Reviews from

in the past

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"The sun and rain keep flowers alive." - Edo Macalister

This game is so tedious I had to restart three different times because I would just dread picking the game up again until weeks later and forget what I played. Eventually I said fuck it and just played with the gamefaqs guide just to get through the story. Maybe I'm just a dumbass but some of these puzzles, especially the Lost & Found puzzles, were just impossible to solve organically. To be fair, I am also really bad at solving puzzles and have a general distaste for maths in general.

The game is also paced really slowly especially in the first half. It took me a while to actually invest into the plot because of how nonsensical and surreal it all seemed. And it didn't help that moving around in this game feels so slow with how you are unable to full stride in all areas in the game, the map being kind of big, going to a new screen takes 5 seconds (going up and down 5 stories of the hotel gets old fast), and the sprint option being locked behind the step counter.

The plot starts to become interesting though when the connections to The Silver Case/ Kill the Past starts trickling through. However by that time I was so over the puzzle solving and walking around that it was hard for me to sit down and fully enjoy some of the lore drops. Half the cast also starts feeling meaningless by that point as well such as the wrestlers who never show up in the story again. I get that we were experiencing the random Sumio clones' memories but it really did feel like the only things that mattered happened in the last 5 chapters.

Despite all of the shortcomings of this game though, I am glad I played it. The dialogue is at its funniest when it was being meta and actually made me laugh at loud sometimes. The music did an excellent job providing atmosphere (I also just really like Debussy). And the opening and intro movies are probably one of the best pieces of visual media I have experienced in my life. My favorite part of the game is the guidebook with how real it made the resort feel with it's about 50 pages of fake lore. As soon as I had access to it, I spent a good solid hour reading through the whole thing and I loved every minute of it. They had a whole indigenous tribe mythos which was truly captivating and really gave that sense of "paradise" like being somewhere such as Hawaii would evoke. Another standout page in the guidebook is the one with alcoholic drinks on it. Made me want to print out that whole page just to make all the drinks which I will probably do in the near future. I would totally stay in a resort like Flower, Sun, and Rain and I'm mad that it isn't a real place.

The quote from Edo I used in the beginning of this review sums up how I feel about this game. It has its ups (sun) and downs (rain) but at the end of it all the game was truly a unique experience (flower) that I feel like would stick with me. That quote is my favorite piece of the dialogue in the game and it really made me meditate on my own experiences. Imperfect game but the imperfect can be considered perfect by virtue of its imperfection. I can say for certain that I enjoyed my stay in the Flower, Sun, and Rain hotel on Lospass Island.

Maybe i hate video games or maybe I have shit taste
But I know for a fact that I hate Suda51

What if Death stranding was made by Suda51? (better)
Lospass island will be missed....

um port meio fraco de um ótimo jogo
a weaker port of a great game

Another comfort game. Much like all of Suda51’s games, I feel inspired whenever I play Flower, Sun, and Rain. Makes for a great summertime romp, at least for me. Its willingness to intentionally annoy the player will probably frustrate most people but I love it. It’s part of what makes it so interesting. I can’t think of many other examples where the gameplay and writing are this effective at putting the player on the same page as the player character. When you have to repeatedly walk through several large, empty areas, you understand why the protagonist is so grumpy all the time. One of the funniest games I’ve played too. The protagonist punches a child at one point. That alone is worth a perfect score.

Goodbye, Losspass. Goodbye, Paradise. A fever dream and a half, one that I oddly didn't wish to wake up from.

Story and dialogue-wise I would probably give it a 5, gameplay-wise... well. It depends on how much you love math and walking (and the movement system on the DS can be a doozy sometimes with the camera angle switching). Not gonna lie, I did end up loving some of the guidebook puzzles though. But it can definitely be a chore, funnily enough, just like it intended. Or maybe I've developed some weird stockholm syndrome for this game.

Its absurdist and 4th wall-breaking humor is definitely right up my alley, and the contrast between the bleak mystery and the casual, at most times even cheerful soundtrack and landscapes creates an interesting disconnect. It's both hilarious and unsettling. Its at (most) times incomprehensible dialogue and narrative really keeps you guessing and asking, and barely any answers are given to you outright which works to its advantage, in my opinion.

