eu disse, tem boas ideias, mas boas ideias não fazem um bom jogo, e quando mal aplicadas... Bom, se torna como ambos os jogos citados acima... De fato algumas coisas nesse segundo jogo são interessantes, a trilha sonora é mais sombria, acompanhando a história que também é mais sinistra... Mas isso não apaga o amontoado de coisas frustrantes que esse jogo carrega... Pra ele um bom 4.8/10 ou 2.0/5

Final Fantasy III: O mesmo trajeto do outro lado já visto.

O que dizer de FF III... Ele definitivamente é legal de se jogar, comete, ao menos na minha opinião, erros diferentes do primeiro jogo, o que deixa eles praticamente empatados em minha análise.

Mas ao mesmo tempo é um jogo absurdamente melhor e mais divertido de se jogar do que o segundo... Foi aqui que a escrita da série passou a ser um pouco mais robusta, e ele definitivamente foi o respiro que a franquias necessitava depois do segundo jogo.

No final das contas, Final Fantasy III definitivamente é um jogo que eu não devo me lembrar muito daqui pra frente, mas que tem seu importante papel na caminhada da franquia, pois apresenta coisinhas que se tornariam pequenos clássicos ao logos dos jogos, ele é bom, na medida do possível...

Seu resultado final definitivamente é positivo, e a partir daqui os jogos da franquia passaram por um salto de qualidade é enorme... Pois ao menos para mim, aprenderam exatamente onde deveriam acertar e corrigir... Para FF XIII, um 6.9/10 ou um 3.0

Segunda Trilogia: Clássica Subsequente.

Final Fantasy IV: A Arte de pequenos e grandes paralelos...

Falar de FF IV, ao menos pra mim, é falar sobre paralelos, ideias que referenciam outras ideias, mesmo que com construções originais... É notório que a partir daqui FF passou a ter um outro nível de qualidade, nível esse que... Pelo menos eu espero... (Por favor FF VII, VIII e IX, Sejam Bons)... Só vai cair no Final Fantasy XIII...

A construção de mundo história e personagens passou a ser melhor escrito, mesmo que esses aspectos sejam "simples" comparados aos dias de hoje, é fácil falar que uma evolução pode ser notada aqui.

Como disse acima, FF IV tem muitos paralelos em suas ideias, seja na cultura oriental e ocidental, seja em conceitos religiosos, ou aspectos criados em sua própria narrativa... Realmente eu achei toda a contrução de mundo desse jogo muito interessante, mesmo que no final eu possa dizer que ele têm seus problemas, a partir daqui o saldo dos jogos passou a ser extremamente positivo pra mim... Não mais parando no "bom, mas só bom."

Definitivamente eu consigo dizer que esse jogo é uma experiência que deve ser testada ao menos uma única vez para quem gosta do gênero, pois ele apresenta pontos muito específicos e coesos ao longo de sua campanha... Eu gostei bastante, pra Final Fantasy IV um belo 9.1/10 ou 4.5/10

Final Fantasy V: A simplicidade é uma ótima forma de se mostrar a arte.

Final Fantasy V é simples, sim, é difícil descrever o que sinto com esse jogo... Principalmente pois estamos falando de um gênero onde quanto mais profundo, complexos, e bem trabalhados os seus sistemas são melhor ele é.

É difícil pra mim falar sobre isso, pois ao menos em minha cabeça, jogos como Fallout 4 e Final Fantasy XVI, perdiam pontos em minha análise no geral, muito por conta disso... Mesmo que eu ache ambos os jogos muito bons...

Então ao jogar FF V eu tive que repensar muito do que sabia sobre isso, pois até então, isso que ele apresentou ia contra o que eu acreditava, que construía um bom jogo de role playing...

Ao menos a conclusão que cheguei é que a apresentação de Final Fantasy V beira a perfeição... De fato posso dizer que a construção de seu game design, história, gameplay, trilha sonora, até mesmo design de personagens e arte, são realmente mais simples...

