Reviews from

in the past

Não tenho palavras para descrever esta obra-prima.

Do you like hurting other people?

De tão famoso que é, imaginei que fosse menos frustrante jogar. Não consegui me divertir muito, mas tem muito charme e entendo os aplausos.

Its a good choice for people who like fast action, strategy, killing people and brain melting music

Real human bean.

Soundtrack carries 60% of this game, the remaining 40% is an even split between fun and rage.

I played this for the first time around a year ago during the final days of a period where I was intensely overworked for weeks straight. I had entered into some kind of sleep deprived rhythm, every day doing the exact same thing. One night I had a couple of hours of free time, saw Hotline Miami on sale for 99 cents, and four hours later I was a different person. There aren't even words that would explain how playing this felt after looking at spreadsheets for so long

Fucking amazing. So insanely fun to play it's hard to even believe.

Gameplay sensacional, muito fluida, trilha sonora foderosa e marcante, historia psicodelica e surreal

Около пятидесяти часов счастья. За это время я:
- прошёл данный шедевр 10 раз от и до;
- открыл секретную концовку;
- выбил все достижения;
- проплыл вдоль и поперёк океан ультранасилия.
Потратьте чуть больше сотки на комплект из первой и второй частей, чтобы провести время с пользой.
P.S. Новичкам может быть сложно. Я сам, как только купил, первую главу час пройти не мог, а теперь сама игра целиком мной проходится за час

That's what a game is, really. Sometimes you find a game, it's very different, and it's refined, it's not just open world stuff that you have to click on, it's over in a couple of hours. That's the kind of experience we play games for. Hotline Miami is exactly that kind of game. It's a very sweet game that ends in two and a half hours, offers a different world, doesn't blow your mind with its story, but it's not empty for those who want to look into it.

So what is this game about? Friends, I think this game tells something very beautiful. The main character gets a message on his phone. Go here to get the package, and we don't give a damn, we go there, kill everyone and get out. I think my main character can't make sense of it, just like I can't make sense of it, and I love this concept (even though I haven't seen much of it so far). I mean, usually games start in the middle and you play for half an hour to catch up while your main character already knows everything. In this game, your main character starts the game as clueless as you are. He vomits after his first massacre, but in the end, when we think about what we are doing as players, we don't like it very much. Of course, there is a factor of how much you can distinguish that it is a game. So far, I have only failed to be a villain in Undertale and RDR2. I mean, I know that they are games, but these two games really hooked me and almost ceased to be games. Coming back to our topic, I think Hotline Miami basically doesn't have a very deep story. I usually play games like this slowly and try to understand them, it gives me pleasure to figure out the story, so I can usually understand the story of Dark Souls games even without looking at the internet. But this game doesn't have that problem. It's like it doesn't want you to understand the story. And interestingly, it's a comfortable thing. I mean, big games in the gaming world now want to have good stories like God of War, but not every game has writers like that, and I'm tired of banal stories. At this point, games like Hotline Miami come to our rescue in the mode of "there is a story, but you don't need to worry about it, you have enemies, kill them". We can play without thinking too much. What do I understand about the story? We're trying to avenge something and we're taking down the Russian mafia, there are jails and comas and stuff like that, but I felt like the story wasn't fully told. I guess I'll understand it fully if I play the second game, but that's it for now. I don't even care, to be honest, if they had written a story that would make this game unnecessary head scratching, I would have been annoyed. Keep it up, we don't have to read novels in every game.

