Reviews from

in the past

Really fun, but Chris Pratt is missing.

its such a shame that the Avengers game tainted this game reputation and made it not get the praise it deserved. It is a really fun adventure game its simple but yet really enjoyable, they really nailed every single member of the GotG and the story was pretty good. If you like the GotG movies play this, if you like solid single player experiences play this you wont regret it

O único erro desse jogo é ter somente o modo historia

A pretty solid game. Overall there's nothing about it that i hated but let me just get the bad things out of the way first. every chapter follows a similar structure and can feel very repetitive, if your looking for a game with lots of variety that will blow you out of the water this might not be it. but otherwise everything was how i expected. although, one thing that did stand out to me was the cutscenes which almost felt like little movies, most of them are well animated and the lore and the plot line in them is really good. So, overall a solid, but basic super hero, adventure/shooter, i recommend.

This game actually surprised me. I wasn't sure what to expect but this was excellent. The story was better than any of the movies, and having choices that actually have effects later was a nice touch. The gameplay can get a bit repetitive but doesn't overstay its welcome. It's a great all-inclusive package.

uma história incrível que tem uma gameplay um pouco repetitiva, mas não é de se enjoar tão fácil. tem momentos muito bons nesse jogo e tem até pós-créditos jogável. dito isso, vale a jogatina

Não zerei pq acabou minha plus, vou terminar quando tiver a oportunidade

Unremarkable gameplay but the excellent writing and performances really prop the game up to the point where I actually preferred these Guradians over their movie counterparts. Too bad there won't be a sequel that builds on this solid foundation.

- A surprisingly pleasant experience that i would recommend going through once.
- The gameplay itself isn't the strongest point of the game but it isn't bad as to detract from it.
- The plot and the writing is actually great elevating this game then what it should be.
- Interesting set pieces and levels if linear.

couldn't make it three minutes in. everyone's ugly and annoying.

This is a pretty good video game about the Guardians of the Galaxy and yeah I can't remember a single thing about it but I do know I quite liked it.

História, personagens, gráficos, escolhas importam

I honestly wasn’t expecting much from this game. Not because of the whole Avengers fiasco (different dev team) but I still can’t say I really care for marvel video games too much.
Spider-Man and Miles were great but it’s hard to comic book video games when everyone compares it to the movies.
You get a really weird mix of “why doesn’t this look like Chris Pratt?” vs “why didn’t they include this character”
Guardians of the Galaxy is actually a legitimately fun ass video game. It mixes really fluid combat with fantastic music and a story that actually kept me interested until the end. Though it’s very typical super hero plot, it actually ignores the origin story really perfectly and just assumes you know what the f a “Guardian of the Galaxy” is.
First off, the most important part that the movies really pushed for the series was having those really big tunes banging throughout the galaxy as the crew make their way through all adventures and they nailed it here.
From “White Wedding” to “Kickstart My Heart” to “Never Gonna Give You Up” the track list is incredible and really gives you a huge cinematic feeling.
Either in cutscenes or as your ultimate ability in combat, the music in this game is so solid and just makes everything fun
The story itself is pretty par for the course of a marvel story. It’s got your family drama mixed in with the galaxies at stake and with dumb luck and some skill, the heroes try to save the day.
I did actually enjoy the family stuff they push for with the game and some of the more compelling moments are absolutely with Star Lord and the character Nikki.
It’s nothing to write home about but if you like your super heroes, you’ll enjoy the plot.
Gameplay wise it’s a really fun third person arena shooter. You get enemies thrown at you in a small or large space, fight them in really fluid combat scenes and then make your way through the level.
The game has a perfect level of mixing its combat with the dialogue choices that will randomly pop up as you walk through the levels.
Which leads to my favourite part of the game. The dialogue choices. I had very good choices in mine that lead to really helpful moments later on
But my favourite choices are the random dialogue that happens as you walk. Being able to choose what to say really gives you a feeling of immersion. You choose how Star-Lord reacts to a range of topics.
Overall, Guardians of the Galaxy is a fine addition to the comic book video game landscape.
It deserves to be here and I really love that this game exists. If you’re looking for a fun 20 hour video game that you can sit back and have a laugh with.
Here is your cup of tea

Gameplay is okay but man is the dialogue so good in this. I got a feeling that it was gonna be annoying but it ended up being hilarious and very intriguing. Also pretty interesting decision to make this a choice game.