I haven't played Silver Case but this game definitely made me want to check it out immediately. Even though I still have a lot of questions and a lot of the plot probably went over my head (I'm still processing it as I'm typing this), I can recommend this game based off vibes alone.

Sumio Mondo is my spirit animal. Please play this game.

Flower, sun and rain it's amazing. being my first Suda game I started it with big expectations based on all the praises Grasshopper studio gets BUT at the same time not knowing at all what this game would deliver, and DAMN. It does deliver.

I think this is the weirdest game I gave 5 starts not because of the tone of the game itself, (even tho it is weird) but because the scope of it is pretty simple and narrow, but it's such a perfectly encapsulated experience, so unique that I couldn't give this one less.

The look of Lospass island pierces your eyes immediately, full of vibrant colors everywhere. Green, blue, red, yellow, pink, all distributed in these paradisiacal scenarios where you somehow feel that it should be buzzling with life, but it is not, it is completely empty, just the sound of the waves, wind and birds as you run. This made me feel like I was walking around in a weird fever dream, all seems unreal but at the same time it is as you would imagine a paradise. It makes all the walking worth it; I didn't get bored when running all sweaty around Lospass dreamy aesthetics at all. I love how Sumio's outfit doesn't match with the vibe at all, these contrasts make him stand out like in a good way.
I find funny that this game being the sequel to TSC, game which is all grim and obscure in its aesthetic, just twists this fact and goes all the way to a flashy paradise look, love it!

As I said before, it is a fever dream, and this doesn't stop just at the view, but it leaks into the people, every encounter is surreal, we limit ourselves when talking to strangers, we have lot of mental rules that ties together to a complex system that runs at every interaction. Here there is not, well, at least to everyone but Sumio. Honestly, I can't wrap my thoughts to describe the dialogue, but it's filled with this wittiness that makes it so engaging, sometimes ironic, sometimes poetic, sometimes ridiculous, sometimes hilarious.

I didn't play TSC nor 25th Ward so ik I'm missing a lot of context to enjoy the plot and world-building EVEN more but i like it just as it is, a mysterious plot that gives you little hints throughout the whole game to keep you engaged and then it just fucks your brain in the best way possible at the very end.

I'm not lying when I say that after beating this game, I've been listening to the OST nonstop throughout the weeks, they accomplished fleshing out the paradise Lospass essence greatly, mixing this classical/famous melodies and making it their own, like, you sometimes compare the original and they barely sound like the same song, because they use the main melody and build over them to give it their own personality, their own touch, music achieves to fusion with the ambience unscathed .
It reminds me of drakengard and how it does this for its own chaotical purpose.

GAMEPLAY...the gimmick is really fun, the idea of searching through the whole guidebook and how you become paranoid of every number you read and how to tie them to an answer is cool. some were oddly specific, and I broke my brain too much but the feeling after seeing 'HIT' is worthwhile.


I'm so Sumio coded... fr 🚬...

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I have no idea what I just played.

Equal parts oddly relaxing, confusing, and frustrating, Flower Sun and Rain really tries to confuse the player above all else. Most of the time, it's a funny confusion, but sometimes it flies way over my head.

I have to let this game sink in for a bit before I really understand what it's about. (Time for a music metaphor) It's kind of like atonal music - where they are throwing dissonant, unresolved chords at you all the time, without a real center or tonic, but still you have a sense of things progressing. It is literally maybe one of the only plots I can think of from a videogame that only works because it's confusing, because it's nonsensical. It works exactly because there is no stability - or just enough to make the nonsense appealing. Interesting too that this game references a lot of composers, mostly for the pleasant (but odd) familiarity of some of the remixed classical tunes. Still I see some parallels of the tone of this game and the works of Debussy, Ravel and the like. Using odd, yet dreamy and majestic harmonies. I would describe the tone of FSR as precisely an odd daydream.

Of course, the game itself is like if you melded Professor Layton with an odd (vaguely) Polynesian and Sinatra-age America vibe. The biggest comparison might be to a show like Hawaii 5-O, only much more postmodern and tongue in cheek. Now the puzzles can be bad. In particular, there are some puzzles that assume that you just take something for granted - in the latter of the game in particular, there is a series of puzzles about a radio. You have to look for a "memory radio station". So the guidebook (where you will look to solve most of the puzzles in this game) has a listing of a station where callers request the songs they want to be played - songs they have memories of. It didn't say anything of memories in the description of the station, so (my probably dumb) self couldn't make that leap of logic.