Porém a forma como isso é apresentado ao jogador que torna esse jogo tão bom... Em nenhum momento essa simplicidade incomoda, ao menos nunca fiquei instigado a pensar que seus sistemas deveriam ser mais, pelo contrário, eles são divertidos, instigantes ao demostrar o jogador o quão belo suas pequenas coisas podem ser...

Um caso parecido com isso, ao menos pra mim é The Witcher 3... Sim, TW3... É notório que esse jogo de fato pode ser descrito como um Rpg simplificado, pois não podemos interpretar o Gerald, protagonista, como nós mesmo... Ele já tem uma história definida, um passado, uma personalidade, seus interesses... Até a classe dele nós não podemos mudar... Porém Witcher 3 apresenta seu mundo, suas mecânicas, e principalmente suas histórias de uma forma muito interessante, que me instigou do seu começo ao fim... Assim como Final Fantasy V também o fez da mesma forma.

Definitivamente é inteligente e demonstra que a simplicidade em um RPG não necessariamente é ruim, basta ser bem apresentado e bem aplicado... Acredito que isso seja muito difícil de dar certo, mas aqui ocorreu corretamente... No fim posso até afirmar que isso é uma exceção no que faz um JRpg e um Rpg serem bons... Mas ocorreu mesmo assim.

Sim, eu aconselho muito, para quem gosta do gênero, testarem Final Fantasy V, ao menos para mim ele é muito bom, e um clássico que não pode ser esquecido... Para ele um 9.4/10 ou um 4.5/10... Quase que eu deixei ele na casa das 5 estrelas, mas acabou que não ocorreu.

Final Fantasy VI: A Lágrima Final da Fantasia de um Breve Palhaço.

"Clap... Clap.... Clap... Clap..." Final Fantasy VI não merece palmas... Merece Tocantins inteiro...

Tá bom, tá bom, eu sei que não deveria fazer essa piada horrível, e também deveria começar essa parte de um jeito sério, mas não queria perder a oportunidade...

Agora falando sério mesmo... Que jogo cara, que jogo fantástico que é Final Fantasy VI... Posso descrever essa obra como um espetáculo, é um jogo que é espetacular em praticamente tudo o que se propõem, comete muitos poucos erros e tem pontos positivos muito grandes...

Ao menos para mim, existem dois jogos do gênero JRpg acima dele... Mother 3 e Chrono Trigger, com o segundo citado sendo o melhor dos três... Uma tríade que eu tenho muita dificuldade em pensar que algum jogo possa de fato superar, em algum momento...(Alguns jogos eu acho que podem chegar perto... Cof.. FF VII... Cof... Persona 5... Cof...) Mas que independência disso, devo dizer que esses três jogos são muito bons... Mesmo... Tipo... Espetaculares.

E o interessante é que ambos os três são muito diferentes entre si, seja pela construção de suas obras, seja pelo momento em que foram lançados ou seja pelo o que apresentam, mas todos isso três fazem muito, e de forma muito competente...

Final Fantasy VI é um jogo que, ao menos até aqui, demonstra muita maturidade, sejam em sua trilha sonora, seja na história, e principalmente na gameplay, aspecto esse que eu citei pouco nos outros jogos, exatamente pois queria falar quando chegasse aqui...

Cada um deles foi adicionando uma coisinha que poderia ser icônica na série... FF I deu o primeiro passo, FF II colocou a construção épica da história e os Chocobos, FF III o sistema de Jobs e por aí vai.

E é aqui, nesse jogo, FF VI, em que todas essas coisas estão maduras, e em seu auge... É fantástico ver cada ideia se convergindo em um jogo que, não apenas fez muito sucesso, como também é bastante reconhecido pelo o que é, e por ser tão bom também...

Definitivamente eu fico feliz por dizer que Final Fantasy VI, ao menos até agora é um baita jogo, um dos melhores de todos os tempos, e o meu FF favorito, por enquanto ao menos... Para ele um belo 9.8/10 ou um 5/5.