Esse jogo é o maior calote que a internet já me deu

This review contains spoilers

Entre mazmorra y mazmorra de Diablo IV había que buscar algo fresquito para ir haciendo, y me acordé que en su momento se me jodió el archivo de guardado de Guardians of the Galaxy casi al principio. Hoy la deuda está saldada y es el décimo (jodidamente épico) jueguito pasado en lo que va de año 🤟😎

El juego es un "De menos a más" de manual. La mecánica de combate "usando" 5 personajes a la vez está que te cagas de bien integrada. Las pequeñas tomas de decisiones parece que no afectan mucho pero ojito con algunas. Y la evolución de trama y personajes, aunque no seas fan de Marvel, es 10/10.

Claro que hay cosillas reguleras: a veces hay tanto caos que no sabes bien qué hacer o dónde ir, en ocasiones te notas "secuestrado" en conversaciones mientras tú quieres hacer o ir a otras cosas pero tienes que escucharlos, y determinadas animaciones son muy moñeco en según qué momentos.

Pero a pesar de esos fallitos (o cosas que no me terminaron de entrar) compensa con todo lo demás. Comprendo 100% que ganara el GOTY a Mejor Narrativa en 2021. Es épico, es emotivo, es divertido, es... Algo cargante a veces, pero al fin y al cabo así son los puñeteros Guardianes de la Galaxia.

Los combates son demasiado simples y repetitivos pero se compensa por las conversaciones que tienes con los colegas.

Gameplay não se mostra como boa mas nada que atrapalhe o brilho do jogo quê é a escrita do mundo e personagens além dos cenários deslumbrantes mesmo jogando no PS4

i might put this a star lower each time they say "what the flark!"

Marvel's Guardians of The Galaxy é surpreendentemente bom.

Quando esse jogo lançou, em 2021, lembro de baixar uma cópia pirateada e me decepcionar muito com a gameplay, que me parecia repetitiva demais pra um jogo dos GOTG.

Hoje, em 2023, eu finalizo o jogo e percebo que eu não olhei a parte mais importante desse jogo, o fato de que ele é uma experiência single-player com uma ótima história e roteiro.

Os personagens são todos cativantes, cada um com sua peculiaridade e o texto é simplesmente incrível, cada piada acerta como um tiro perfeito.

A gameplay realmente tá longe de ser perfeita, já que não muda muito do início ao fim (no fim das contas é um jogo de ação com tirinho, nada demais).

Mas algo que me fez contornar esse problema da gameplay foi jogar na dificuldade mais alta do game, que me fez pensar como usar todos os recursos disponíveis pra não tomar um cacete nas fases finais (que acredite ou não, ficam impossíveis nessa dificuldade, se tu não souber o que tá fazendo).

No fim das contas, não é um jogo perfeito, mas é uma ótima surpresa, principalmente se você conseguiu pegar de graça na Epic Store.

gameplay leaves a lot to be desired, but story and characters kept me till the end, one of the best superhero games when it comes to the story

Very cool but too long, which makes it repetitive.

Uma grande surpresa pensei que seria nível o jogo dos avengers mas fui surpreendido com um grande jogo com uma ótima dublagem e bem divertido, um bom jogo daqueles que quando termina fica com o gostinho de quero mais

Destaco el doblaje y los diálogos, dan mucha personalidad a los Guardianes y recogen perfectamente el espíritu de las películas de James Gunn, hasta el punto de reírme en alto unas cuantas veces. La jugabilidad ya no me parece tan buena.

Guardians of the Galaxy makes up for all of it's jank, lack of polish, and the wet fart that is combat in the early hours of the game by being really, really, really damn endearing. Did I audibly sigh the 20th time Gomorrah said: "Having fun "praaaying" on the weak?" when referencing the gang of religious cultists you're fighting in battle? Absolutely. But then the awesome soundtrack kicks in or the likeable characters start bantering back and forth in a cutscene and you forget all of the minor annoyances the game comes with. Not to mention this game is totally unafraid to be weird as hell in it's environments, writing, and character designs and I can definitely respect that! It balances out to be a unique, fun experience with likeable characters, an engrossing story, and a terrific soundtrack despite how groan-inducing and janky it can be at times.

Jogão, absolutamente tudo nesse jogo é bom, não a nada para reclamar