Yeah, the game also has a lot of walking back and forth, lots and lots of it.

Flower, Sun and Rain can be confusing and sometimes poorly designed. It operates purely on a seeming lack of ground, and is held up only by shocking the player at every turn.

Yet, I'll be damned if I didn't like my time with it. I love the DS version in particular, something so interesting about the grainy, DS-rendered graphics that complements the style of this game. While I think the game was a bit too tongue-in-cheek at points, I also was supremely relaxed by it, and found myself laughing a lot. Mondo is a very witty guy.

I loved this game for the time I spent with it, and I'm looking forward to replaying it! There is a loooot of walking though. It brings me to a good point: the way this game flaunts its faults. I've heard the Grasshopper crew wasn't exactly operating on a million dollar budget during this game. Still, bringing attention to the games faults with Fourth Wall breaks didn't exactly make them less obvious - for example "I can guess you have a lot of walking to do this chapter", or "why don't our 3D character models look like our 2D illustrations?". The game easily could have done without these fourth wall breaks, and it really kind of broke the immersion.

Still, I'm impressed at what the developers were able to do with what they had - I feel like this game could've been an interesting art film (in the best way possible). While it was silly most of the time, I had a hint of some serious themes of derealization, the ways people take advantage of each other, and questioning of ones self and identity. SPOILERS: (see the movie "The Truman Show" or "Synecdoche, New York")

Very lovely, and I usually don't play much of Suda 51's projects because the hyperviolence isn't my thing. I loved this one though. Give it a shot if you want something equally mind-destroying and relaxing.

It's actual story and characters are pretty impactful if not demented at times (which is helped greatly by Suda51 being at the helm), but the amount of walking you have to do to get to them gets tiring fast. However, the fact the game knows this and throws curveballs about it that either break the 4th wall, tie into the overarching narrative or just laugh at you for having to walk another few minutes does keep it from being a slog. Great time, very bizarre pacing. Good job Suda51👍

There is still a lot of charm in the humorous writing and wild twists but the tedium is cranked way up thanks to the walking required. Despite having more gameplay than The Silver Case I hesitate to call any of it meaningful let alone fun. I honestly think this game would be better off having less gameplay.

You know how in the movie "under the silver lake" were Andrew's Garfield characters "sam" and Riley Keough "Sarah watch fireworks together and it's actually secret morse code that tells Sarah to "I ascend now" and another scene were another secret reveals a random code for tombstone.Sheriff.entire cause Riley characters "Sarah" has three doll that reveal it thought a Copiale cipher codex.

That's what this game made me feel like. Going on my own little mystery, while going insane.

It’s hard to exactly describe if I liked Flower Sun & Rain. By all means one of if not the weirdest game I’ve ever played, it’s one of a few titles that could fall under the auteur label, alongside games like Deadly Premonition, NieR, and Death Stranding, where I’m being delivered some insane person’s brain in the form of a neat little program that fits into a video game console. The hangups are ultimately created by the fact that auteur-driven games could be expected to go largely unchecked, there’s less (if not no) audience-orientated focus-testing, no one in place to institute checks and balances to make FSR a fun game. FSR is art driven by some lunatic to create an experience and that experience is their own.

That means, while playing through FSR, every weird little design quirk feels deliberate. While the slightly odd at times English translation may seem stilted, it almost feels like its purposely disorientating. The agonizingly slow ‘I spent most of the game walking between NPCs that spouted nonsense at me and told me to go somewhere else’ also feels purposely disorientating, as if to lull you into a sense of delirium – to accept the insane shit you’re being dripfed by weirdos.

The puzzles follow that same mindset. Request 15’s Lost and Found report features 3 puzzles, one is to add up 4 numbers, one is a kind of nonsense interpretation of the game’s in-world guidebook (this is a frequent issue), and the other was a number puzzle that was as far as I could figure out, completely impossible to figure out on paper. I ended up having to calc it in Excel. I checked Gamefaqs and they recommended trial and error. That’s a pretty typical case, and so the puzzles also end up feeling disorientating, though maybe less in a purposeful way. Maybe they’re just bad puzzles. I think they’re just bad puzzles.