The gameplay is where the game shines. Hotline Miami offers us a "one shoot or oneshot" gameplay from an overhead viewpoint. You can kill anyone with a single stab, and if you take one of those stabs, you die. That's the basic mechanic of the game, then of course weapons are added and they're exactly the same, you only have one life no matter what weapon it is, and so do your enemies. The game starts you from the beginning of the level as soon as you die. There are frequent checkpoints between levels, there is no annoying loss of progress. You die a lot in the game, but the game doesn't have a difficult theme in general. Although it may not seem like it at first, the game is more about knowledge than reflexes. The more you master the structure of the chapter, the more you make your plan accordingly and proceed accordingly. In other words, you can't dive into rooms on your own, you draw a path in your head as soon as you start the chapter and proceed accordingly. Although you need to rely on your reflexes in case of a mishap in the level, this game basically wants you to use your mind rather than your wrist. You can understand this by watching the boss fight, which I spent 15 minutes on because I didn't understand it. As far as I remember, there are 2 bosses in the game and these are completely gimmick fights. In other words, you need to know what to do, and after that it's simple. In a game like this, it would definitely not be fun to constantly shoot an enemy with a life bar with a gun, but I wanted 1-2 more bosses. Since the game is already short, the moment you start to get bored in the gameplay loop, it starts to end, you complete the story and leave the game. Another important mechanic of the game is the masks, you wear these masks throughout the level and you get power-ups throughout the level. There are features such as moving faster, starting with a knife (normally you start without a weapon), silent gunshots. You normally start the levels with a punch, and the punch is not a single shot like a knife. After the first blow, the enemy is knocked down and you have to go over and finish him off, which takes a long time compared to the weapon. Weapons like knives and clubs are both single shots and silent. However, weapons such as pistols and machine guns make noise every time you shoot and enemies naturally come at you. Enemy AI works very differently. Sometimes they can see you from kilometers away and take you down with a single bullet, but when they see you go out the door, kill you and come back in, they literally come to the same place to die. In this case, even though it would have made more sense for them to wait for the door with a gun in the distance, it could have been very cruel. Since you start from the beginning of the level as soon as you die, the pace of the game is very fast and dying doesn't feel like torture. It's more like a time to try new tactics. As you play the same level, you realize that you are playing better. There's nothing more satisfying than jumping into the middle of a level you'd normally play scared of and taking everyone out with a single bullet. This gameplay loop is basically very nice and the game ends without getting boring. It's also special, I don't remember it in any other game.

Even though the art design of the game is not very special, I think it fits the theme of the game very well. So it's really hard to imagine this game with other kinds of graphics. I think it looks good, if not visually spectacular. Especially the blood that appears after fighting your enemies is very well reflected. You can tell how you got there by looking at the blood. The masks are also very nice, even though I didn't see them as much as I expected while playing, the designs are nice and I would want a few of these masks in real life. Another area where the game shines is the music and sound design. First of all, the sounds of the weapons are very impressive. However, they made very good choices in terms of music. As far as I understand, they have taken music that has been done before rather than their own music and this is really admirable. Because most of the soundtracks of the games I play are made by themselves and they usually don't do a great job. In this case, instead of always making your own music, especially when it's appropriate for the theme, you can turn to such music. That being said, I also had a hard time finding the game's soundtrack in an organized way, and it's nice to listen to it in playlists that you can listen to in an appropriate situation, rather than having specifically good tracks.

So if you don't think you can do something well, don't pay too much attention to it and focus on what you have in mind and you'll make a much better game. Hotline Miami is a very good example. If they had put more resources into the story and the music, it probably wouldn't have had such good gameplay because they wasted resources. Hotline Miami is definitely a very fun, refined game that offers such a different and beautiful gameplay. I highly recommend it to everyone and I can't wait to play the second game, which builds on such solid mechanics and will probably go much further with its variety of weapons, levels and gameplay.

Cara vibe incrivel gameplay incrivel
tudo me cativa nesse jogo

Este juego y su secuela van durísimo, un increíble comentario social y gameplay divertidisimo

Adorei o jogo, trilha sonora fenomenal, gameplay muito divertida e extremamente difícil. Me diverti em cada momento do jogo, desde a sua historia misteriosa, até a frustração de perder algumas vezes, tudo nesse jogo foi incrível.

Nada muito revolucionaria e bem misteriosa, tenho algumas teorias dela, mas não é o foco do jogo.

O melhor do jogo, é simples, mas é extremamente boa. Diversas maneiras de passar os capítulos e segue aquela dinâmica de tentativa e erro que eu adoro. A estética é linda e tudo é muito bonito e original no jogo.

Trilha Sonora
Outro ponto fortíssimo do jogo, já conhecia algumas musicas de Hotline Miami mesmo sem ter jogado. A musica se encaixa perfeitamente com a gameplay e com a estética do jogo, além de ficar na cabeça.

