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in the past

After playing this as my first God of War and continuing with the following entries in order of release date, in retrospect, I see that it made me appreciate God of War 2018 and Ragnarok even more. An epic story, monumental set pieces, addictive gameplay, fun bit sized puzzles, this game has practically everything the newer games has but is limited only by the hardware of its time. For its age, this game can still be enjoyed by most people today that are open to trying it. I love Greek mythology and so seeing the appearances of certain Gods and the way they portrayed them was super cool and made me feel like a Marvel fanatic watching Infinity War for the first time. Unlike the newer installments, this game as well as the others in the trilogy feel much more repayable not so much for experimenting different builds but rather the fluid gameplay. I can totally see myself coming back to these and aiming for faster times or harder difficulties.

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Boa parte de sua história é contada em flashback, com o protagonista saltando da montanha mais alta da Grécia e os fatos apresentados se passando antes desse momento, explicando a história, motivações de Kratos e como ele fez seu pacto com Ares, após estar prestes a perder uma batalha contra os bárbaros do oeste.

O ponto crucial é quando Kratos ataca uma cidade e após matar muitas pessoas em um templo, ele vê que as últimas vítimas do massacre são sua esposa e filha. O oráculo da cidade faz com que as cinzas da família de Kratos cubram sua pele, gerando o apelido de “Fantasma de Esparta”.

No decorrer da história é visto que Ares colocou a família de Kratos no vilarejo para que Kratos perdesse qualquer vínculo com a humanidade e se tornasse o guerreiro perfeito.

Kratos descobre que na Caixa de Pandora existe um poder capaz de fazer um humano matar um deus. Após andar pelo deserto, escapar de todas armadilhas do Templo de Pandora ele obtém a Caixa, mas acaba sendo morto por Ares, indo parar no mundo dos mortos.

No fim do game, Kratos abre a Caixa de Pandora, consegue o poder necessário para derrotar Ares, mas, em contrapartida, libera os males pelo mundo, gerando consequências para o enredo dos jogos seguintes. Na última cena do game, Atena informa que com a morte de Ares, existe uma vaga disponível no Olimpo.

i threw my controller a couple times on the last fight.. it took 3 days to beat it but it was so worth it. spectacular story as well.

Jogo muito do caralho. Sua temática brutal foi muito bem desenvolvida e a grandiosidade da história e do mundo é impressionante.

Não pude jogar na minha infância mas assistia meus primos jogarem e sentia a grandiosidade da história, o peso de estar lidando com algo na proporção dos deuses. Senti a mesma coisa de novo, dessa vez eu mesmo jogando, em função da forma incrível com que a história é contada, da trilha sonora de fuder e da ambientação extremamente magnífica.

Ah sim, joguei minha primeira playthrough no modo difícil (spartan) e putquepariu eu sofri. Blz, eu entendo que o modo difícil tem que ser difícil, mas tem um momentos que é muito desbalanceado e injusto e impossível que eu jurei ódio a esse jogo. Mas fodase, Kratos é o Kratos ne pae, zerei o jogo no modo difícil mesmo e valeu a pena pra caralho.

Уже в первой части серии прослеживаются все те фишки, за которую мы так полюбили серию. Если играть в неё после любой другой части, не считая Ascension и частей новой саги, то ощущаться будет слабее, поскольку имеет поменьше механик и куда меньший масштаб. Плюс по всему, здесь есть неприятные платформинговые моменты и несколько замысловатые загадки, которые заставят поломать голову и понервничать.

the unrivaled power of hades magic go

Obviously, I love this game and the entire series. I wanted to replay it after having finished the GOW Ragnarok DLC with its story callbacks. I tried playing through it without nostalgia lens, and I still found myself really enjoying this game. The Ares boss fight is great, enemies are unique and establishes so much in hindsight. That being said, it has not aged well in its artificial difficult, repetitive locations and simplistic story. It is still a fun time and I love this game, but having going back and playing it, I found myself struggling to hop on and finish it at times.

Meta de vida, poder zerar um dia

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You'd think a AAA First Party game released this deep into a console's lifespan would have combat a bit more in depth than pressing the square button quickly. There's also lots of "rapidly press O" Mario-Party style sections, unneeded delicate walking across wooden beams, kicking boxes... the gameplay is lacking. And the writing is bad - real bad. But it looks pretty. Decent button basher.