As a result, in some capacity, FSR feels like a dream. It does not feel real. The main character (Sumio Mondo)’s sole purpose is to get to the airport to confront a terrorist situation but continues to accidentally inject himself into the problems of random NPCs that ultimately do fuck all. As the plot develops, it gets more and more abstract but Mondo ends up being the one semblance of grounded-ness you’re offered. Mondo effectively rejects his situation. He’s going to that airport no fucking matter what. In a conversation with another character they warn of the pending situation and Mondo just says ‘I genuinely do not give a shit anymore’. You could make a point about that being pretty emblematic of a typical player’s experience. FSR wastes your time, but on purpose for some inane, inexplainable reason. By the end, Mondo ultimately seems to accept everything going around him at face value, presumably like the player he’s been conditioned to accept everything because of these fucking agonizing walks from one side of a Micronesian island to the other side of a Micronesian island. It’s a big island!

Now, is it any good? Jury’s still out on it. I’d say not really. Much more fun to think about.

Gracias a este juego he puesto a prueba mi paciencia, ya no le grito ni a mis hijos ni a mi marido, de hecho ya no tengo ni hijos ni marido, ahora me voy a coger un vuelo a una extraña isla paradisiaca espero pasarlo muy bien.

All 51 Lost & Found completed + Every Costume obtained

"One thing, Peter. Where's this plane heading, anyway?"

Following D2 up with this was an insane choice that really paid off. Sad to see all the characters from The Silver Case and The 25th Ward go, but happy for the memories and messages they imparted on me. This series is really something special, something so universally applicable and strange that it instantly burrowed its way into my brain and heart. Sometimes the minute interactions we have with people we only see once or twice keep us going, the reminder that we are all humans, living in a vast pool of confusion and mystery, and nobody really knows what is going on until we finally confront death and life head on. What a perfect piece of media, that will surely age well as time goes on.

"It's set to touch down in the real world."

Ignoring the abnoxious puzzles that detract a bit from the story, this is one of My favourite Suda games just below Killer7.
It has a lot of personality and the story is a bit weird but charming and a bit melancholic as well.
But i think the best thing that this game offers is the atmosphere, the soundtrack is a freaking banger and the old low poly ds feeling makes me want to travel to Losspas island irl.
Also, Mondo is literally the best protagonist ever created, he is such a silly depressed goober ^⁠_⁠^

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"You know what they say... In travelling, companionship. In life, compassion."
- sumio mondo

from kafka on the shore (the haruki murakami novel which released the following year):

“In traveling, a companion, in life, compassion,'" she repeats, making sure of it. If she had paper and pencil, it wouldn't surprise me if she wrote it down. "So what does that really mean? In simple terms."
I think it over. It takes me a while to gather my thoughts, but she waits patiently.
"I think it means," I say, "that chance encounters are what keep us going. In simple terms.”

This game kinda sucks but something about it always stuck with me. Like the sunny vibes, the writing, the setting, it's so good. So fuck it this game rules.

You know this game at first seems gimmick driven, but it flows better than I expected.
I love the math problems in the main story, lost and found is torture figuring out by yourself.
the walking is looooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOng but idk the OST was so good at times, I kinda like it.
The story idk if it was deep or some plain stuff, but I really liked the themes it was going for. This game likes to troll around in all senses.
I really enjoy this game, it might be one of my favorites games just by how unique it and the experience I got from it. I really do hope Suda remasters and ports this one. By far the best version to play it is the DS because of the compressed OST and 2 screens flows so much better with the manual.

[From Media Thread]

I’ve been fixated on Suda51 games for a FEW months now, and no game has ever made me feel so many things like this game has, nothing will EVER come close to doing so. I wish I could re-experience it again.

absolutely adored this. so close yet so far from being perfect. i think everyone who already reviewed this did a much better job of putting into words what this game delivers than i can. its just one of those things that works even though it shouldnt or moreso BECAUSE it shouldnt. topped off with one of the most believable protags ive ever experienced. love love love. no i have not played silvercase. i am unaware.

Staring at the Abyss, in Paradise

What a way to start my vacations! Decided this would be a good game to acompany me during this travel, just for the setting alone. As I'm travelling here and there, it means internet connection is minimal, slow and sparse throughout the area, very bad. It was just me, and this game for the most part, also decided deprive myself of any guides or any type of FAQS mostly the ones centered around puzzles. So I went straight ahead into the unknow, waiting to see what this game could add to the Kill the Past series.

