Reviews from

in the past

Потрясающе примитивная игра, при этом полноценно дающая чувство исследования и раскрытия секретов.

It's a bit of a strange tie in game, but it's alright. It completely fuckin blows over the story of the first book but it hits the story beats in an abridged sort of way.
2001 Hagrid is a joy to look at, and honestly some of the environments hold up pretty well.
Some of them also look like dogshit, but hey it was 2001 and this game had to be ported to god damn toasters for consoles so I'm giving it a pass.

Peak, PEAK Harry Potter game! The first three games, actually!

I still enjoy it, I played and replayed it several times, I'm not joking. I loved every bit of it. I managed to find all the Wizard Cards as well! I played this game fully in Portuguese.

That dreadful italian dub with its FLIIIIIIIIIIPEEEEEEEEENDOOOOOOOO and those obnoxious wand sound effects remained on my subconsciousness. And now that I'm doing a quick review I still hurry and finish to write it before I go crazy.

The game feels an action-platform similar to Zelda. Don't expect the same level of fun, it has so much frustration (the learning spells sessions where you have to be really precise with your mouse, the trolling escape level and the stealth session with the invisible cloak...). I really hoped the game gave you more freedom in many parts (like, idk...exploring freely Hogwarts), but no. In the end they force you to keep doing only levels puzzle structured.
They do have some charm, I'll give it that.

All I'll say is John Williams' soundtrack for the movies is iconic, but Jeremy Soule's one rivals his and that's an achievement in it's own right

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- Good memories, great music
- Built on more in Harry potter and the chamber of secrets

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This is the superior version compared to the PS1 game. The Story is the same as the film, but with the not action scenes moments taken out, it would have been better if they kept them in for quality, but it isn't bad by taking the non action moments out, it is confusing though that the beginning doesn't explain enough to know exactly what going on unless you read the book, or watched the movie, the game doesn't explain why Snape is suspicious, and why can Voldemort twist his head around? The Characters are 2D versions of the characters from the movies, so they aren't good, but they are fine for a game focused on action, and aren't bad enough to ruin the experience. The Graphics are very mixed, the models don't look good, and feel like lifeless toy versions of the characters, but the backgrounds have style and beauty in their simplicity. The Gameplay has you follow each story point to the next, collect cards and beans, and explore the castle freely "one time", now the beauty and concept makes moments fun to play and see, the minigame of moving the mouse in a shape of the spell is a light fun way to learn each spell, and sneaking past Filch and his cat has a intriguing and tense atmosphere to it's enjoyment. but there are problems, like the game uses tank controls to move Harry and cast spells, and some minor annoyances include why does Hermione have permission to give you house points when you do the Alohomora challenge, and why does pressing 1 button cause Draco to stop flying on his broom? but outside of those, it is a good time. The Music is angelic, and fits each scenario it needs too. Philosopher's Stone on the computer is the true first Harry Potter game for fans to discover.

I shouldn't be rating games this high for nostalgia's sake but man the memories I have with this game hit different.

A nice little game that was fun to explore. Much shorter than I remembered it being tho. The main draw for this game was in exploring the various dungeons that were full of simple puzzles. Simple enough that younger kids can solve them but with enough complexity that those kids can feel some accomplishment from doing so. Going back and replaying it as an adult tho makes it seem a bit trivial, but I suppose thats par for the course. It also works surprisingly well on modern systems.

A very, very nostalgic game for me... but even as a kid, I felt this was half-baked. Don't get me wrong, I loved it so very much, and I still feel a lot of that love (even this rating's probably generous), but you can tell they didn't quite stick the landing. Bugs are very easy to reproduce, the game's pacing is very lopsided (though, on revisit, that's actually pretty in-line with the book), world and level design feels very restricted, things like the bean checks and the missable Wizard Cards feel like they should belong in an open world game rather than a strictly linear game, this isn't the game with PS1 Hagrid but the graphics aren't that far off, etc etc etc.

But the game does nail a lot of the appeal that comes from exploring a setting like Hogwarts, ever-changing and full of secrets. This would be much stronger in later games, but there's hints of the potential here. Also, Snape's pretty well-used here; there's Fred and George's prank at the end, of course, but I was charmed by his Potions Class overall on this playthrough.

The flying tutorial is the most memorable scene.

I'd say read the book or watch the movie for prerequisite knowledge, but 'Hey Harry, remember me, Ron Weasley?' pretty much means no knowledge is required. GOATed OST by notable prick Jeremy Soule, but what can you expect from 'im?

Game is abandonware unless you have a Windows Vista PC just lounging about somewhere

Loved it as a kid, but not so fun now.

Peeves scared me so much when I was little

I don't remember how I beat the game but I beat it alright.

The best Harry Potter game end of discussion

Битва с Воланд-де-Мортом в конце очень сильно пугала

Way better than the movie.

At its core Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is a pretty basic puzzle-platformer. Although it has combat too, it could barely be classified as an action game. Most of the game you're solving very simple puzzles and jumping over platforms. Despite its simplicity, it actually works really well, and the tactile feeling is sufficient enough to make the process enjoyable. I think there's just the right balance between challenges and rewards.

However, the core mechanics do have a few flaws. The spells don't always get casted; not all ledges can be grabbed onto (which can lead to some frustrating deaths out of confusion); the camera and movement controls are pretty clunky and especially become a problem during boss fights, which are the only cases you're allowed to move while shooting casting. The cutscenes are unskippable, and the checkpoints are usually placed before them, so you gotta watch them again and again every time you die.

That being said, they keep them short. There isn't a lot of story here, but it somehow manages to cover the entire plotline of the movie (maybe because most of the movie did not have much of a story either). Also, unlike the movie, there are black people in this game, hooray! It is no longer a white supremacist paradise.

One thing I love about this game is the presentation. The colors are vibrant and the music is beautiful. That's one of the main reasons I kept wanting to return to it and actually completed it, despite starting to get a little bored.

I mean, this is clearly a game designed for kids, but for what it is, it works. It's pretty simple, but it gives you a quick and immersive little adventure through Hogwarts. And, personally, as far as I can remember, I liked these first three games way more than the follow-ups. Complexity doesn't always equal quality.

Um pouco chatinho, com controles duros, mas bem jogável, a dublagem BR é boa.

Acho que foi o único jogo de HP que eu joguei e terminei quando era mais novo. Lembro-me de adorar explorar nele e competir na taça das casas.