Os próximos da lista são os jogos subsequentes da série até o XIII, pois dele para frente eu já joguei, também irei testar o Final Fantasy Tactics, que muita gente fala bem... Espero que eu tenha uma boa experiência com todos eles, conhecer o começo da franquia e ver o caminhar dela, mesmo com os tropeços, me deixa feliz... De verdade...

There will be spoilers in this review. I finally got around to playing Final Fantasy VI, widely regarded as one of the greatest RPGs of all time. So what did I think? Well, it's mostly positive, but I definitely don't hold it to as high regard as some other people. Positives first. I loved the visuals and the music. Nobuo Uematsu once again shows why he's the GOAT. The story is great for the most part too, but I did find some flaws. The first half was excellent. I honestly had a great time, then Kefka destroys the world. While definitely an insanely epic moment, I thought it was only going to get better, but then the pacing of the game slows down to a crawl and now you have to explore the whole world on your own with very little indication on where to go. I never use guides for games. It's extremely rare, and I usually only use one to get unstuck from certain parts, but I'm not kidding you when I say I had to use a guide for the last 50% of the game. I had no idea where to go at all. Apparently, half of the game is just looking for your partners. I did not find that terribly exciting, although the stories definitely are good. I was just lost most of the time. I also mostly just used my favourite characters in combat, which became a problem later on. More about that later.

The combat is very fun, although I think there's a bit too many characters to really get into any of them. I only felt like a mastered a few of them, while many of them hardly got used at all, which was a mistake, because you need them all at the end. Or, well, at least 12 of them. And because I had only used my favourites, I had to go level up for a while. How long? 15 minutes? 30 minutes? No, I leveled up for several hours. It took forever, even with boosters on. I can't imagine how long it must've taken on the SNES to get all the characters up to an acceptable level. It's not like I'm bad at RPGs either. I just beat Final Fantasy 1-5 before this, and those didn't require much grinding at all. Well, except FFII. Ugh.

The game also had some annoying parts. First of all, the raft section. Just standing on a raft, choosing left, right or middle while fighting enemies over and over again wasn't very fun to me. Also, later, you fight waves of enemies on an airship, then two bosses, and if you fail at one of the bosses, it's everything over again, and that section takes a while too. I felt like some sections could've been designed better, but there are very few annoying parts at least.

Then there's Kefka. Such an entertaining villain, but I'm disappointed he wasn't more in the game. He shows up a lot during the first half, but you don't see him for pretty much the entire second half of the game, except for a few minutes at the end. I found that extremely disappointing, but he's still a fun villain. I also found Kefka's Tower a bit annoying, spamming bosses left and right, plus a bunch of annoying enemy types. Not exactly the way I wanted the game to end, but the last fight was epic as hell at least. Definitely had a blast with that.

This is actually one of the few times I think people are slightly blinded by nostalgia. I go back to old games all the time and have a ton of fun, and I did have fun with FFVI. Just not one of the greatest games of all time kind of fun. For instance, when I went back and played Chrono Trigger and EarthBound, old RPGs like that, I fell in love and they became some of my favourite games. Their age didn't matter at all. With FFVI, I'm noticing some cracks here and there. For me, Final Fantasy IX is still my favourite, but I'm still very happy to finally have played FFVI. A great game for sure.