Final note: According to that one minigame Kratos can only last like twenty seconds in bed, tops

less liked god of war game

Played this at a car dealer ship on a random ps2

O começo do ódio profundo de Kratos pelos deuses!

Quem diria que o inicio seria ele ajudando os deuses para acabar como sabemos que acaba, jogão! Porém não merece 5 estrelas pela quantidade repetitiva de inimigos sem diversificação, apenas alterando a cor.

História redonda e muito bem feita, o plot do final sendo o inicio e o inicio o final é muito bom, apesar de contar pouco a história de como Kratos se tornou o que é acredito que tenha sido o bastante para a história ser tão boa quanto a gameplay.

O jogo simplesmente apagou meu save.

God of War was naturally a DMC clone, but nevertheless stood its ground and forged its own identity.

It's poetic, and was built like an epic, with some of the best environmental design and set-pieces that Sony had on its rampage with the Playstation 2.

While most view God of War as needlessly violent, its extreme parts complements the ever so often humane parts of Kratos. Quite cheap, maybe, but still impactful, storytelling wise.

God of War is worthy of its praise. There's some frustrations here and there with the puzzles and possibility of being infinitely staggered. However, it's certainly a strong contender in PS2's catalogue, except for one thing. God of War 2 existed.

Muito bom mas é bem inferior ao segundo jogo em mts pontos

Muito foda, quem não jogou mentiu ou é ma pessoa

Platinado en la coleccion HD de PS3

God of War is spectacular. As someone who played the reboot-era games first, I absolutely love what this game does. The combat is fun with a solid amount of moves to play around with in the game's runtime. I love the way the narrative strings you along and gives you bits of lore before you finally see the full picture. The story drives you to go from area to area and fight a variety of enemies in a handful of environments. I love the settings in this game. I didn't realize it at the time, but Pandora's temple consists of the majority of the game. I appreciate how elaborate the temple is, especially for lore reasons. I found it amusing that the temple just kept going. Every time I thought I was nearing its end, I would push further to find it takes me back to a familiar area I hadn't seen for hours, only to unlock a door I couldn't before. God of War has very simple but interesting level design. Puzzles are not particularly complicated, but still fun and satisfying. A classic from the Playstation 2 era, I am excited to see how the sequels develop the gameplay and story.

the best hack n' slash franchise i've played.

This game is rad. I had a blast replaying it, but there's all sorts of rookie mistakes and things that stick out in this game.

Like making 2/4 of your power-ups in the game AoEs. And the Gorgon Head being an instant kill device being a bit silly. . Or Rage of The Gods being a power-up that makes you invincible and changes your moves.
Or the small enemy variety, where you'll fight more and more legionaries for the entire game, with Minotaurs, Gorgons or Satyrs splashed in there, and Centaurs or Sirens making literally one appearance each.
Or this game barely having any bosses, and all of them lean a little toward set pieces.

Or how all the enemies have really quick counters and poor tells for when they'll break out of combos, so the game has a very heavy emphasis on having a back and forth with enemies and being vigilant and you don't get often get a chance to finish a lot of your combos. (this is both a fun and intentional thing and a bit of a flaw). Or how they can hit you from off-screen pretty often.

But for how many little things you can pick at, it all comes together, and so much of that falls squarely on the Blades of Chaos just being really fun to use, and learning to use the Blade of Artemis.
The pacing in this game is pretty solid too. The puzzles and platforming being pretty easy and breaking up the already-repetitive combat well, but the environments could be more interesting.

The story as well would be a fascinating topic, as for even with how this game nowadays just the slow reveal of the backstory of a character everyone knows (sprinkled at kind of random intervals), there's something that still pulls together. To be honest, nowadays it's hard for me to see GoW 1 Kratos as a complete monster.
I think the undercurrent of this game is that the Gods themselves have been using, and perpetuating Kratos's status as a monster for the past 10 years to do their dirty work. Their cruelty and selfishness is shown through the Architect Pathos Verdes's storyline, and I feel it's a reflection of Kratos. Of a man who gave his life to the service of the Gods and got nothing in return. With Kratos's famous line "By the Gods, what have I become...?" Kratos is having elucidation of how his time as servant of the Gods was ultimately not far off from the barbarism he perpetuated under Ares's name. Serving new masters, saving lives even, but still traveling and killing wherever he goes.
At the end of the game, it's revealed Ares's actions were a temper tantrum over never having gained Zeus's approval over Athena. And that's what Kratos gets at the end of this game: Forgiveness and approval, but Kratos has already realized this means nothing coming from the Gods. All he ever wanted was peace and penance, and the Gods never had any intention of granting him the former. Peace was only something he would be able to find himself. But even then, the Gods aren't done with him. He's their tool, after all.
So he takes the throne as the God of War. As a tortured soul, and the ultimate warrior. An embodiment of what war and power gets someone in the end.

