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Can a "Guess The Game" game contain an instance of itself?

Saw it on the front page and looked into it. Was a fun little distraction and it felt great being able to guess the name of a game with the first non-descriptive screenshot.

Current stats: 30 Played | 24 Won | 80% Win Percentage | 12 Max Streak

Just discovered this hidden gem of a website. I never caught on to Wordle, but this was right up my alley! So much fun to play, I'll definitely check in every day to see what new game they have me guessing!

Clever and simple design that makes you feel like you can see the Matrix when you guess a game first try and it's just a zoomed in picture of a blot of colour.

In reality it just makes me appreciate games that manage to create a strong unique visual language that's instantly recognisable.

Losing my 220 day winstreak to fucking Dig Dug is my personal 9/11

Fuck generic looking 7th gen brown shooters/open world games, all my homies hate generic looking 7th gen brown shooters/open world games

Spent a couple hours going through this with some friends, one friend could barely guess any game, but kept boasting he could name minecraft if minecraft showed up. He ended up rage quitting out of the discord call when he proceeded to not be able to guess minecraft when it showed up.

Been playing this for some time now, and it's a nice little thing to do when I remember to. I really don't have any real complaints, except my own inability to know the difference between a dozen different PC-only strategy franchises and indies I've never heard of.

constant and endless proof that i don't actually know any videogames

So damn addicting, Every puzzle is just NEURON ACTIVATION.
So many games I've never played but know by their vibe.
TRUST YOUR FUCKING INSTINCTS. I've failed so many cause I just didn't guess the 'complete stretch' that was totally right all along.

go get addicted.

finished the entire game in one sitting, now my eyes burn

I can't believe i lost to Mario

Another competently-executed web-based "puzzle" game. It gets a very slight edge on some of its contemporaries for the ways it can inspire thinking about other games, mainly in comparing art styles and reflecting on why you know that one dirt texture by heart. Still almost entirely in the time-waster category; any meaningful reflection will be vastly overshadowed by time spent guessing.

Buen juego para jugar en clase a primera hora esperando a que Alex empezara la clase. Creo que he adivinado 3 juegos en total.

Guessing the Minecraft prompt on the first picture made me ascend to the astral planes.

Wordle for video games. Since I've spent pretty much my entire life hyper fixated on this medium, it's a lot of fun testing my ability to recognize so many different games across so many different systems and generations. I genuinely look forward to guessing the next game every single day. Sometimes the screenshots used can be bad because they zoom in way too close on a minor background element that doesn't really stand out in any fashion, and this is my only real criticism of it.

really fun for testing your knowledge

they keep sticking a bunch of literally who games in there. I can't get more than a 4 streak anymore,

stopped playing because ads took over the site and ruined the experience. was fun while it lasted

I hate racing games so fucking much

I always look forward to this every day

This made me hate Mario. Can we stop with all these Mario games? I don't know a single one of them outside the retro ones.

I love guessing games, but minus a star for the times i got one wrong :(

fun with friends, love when they ridicule me