Flower, Sun, and Rain is a puzzle adventure game with a big focus on narrative. Specially making nods here and there to The Silver Case since it's secretly a sequel. Here in the west we never got to recieve neither The Silver Case nor Flower, Sun and Rain at the time of it's release in any type, way, shape or form. But 7 years later we got the blessing in form of an english localization. A little too late for the party, but we got it anyways. This was launched during Suda's ascent in the west with hits such as No More Heroes and Killer7, so it made sense that at least one of his beloved works left in japan would cross the sea in style.

We take control of Sumio Mondo, a so-called searcher. Search for objects, he finds them and make people's live easier or at least I think so. Main task, disarm a terrorist bomb set in a 2001. Mind you this was released before 9/11, it was never created with only to shock with bad taste in mind. This "simple" task while strange to be delegated to someone like Mondo turns up to be more complicated than needed once "Days" pass away. Or not? It's a mystery within a mystery within a mystery. The deeper we get the darker it gets, as any hard truth might be. But in reality Flower, Sun and Rain tone isn't dark. In fact it actually leans towards something more like a surreal comedy.

It's an easygoing but slow adventure were danger is totally eliminated. So no "Game Overs" or any "Try Again" screen if you take the wrong decision or happen to go against the rules just because. While "Skill" as we know it, pressing the buttons at the right time or what not isn't necessary here; patience will be our best friend. I certanly have patience towards the things I like and I like Suda51 so I eat it all the way through without complaining. It's enjoyable if you can take silly jokes, harmless fun and math. Don't rush it, this ain't a race. Enjoy the funny DS graphics, the compressed ass songs, pink cocodrile. It's the moment, you know. Don't try to see the logical side of it if you can't make sense of it, that can hurt a cell or two at the long run with this game.

Flower, Sun and Rain as I said before is a direct sequel to The Silver Case. But I wouldn't consider that way exactly, take it more as a spin-off that will answer some very specific questions about one or two members of the The Silver Case cast. Doesn't make things go further in the Kill the Past series but gives us a very interesing insightful analysis of Sumio as a character. From this text now on this will be nothing but spoilers but I'll try to be as vague as possible in case you still reading this, I just want to make this go through. So, you ever asked what hapenned to Kodai in The Silver Case? Look it up if you don't remember. Thing is, he regrets it and the fantasy world of his would become reality. In Paradise. The Fantasy World he talked so much about, clashed with twisted reality and a bit of..let's say an impostor syndrome. The Time Loop means something incredible, an eternal trap.

Dreams are but mere reflections of past events twisted or arrange for personal purposes. This game really did happen? It doesn't matter, but it was necessary for awakening. His awakening. Flower, the flower it's you. Sun are the possitive emotions you carry, too much of it and you will burn. Rain, the rain represents struggle, too much of it and you will end up crushed. These factors makes the Flower growth healthy and strong. The Sun can represent the humour, the good vibes, the music. The Rain can represent the events that need to occur to advance the story; the puzzles or the endless walking. This is the Flower, Sumio. Kill the Past has always play with this concept, it's in the very name. Face the reality, face the consequences, to move forward. And this game is not exception. In fact, it might be it's most clear example of what Kill the Past is, altrough hidden under layers and layers of cryptic writting and events that don't seem to correlate to the main story.

My recomendation, play The Silver Case first, that goes without saying at this point. This game is not that important to the Kill the Past series in general if we take the conservative side of it being a sequel. Take it as a christmas special. Short, familiar and sweet or a halloween special. Long, weird and scary.

This game is so mean to you but it sort of works in a weird way? It will joke about making you run back and forth across the island and then actually make you do it. Most of the puzzles are not that complicated once you figure out the Lospass Guide Book, but the final set of puzzles in the Airport really pushed it into frustrating and tedious.

The story goes into a million different directions, back and forth between delightfully weird and completely incomprehensible. There are some great moments but overall a bit too much all over the place for my tastes. I am interested to play The Silver Case now, which I know you're supposed to play before this one.

This game is a game of almosts.

The opening to this game and the impression you get of it before you play it are entirely separated from your thoughts on it when you finish it. You effectively go into this game expecting a large island murder mystery game where you encounter strange folks and solve puzzles. Each of those things is correct, but they are individual. There is a large island you traverse. There is a murder. There are mysteries. There are strange folk. And there are puzzles.