This is one of the weaker end of the series but nevertheless still one of the best games ever. The story is well written and the action and puzzles were well balanced. This is only the beginning for Kratos’s story

Tem seus problemas, mas pra epoca e muito bom

There are repetitive moments that I didn't like the way they talk and that took me longer than expected.

God Of War es un videojuego de acción aventura, Hack and Slash y plataformas lleno de acción frenética, un control magnífico, puzzles, unos gráficos espectaculares, un diseño artístico sublime, una música super épica, una historia que engancha y el comienzo de uno de los personajes mas importantes en el mundo de los videojuegos.
Basado en la mitología Griega, Kratos, un guerrero atormentado por su pasado al servicio de los Dioses del Olimpo, será elegido para una misión muy peculiar, derrotar al dios de la guerra, que ha invadido Atenas con su ejército de criaturas y no-muertos. Para ello contaremos con Las Espadas del Caos, unas espadas unidas a unas cadenas desde nuestros brazos que nos permitirá alcanzar al enemigo a larga distancia y ejecutar brutales combos, intercalando entre ataque fuerte y ataque rápido, llaves, ejecuciones, ataques y combos aéreos, esquivar y contraataques, bloqueo de ataques enemigos... que todo unido nos ofrece un gameplay realmente divertido, completo, rápido y fácil de controlar. Asimismo tendremos combates en superficies que podemos escalar o en cuerdas. Además de todo esto, el juego tiene una alta dosis plataformera, por lo que tendremos que superar saltos y todo tipo de desafíos, así como puzles y secretos, lo cual invita a la exploración de los escenarios. Conforme vamos avanzando, adquiriremos nuevas habilidades que podremos ir mejorando. Una característica muy interesante (y que yo viví por primera vez) son los "Quick Time Events" que consiste en pulsar determinados botones en el momento preciso dentro de una cinemática, lo cual otorga una mayor interacción, sirviendo como ejecuciones espectaculares contra enemigos, que serán muy numerosos y muy variados (cuando parece que ya has visto a todos los tipos de enemigos, aparece uno diferente)
Otros puntos a destacar del videojuego son el apartado visual y artístico, siendo gráficamente espectacular (el sentirte pequeño, el agua, los brillos y la iluminación llamaban realmente mi atención) con diseños y escenarios realmente impresionantes. La música es legendaria, añadiéndole gloria, epicidad, misterio o drama a todas las situaciones posibles, siendo realmente poderosa en los combates, aunque está rota en el Templo de Pandora. Este puede ser el mayor error del videojuego, el tema del templo suena constantemente y la música de las situaciones concretas suena encima de ésta, generando un ruido molesto al escuchar dos temas musicales al mismo tiempo desparejados que nada tienen que ver el uno con el otro. Una verdadera pena. Y por último, la historia, en la que nos enamoramos automáticamente de Kratos y queremos saber mas sobre él, siendo un personaje tan brutal y violento como dramático, despojado de compasión, es realmente interesante ver sus fugaces momentos de humanidad, y a pesar de tener las maneras de un villano, podemos llegar a sentir lástima por él (El combate final, que es realmente bueno, tiene tres etapas. En la segunda tenemos que luchar contra imágenes de nosotros mismos mientras nos sacrificamos abrazando a nuestra familia. Este momento, de puro gameplay, tan increíblemente dramático, violento y, a su vez, hermoso, denota perfectamente lo que quiero decir)
En definitiva, God Of War es uno de los mejores videojuegos de su tiempo, probablemente de la historia, que destaca en todos sus apartados, es divertido, es hermoso, es el origen de una de las sagas mas emblemáticas de PlayStation y es un videojuego obligatorio. Es uno de los juegos que mas jugué en mi adolescencia y, a pesar de ser del año 2005, es mas completo, variado y mejor diseñado que el del año 2018. Esa es la verdad.


it's actually kind of hysterical how dmc3 came out the same year as this

God of War is the first game released for God of War following Kratos a warrior who has served the gods for 10 years. God of War is a hack and slash action adventure game. As with all the God of War the combat is great and the story is captivating. Nothing good or bad specifically about God of War.