Finally, Final Fantasy buckles down and fully realizes its potential. I had enough fun with FFV, but it still lacked something to make it great. FFVI has that something and then some. Through a modern lense, the game is rather underwhelming in some areas, specifically the story, but when you put it in the context of the Super Famicom then holy shit does this game blow most everything else out of the water.
Let's start with the story. FFI-III were painfully basic and boring fantasy romps with little to no real characters. IV tried to fix that, and V even more so. Now with VI, they finally managed to create not only an enduring main cast, but a plethora of interesting side characters as well. Many of these characters actually develop over the course of the story, even if it's only a little bit. The actual story is far superior to anything that came before it. It's still a pretty basic structure, but it's presented so well that you get invested in it regardless of how predictable it can be.
Speaking of presentation, it's phenomenal. My brother, who played the SNES original, kept commenting on how the visual style of the original was preserved in this remake. With that knowledge I feel somewhat confident in saying that this is one of the best looking SNES games ever. The music, though, is so good that I barely believe that it could ever come out of a SNES. I switched to the arranged score for a few hours and it was so impossibly good that I was genuinely blown away.
The gameplay is as good as a traditional RPG can be, at least from the little of the genre that I have played. The magicite system is somehow better than the job system from V. The remake gives enough improvements to easily overpower any foe aside from bosses, which is the way I like it. Build up your characters by demolishing fodder in order to be able to barely scrape by the bosses. It's exhilarating.
The final boss was incredible. The scale, the music, and perfectly balanced difficulty led to a battle I won't soon forget.
If you haven't already, play this game. I can't speak for the SNES version but the Pixel Remaster is a fantastic experience that I would recommend to newbies and veterans alike.

É uma baita evolução comparado aos jogos anteriores da franquia, história mais bem elaborada, bons arcos de personagens e bons momentos também, uma bela de uma fantasia.

I think this part of Final Fantasy if not the best, but one of the best. Story is full of different events, from some fairy tale, to very depressive, yet one of them can be avoided. This game is a great example for shoving sometimes dark and depressind story with so simple graphics.

Combat is good due to all 14 playable characters. Some of them is unlockable if explore Narsche and location from second part of game. Each character have individual special command, Edgar have mechanical weapons, unbreakable and not consuming anything. Also has a secret with chainsaw in Zozo location. One character here can mimic literally every attack. For example if you want to use summon of some character and want mimic guy(or girl, its unknown) to repeat that attack, just choose character you want to mimic first. Sabin have strong martial arts and even can strike powerful unique atack with ~1/16 rate in critical situation. Shadow has powerful throw attacks, ye he complicated to recruit, but it worth it.

Some optional content also exists here, some magicite, some optional party members. Even some optional bosses.

I have been returning to this game periodically for 2 years, partially completing it. I own 2 steam versions(yes old with shitty graphics) and that pixel remaster. And this game won't maked me to abandon it or disappoint in some way.

So I gonna say that FF 6 is a my personal masterpiece, as a jrpg and just as game.

Not nearly enough party members

Je n'ai pas compris la hype autour de ce FF, c'est un bon jeu... mais je n'ai PAS compris pourquoi il y a un culte autour de lui.

imo : beaucoup TROP de personnages, beaucoup se retrouvent alors quasiment inexploités.
L'histoire est assez banale, rien d'extraordinaire mis à part un twist remarquable.
Un antagoniste COMPLETEMENT SURHYPE par les joueurs avec très peu de profondeur...
Les musiques sont plutôt whatever à part quelques exceptions.
La dernière partie du jeu, un bordel qui parait complètement rush.. ça en manquerait presque de sens, la première partie était nettement plus agréable

et Gau, nique ta mère Gau.

Mais je n'oublierai pas certaines scènes (l'opéra) qui m'ont retourné le cerveau

Overrated as fuck, but still a good game

By far the best game in the pixel remasters. You can tell they put the most care and effort in this one compared to the others i.e. the Oprah House scene having actual lyrics and the visuals plus soundtrack going insane. The party was mostly likeable and enjoyable except gau, Umaro and Gogo. The optional content was great too. Kefka was a solid villain but fell off at the back half due to major absence. A great way to end off the remasters onto FF7!

Overrated. Terra and Kefka are barely in the game. I expected way more with them. Fun overall thought.

GREETINGS FINAL FANTASY ENJOYERS, JRPG lovers, gamers from all around the world!

Having finally beat the evil tin can man and saved a merged world in Final Fantasy V; it is time to embark on the next iteration of the Final Fantasy series, Final Fantasy VI (FF6)!

