Reviews from

in the past

Tiene un no se que, que que se yo, que me gusta y no me gusta, pero en general esta entretenido

On the Beach Level you could remove the underwear from the ladies with the sticker tool. Later I discovered Newgrounds Adults Section

najlepsza platformówka na PlayStation teraz w wersji okrojonej i przenośnej

Play the entire soundtrack at my funeral

I don't remember too much about this game but it was pretty fun for what it was. I think my mind may had been a bit too underdeveloped to fully grasp what this game was supposed to be but I had fun with it. Nice little platforming game that allows you to unleash your imagination and create whatever worlds/experiences you want. Heavy stress on user created experiences which was honestly really awesome and a smart utilization of the PSP's network feature. One of the few PSP games I played.

Just try to remember
Words go together
Songs last forever
Nothing can be too clever
For you

a short but charming game, definitely a highlight of the psp's library for me. i'm sure the ps3 version is better, but this is something worth checking out!

It's a cute game, sort of like a watered down version of the first littlebigplanet. It isn't to be taken too seriously as a game, but it's still really good nonetheless. Downloading levels and online play can be finicky, but for the time it's great!

imo the hardest littlebigplanet story mode, only being saved by the fact you have infinite continues

ive never liked lbp so psp one was not great and it was my first

O tempo não favoreceu os servidores da comunidade que já não existe mais.

This game had the banana suit.

Progresión super buena y niveles muy bien hechos. Lleno de desbloqueables y secretos

Okay I was a bit harsh on this game actually
The story kind of blows and it definitely does feel like a downgraded LBP 1 but it's still really fun, the level creator is good and the soundtrack is the usual LittleBigPlanet soundtrack in the sense that it's really good. It's definitely forgettable in the grand scheme of the franchise but if there was an alternate universe where this was the only game with the LittleBigPlanet title I'd still really like it.
the bazaar world was kind of bad though

cute platformer with a lot of soul. map editor is barebones compared to modern games, but it was a damn sight back then

El soundtrack no tenia que ir tan duro.

Comecei esse dia dps de quase 8 anos de procrastinação

Replayed every good lbp game for the 10th time and damn they never get old. Psp is hella underrated

Spent tons of hours on it as a kid

dude i'm just kind of confused on why this exists honestly LMAOO

A okay-ish fun game and that's all.

This is another "proof of concept" type of game. Its a bare bones version of the superior ps3 lbp.