Reviews from

in the past

Um ótimo jogo para quem curte RPG de mesa

[Main Story]
I liked the concept of the game and I found it quite comic, but very repetitive after a few hours. I had to drag myself to finish the game.

A fun and highly addictive little game, I certainly had a lot of fun from it. I mostly went for it as I rarely find any games that are Turn-Based, but it is filled with that same kind of humour from hilarious Gamer's movies like Hands of Fate and so on, however there is a lot of Free-To-Play elements that'll make you want to spend money for gold coins, which you can acquire in game, but much slower.

Knights of Pen and Paper is rather boring to play once you get a decent way into the game and the overly-referential humour doesn't work for me. I did enjoy the tactical aspects of managing my party more than I expected though.

Interesting game but not particulary a stand out in any way, get it on phone or nowhere

Eu tentei várias vezes durante os anos, mas acho que ele só fica repetitivo demais depois de um tempo mesmo e me cansa. As piadinhas são legais, entretanto.

My rogue had a 110% chance of landing a crit and he still managed to do normal damage. My mage could cast meteor and then would have no more mana for the remainder of the fight

played this a lot on my galaxy s duos. good? i don't know! i was like 11!

I liked it but got bored three quarters in