Boy, what an absolutely phenomenal game this is.
I think this story is best experienced firsthand as it's got very interesting beats and points that shouldn't fail to entertain or immerse. The first scene of the game starts with a dark and brooding cutscene, setting the appropriate tone for this entry, quite similar to FF4. My initial impression is that it's FF2 but more expanded, but I was proven wrong early on. It also has a lot of drama and/or dramatic influences and it's very blunt about it.

Unlike the previous entry, the cast is rather large! If you do all the quests your cast should top at 13 characters I think (at least that's how many I had). Each of them is rather unique and they even have their personal backstories integrated into the story or via some sidequest when you acquire them, all neat stuff. They're all great characters, I love them all dearly :)
Rather early on you unlock quite a lot of them and you can mix and match your party however you see fit, which is great but also kind of a bog as you still need to level everyone, as the game requires multiple parties to progress sometimes.

As far as gameplay goes... Once again, FF6 departs from FF5 job system, with each character having a predetermined job specific to them.
Cross job skills are no more, and instead relics make an appearance, which are basically accessories that add abilities, statuses or enhance your already present abilities, like turning Steal to Mug or granting 100% accuracy.
Another new addition is the summon system, which now everyone has access to. Depending on the summon equipped, levelup stats are influenced and the character can unlock that summons spells. Basically everyone can be a healer now, which is neat!
Additionally, every character has their own unique mechanic such as: Terra's trance which powers her magic, Celes' runic which absorbs spells for healing or Sabin's martial arts that require button inputs. This more or less makes each character different in playstyle and how you approach the summon system.

Visuals this time have a lot more details, showing how FF6 was a late SNES era game. This time around Pixel Remaster actually has some noticeable additions: most striking being the Opera scene, completely different from the original game! It was really good!
Another yay is that character portraits are back, yet again by yours truly Amano Yoshitaka! WOO!
The game overall is very pretty and I think for any 2D JRPG the level of beauty FF6 achieved should be their baseline.

Music is great, absolutely banging in fact! A lot of the music, similar to the story, is more "fine arts" in my opinion. My favourite pieces are the Opera song, Terra's theme, Cyan's theme, Celes' theme and the train area song.

Overall, if FF4 is too old for you, FF6 is a must play if you want to at least experience the Final Fantasy series at one of its apexes.

"X Y down up!" [meteor strikes this review] I'll see you in Final Fantasy VII, soldier.

I was really enjoying this one until I reached the World of Ruin, when everything became slightly too overwhelming and confusing for me. Still have massive respect for this game, but I just lacked the motivation and drive to continue on with this one.

This review contains spoilers

Final Fantasy VI is sort of in the same category as games like Resident Evil 4 and Mega Man 2 where I don't really think I have to say anything, because everything has already been said about it many times over. You know the game, I know the game, we all at least like it to some extent and can say that the opening with the Magitek armors walking in the snow towards Narshe while Terra's theme plays is a 5/5, the opera house sequence is bizarre but iconic, the soundtrack is probably the best on the entire SNES, and the big twist is very cool, and in many ways both the best and worst thing about the game.

I do actually want to say at least something about the game's second half. I know a lot of people really don't like it and think the game falls apart at that point, and I sort of agree, but I also find it so interesting. First half is a pretty standard Final Fantasy where plucky rebels are fighting evil empire that are trying to take over the entire world, people die along the way and there's some weird tonal shifts that do not work super well (like going from Cyan's introduction and then straight to the super goofy Phantom Train), but make the game just a bit more endearing and chaotic.