Pontos positivos e negativos
+Gameplay muito divertida
+Trilha sonora fenomenal
+Estética impecável

Hotline Miami foi incrível e adorei cada momento que joguei ele. Com sua trilha sonora impecável e estética magnifica, o jogo é muito bem feito e divertido. Nota 9/10.

"I'm Jonatan Soderstrom, me and my friend Dennis Wedin made this game, We're working on an update that hopefully will take care of any/all bugs, and we'll try to do some extra polish in the next few days. Would be great if you could update the torrent when the patch is out! It'd be great if people get to play it without any bugs popping up. Hope everyone will enjoy the game!"

What a cool guy

A psychedelic odyssey of bloodshed and delusion. Fast, frenetic gameplay combined with the blaring visuals and pounding music comes together in the best way to make a game that really sucks you in and then spits you right back out when the killing is done. Taking a look under the hood, sure the game is held together by twine, but it pulls it off with such attitude and confidence that I can't look away. Do you like hurting people? Because if this is anything to go by, I sure do.

The music in this game rules?

Peak OST, peak gameplay, one of the few games I've had enough patience to get all achievements.

Banger soundtrack and fun addictive gameplay

Video-game violence with an amount of criticism to violence itself, and very defined aesthetic, pretty cool

Fluid gameplay with an absolutely fantastic story. I love the simplicity in this entry compared to the 2nd even though it lacks a lot of its content.

This review contains spoilers

Que increible y artsy manera de contar una historia clasica de venganza. AMO cuando los juegos logran siempre tener un gameplay increible y contar dicha historia siempre en tandem. En paz. En union. Como siempre se debió hacer.

Siempre tengo un punto suave por la estetica de los 80s y el pixel art, entonces cuando un juego combina los dos quedo totalmente enamorado. Having said that, igual fue un juego un toque de gusto adquirido. El gameplay es bastante divertido, pero es bien dificil al inicio. Siendo un juego que se tiene que jugar 100% con mouse y teclado, tiene una curva de aprendizaje un toque densa. Lo chiva es que when it clicks, IT CLICKS.

Me gusta mucho tambien su estilo de contar la historia a traves de snips pequeños de dialogos, dream sequences (o no) y cutscenes muy cortos y al punto. Me recuerda muchísimo a scarface y creo que hay un par de referencias que probablemente matizó mi subconciente dado a que no puedo pin point them exactly haha.

La música es un completo trip y le añade demasiada realidad al psique decayente del protagonista. Me parece demasiado accurate y tuanis que haya un move que es lanzarle un chopo sin balas a un enemigo como ultimo recurso. Hay mascaras, cabezas flotantes, muchas balas por todo lado, un highscore al cual hay que sacarle mas que un B+ y bastante meditación acerca del porqué de la vida y el significado de las cosas. El sentido de estar vivo y cosas así normales que tratan los videojuegos de hoy.

En fin, 5000 horas de EDM out of 5 🎛️🎛️🎛️🎛️🎛️

Um dos melhores indies que eu já joguei na minha vida, a história é viajada pra caralho mais é muito interessante, a trilha sonora é viciante pra caralho e nunca foi tão bom matar russo ao som de música eletrônica, só não faz isso na vida real por favor...

Mais se quiser pode fazer que se foda também

Iconic music and visuals. Story is just ambiguous and sparse enough to keep the gameplay refreshing and unrelenting. The controls on mouse and keyboard make my brain hurt. Please listen when they say "twin stick shooter" its best with a controller

This almost makes furry conventions look fun to go to

Jogabilidade legal, visual hipnotizante, trilha sonora insana de boa.

One of those games that I spent most of my time playing while sitting on the toilet. A perfect toilet game, and I mean that in the kindest way possible. The story is, typical for an indie, some overly-cryptic nonsense, but HM has it where it counts and that's in the gameplay. Fast, frenetic, panic-inducing and always making the player crave just one more go. I'm not sure if the game is mad short or just feels like it is because it's so hard to put down until the end credits start scrolling.

I never played the sequel. It didn't review too hot from what I recall and that probably put me off.