Reviews from

in the past

blub blub microplastics in my blood.

A good time was had by all. Wonderful cozy cleaning game with some upgrades and animals. Would love to see new worlds or larger areas.

Para mim, Loddlenaut não passou de um "jogo podcast", ou seja, aquele game pra você jogar enquanto ouve um vídeo, podcast, música e afins.
Isso não é ruim, o título foca em ser relaxante, fofinho e brainless, em que é preciso limpar toda a sujeira de um planeta para que a vida marinha do lugar possa viver tranquilamente de novo.
O problema é que o jogo tem algumas questões que incomodam bastante. Entre as principais, temos a necessidade de retornar para a base para limpar o aspirador de microplásticos e a impossibilidade de expandir o tamanho da mochila, fazendo também com que precisemos voltar para a base e descarregar tudo. Uma questão menor é o foco que o jogo tenta dar para os bichinhos fofinhos que vivem por lá, mas é possível fechar o game sem fazer nada disso.
De resto, acho ele competente e cumpre o objetivo de ser um jogo relaxante. Se eu tivesse espaçado minhas sessões de gameplay, em vez de jogar tudo de uma vez, eu teria aproveitado e gostado mais de Loddlenaut, mas é o que é.

at least a little bit like a cutesy, miniature death stranding: feels like work, and feels like the work matters. the relative dirth of upgrades feels like a huge oversight considering how many materials you acquire and how nice things like a longer boost would be, otherwise hard to fault...dreamy, cathartic, tons of colors and cute lil dudes. revisiting an area u helped clean repopulate to see it teaming with diverse and flourishing life is what games r all about.

It's fine. Cute game with no real stakes. It's a long series of menial tasks, but not in a bad way. It's a game about cleaning and you clean.

Annoyances mostly boil down to inventory space and constant loss of boost, but I suppose less/quicker travel between areas would make this 4 hour game even shorter. Also takes some getting used to that you can't retreat from the direction you're cleaning whilst actually cleaning.

I don't really care for the loddles. They're cute, but I can't bring myself to care as much when there's mechanics like hunger attached to em. Makes them feel more like a Tamagotchi than a wild animal you can interact with.

I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to catch up on some podcasts while cleaning virtual space instead of their real living space.

It's cute. It's a nice little relaxing game you can play without thinking too much, which was exactly what I was looking for when I got this. I love the sorta low resolution 3D thing it's got going on, and the music was really relaxing.
It's a really short game, but it was a nice time. And for a game about cleaning up the waste from a megacorp, the game is surprisingly not preachy or in your face or anything, it just shows you what's going on and mostly lets you draw your own conclusions.

So yeah, cute game, I enjoyed it. It wasn't that in-depth, and towards the end the inventory space became an issue, but it was still fun.
Also you can pet the loddles, it's adorable.

fun little game put some decent hours into it and the 100 percent is pretty fun

Really cute game. Feels kind of like a PowerWash Simulator type game. Biggest problem is unlike PowerWash Sim, it is very short. My hope would be that if this game does well we get more content or a much bigger sequel. That being said, for what you get it is very well crafted.

Eu sei apreciar uma boa mecânica relaxante de limpeza e Loddlenaut tem exatamente isso... intercalado com várias burocracias que ficam ainda mais morosas por causa de uma experiência de usuário aquém do que eu esperava. Eu só queria limpar as coisas e brincar com uns bichinhos fofinhos, sabe? Não passar um tempão cuidando do meu oxigênio e do meu inventário para eu não falecer no oceano. Mas se isso não te incomodar, ele é uma ótima pedida para um jogo tranquilo de limpar o oceano e ver tudo ficar límpido como a água deve ser. Afinal, se tem uma coisa que ele faz bem, é dar prazer e diversão à ideia de limpar mais uma cagada inerente do sistema capitalista.

awesome soundtrack, nice visuals, short and neat

inventory space was a bit of an issue, and i wish there was amore to do with the loddles but its nice

Cute and short "clean 'em up". While it does scratch the itch and has some neat progression, I felt a bit disappointed with the loddles. The creatures remind me more of Slime Rancher (less personal and a bit chaotic) and I wished it was more like a Chao Garden.