Then the game ends halfway through. I mean, it even was supposed to end there for real, but development went so well that Square had the time to add even more, and so we got World of Ruin (at least according to the Final Fantasy Wiki, and I feel like that's a pretty trustworthy source.) It has to be said that this second half is way too ambitious for what Square could do on the SNES, and probably also with less development time and sleep than they needed to really succeed in everything. Mainly in the way that character interactions barely exist, with Sabin not even reacting when his brother Edgar shows up alive and well after the party has been separated for a year, and some ways to re-recruit party members are way too obscure. Everyone fights in the same party and to defeat Kefka, sure, but they really do not care for one another, not even when being reunited, with the party leader just getting some stock line no matter who it is or who they're speaking with, which is kind of a shame when the ensemble cast of characters (except for Umaro, Gogo and Gau. I will not tolerate Mog being included among these) are so strong in their own right, but they all exist in their own little worlds into which no one else can be invited. This sort of sours the experience of getting the party back together again, and is honestly the main reason why I could see an FF6 remake from the ground up could be a good idea.

But it's also fantastic, because the game's technically over already, or the main story is. I don't think I appreciated this fact enough when I was younger, but having the second half of a game basically being its epilogue where you just tie up loose ends in a world that probably can't be saved is so compelling, especially in how NPCs react just like the player, with nostalgia over how it used to be and how, even though the world was awful before, it was a safer place and people took their lives and homes for granted. Now, everything is falling apart, people are looking for any joy in life, and without the empire being around anymore, there isn't really a common goal for most to fight against, so what's even the point of living anymore when everything is soon going to end anyway?

And the party that we've grown to love in the World of Balance are just like everyone else! Their main adversary is destroyed, they've all been separated and have no idea whether any of their comrades survived, so they just went on with their business, chasing their dreams with the time they had left, finding themselves or completely giving up because everything and everyone they once had is gone. But, and despite my issues with character interactions I think this says a lot about their bond to each other, as soon as they are reunited (and I really do appreciate how the game really doesn't give clear pointers on how to find most of them, since you can't possibly know whether they're even alive at this point. You just wander the world and hope for the best), they immediately go back to working together not really to save the world, but to at least try to make things better, hope for the best, and get another shot at stopping what they couldn't before. Even the ending, which I absolutely love, that ends on an optimistic note, doesn't really assure you that the world is healing, but that despite everything and how hopeless things seem maybe life can work out after all, even in the apocalypse.

The game is about carpe diem, is what I'm trying to say.

Wife’s Reaction:
“Hokay, so… it’s ze end of ze world.”

The Final Final Fantasy:
After many years I’ve finally finished all of the singleplayer Final Fantasy games, and FFVI was a perfect finale. The game has a fun, diverse cast all swept up in a dramatic story filled with plenty of light-hearted moments. FFVI lived up to the hype I’ve heard over the years; I loved it all and just wish I had more time with the characters.

For my general opinion on Final Fantasy VI, check out my review of the SNES original.

Regarding the Pixel Remaster, I think it's great. Its main goal was to deliver the FFVI experience to modern consoles while keeping the classic look alive and it delivers almost perfectly. Graphics have received some slight updates that make it look nicer and don't break the retro feel, while music has (optional) remixes that are mostly great. I love that the game now has Quick Saves, which make going through its toughest sections much more bearable (Cultists Tower I'm looking at you).

I'm sure some changes, like not keeping the SNES localization or the new Opera scene, won't be liked by everyone but I thought they were neat. You really can't go wrong playing this version of the game.

With Final Fantasy VI we saw the end of the SNES era FF games but we also saw the pinnacle of both the NES and SNES titles. It's so fucking easy to form an emotional connection with this game with the number of incredible characters and engaging story beats. Accompanied by an addicting gameplay loop, great art direction, and one of the greatest soundtracks in the medium. We get a one of a kind game.

The hopelessness of the world can be overwhelming at times but seeing our characters fight their hardest to overcome it gives you a glimmer of hope to latch on to throughout the game. Even when the world continues to become more and more hopeless, our characters can easily give up like almost everyone else, but they continue to stand back up. While it isn't without its faults, namely a few of the underdeveloped characters. This game made me tear up like over a dozen times and that's gotta count for something, right?