This game at times feels like one of those bull riding machines you see at the fair. The kind where the the entire goal is to stay on as long as you can. Whenever you get into the groove with this game, you get tossed right off.

You beat this game and 'almost' say it was fun. You witness the story and 'almost' get it. You wake up and this time you 'almost' get to the hotel lobby.

I've seen people explain this game not being fun as 'intended' as some sort of parody of classic adventure games. I've not read every single Suda interview, but as far as I could parse this wasn't the case. But I also understand why some people would say this. At times, it feels like this game is trying to suck on purpose. For some sort of ulterior reason like story or thematically. But then other times, it just feels like a bad game.

My favorite part of this game was running along the beach listening to 'Rhapsody In Blue'. Not the puzzles, not the jokes, not the story. Just running.

Edit: I like this game now. No idea why.

pretty much everyone who already played this game summed up my thoughts and articulated them better but still i'll try to give my two cents too.

playing this game while having a fever is honestly such a wild experience and it doesn't help that the game itself is pretty surreal and unhinged. not to sound like a suda51 dickrider (i am) but his games are really something special and something crafted with a lot of love and care. i've been debating a long time whether or not to play it because of the fsr remake rumors and i was kinda avoiding playing it because of the tedious gameplay (hence a half star less) otherwise the narrative is something so unique and well written that it doesn't deserve less than five stars.

flower, sun and rain is a bright, summery experience, where we follow sumio mondo in his searcher adventures. i like how the game didn't shy away from giving every character a personality and story to tell, one of my favourite parts were exactly those where sumio's kindness and sometimes naivety were highlighted. maybe the tedious gameplay is giving an impact to the whole narrative. i saw many opinions and comments how this is the true the silver case sequel and i can somewhat agree, it does fill a decent number of plot holes that were left after finishing the silver case and seeing some of the tsc characters brought a smile to my face. :)
the music paired with various suda's interests scattered around the dialogue and guidebook is something so special and endearing to me and i love how suda pushes his interests in the game he makes unapologetically and i totally respect him for that.

all in all, not to ramble, even though i understand divided opinions about this game i recommend at least watching a let's play compilation because it really is a shame to miss out such a great narrative, especially if you already played any suda51 game👍

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There sure is a lot of exposition in this script... A man called Kamui? Sounds like a ridiculous fantasy to me. I wish someone had warned me about all this in advance. Stop making up my life story, okay?! How many times have I seen that plane explode? Ha ha.. Ha.. Kill me. And I'm doing this for the right reasons? True to the maxim of my life? And REMIX means disco! Sound? Another weirdo. You're starting to annoy me old man. Wake up and smell the coffee. I've had enough of sticking my neck out for others! This is starting to sound more and more like a video game. Is there truly no end to this madness? It's like... I just woke from a long dream.

You are after all, a simple fellow, Mr Mondo.
The sun and rain keep flowers alive.
In traveling, companionship. In life. compassion.
I'm also Sumio Mondo.
I hate that word. Fate.

Thank you for staying with us. I hope you had a pleasant stay at the 'Flower, Sun and Rain.' I look forward to our next meeting. What's that? The island blew up? Yes, it did. I'm sure there is nothing left of the hotel, either. But you carry the 'Flower, Sun, and Rain' with you. The hotel 'Flower, Sun, and Rain' will love on in our hearts. I wish you a happy life...

The game is absolutely fucking terrible.
The puzzles range from bad to tedious.
The graphics are lackluster.
You spend the biggest chunk of the game walking up and down the same 3 roads.
The story is nonexistent for 70% of the game.
When the last 30% of the story does pick up it makes no sense.

Soundtrack is good though.

But the game still, in spite of all of this, manages to weave an engaging experience. You might not understand the narrative, but you will be engrossed by it regardless. You might hate the walking, but you still want to see what happens next. You might not want to do another tedious puzzle, but you still want to read the witty dialogue after.

If you play this you'll come to see all these glaring issues aren't really issues at all. Everything about the game feels deliberately crafted to deliver a certain experience. And regardless of the merit you get out of this game, it definitely conveys what it wants to convey. How you interpret that is up to you. And you have to respect games like those.

After a week I already miss waking up in the morning and playing this on my 3ds.