Reviews from

in the past

Evoluçao clara do primeiro em tudo, mas ainda sofre do mesmo mal de ser longo demais, fica beeem enjoativo.

Remove the patent on the nemesis system 2

somehow it gave me literally everything I ever wanted out of the first one but I managed not to like it as much? maybe, idk I should prolly replay it

o sistema de dominar inimigos e conquistar territorios desse jogo é muito foda

Shadow Of War es prácticamente lo mismo que su entrega anterior pero mejorando el sistema Némesis muchísimo.

La historia en esta entrega toma mas peso y es bastante mas entretenida, lo que es un muy buen punto a favor.

La jugabilidad cambia bastante, y al principio es muy extraño, siendo bastante mas difícil, pero con el tiempo te acostumbras y es bastante mas entretenida, aparte de que el sistema de equipo pasa a ser mucho mas RPG, con objetos con atributos únicos y aportando estadísticas al personaje.

El sistema Némesis es exactamente lo mismo, pero mas grande, con mas variedad, mayor interacción entre orcos, y con la posibilidad de crear un ejercito con el que poder hacer raids online a otros jugadores o hacer raids a castillos del modo un jugador, explotando al máximo esta mecánica y llevando tus orcos hasta su limite.

Es una continuación del anterior casi instantánea, con un mapa mas grande, si te gusto el anterior este es un obligatorio, super disfrutable.

No hay nada malo realmente destacable mas haya de lo difícil que puede ser al inicio, pero en un par de tardes te has hecho al juego.

story was alright but the gameplay was amazing

So much more enjoyable than the first. Moving around the world feels better, the map is more interesting, less spaces that feel like empty filler, and the Nemesis system feels just as good, but more important in the moment to moment play, vs just something you occasionally ran into. Really want to put more time into it. Have the main quest complete, just need to finish up the War mode to see the true ending. Finally finished the Shadow War stuff, and I love this game.

also tried it again, also better than i remembered, nemesis system is better but more things should happen outside of your control

being able to run from every surprise situation without consequence is also questionable

ist auf meinem laptop immer vorm endboss abgestürtzt, irgendwann wirds aufm pc installiert und dann klatsch ich den noch

As of now I am quite unfamiliar with the lord of the rings universe hence why the story might not have grabbed me however I do believe the delivery here is not on point.

I truly believe that this game simply does not leave you the time to actually figure anything out, it throws you in an open world telling you all these things, dumping numerous mechanics and characters on you. I felt like I truly did not have the space to appreciate anything I was doing.

The disconnect between me and the game's world has not ceased to grow since my rising disappointment in the initial hours. A certain jankiness is also present that never really ceased to make itself noticed in any aspect of the gameplay be it movement, stealth or combat.

Props deserve to be given to the fun Nemesis system yet everything surrounding it from story to gameplay just failed to make me further interested.

somehow worse version of shadow of war but with more forts and involves classic lotr settings such as minas morgul

but new characters have cool designs and celebrimbor is still an ass

cagaram o final e grind insuportável pro final mas jogo pica

What a terrible quests it has, but nemesis system is insanely entertaining.
Like i once placed two orcs to fight themselves and i didn't know they was brothers! So, when one of them won, he was like "fuck you why you made me kill my brotha?"

Shadow of War, at it's core, is a great game. I can say this somewhat confidently after attempting to finish the game for the fourth (I think) time now. I have never completed the game, and most likely never will.

I like the combat, even if it is just another Arkham clone. Arkham was good, and really all this is missing in comparison to those games are the stealth elements. It makes up for that in the moment to moment action and different abilities you get throughout the game though.

Setting is great. LoTR is iconic for a reason. I do get slightly annoyed though, when an IP is used to sell something and the story can't be canon in the overall universe because it doesn't make sense in the context of everything else. Just make a new IP. Yes, that's hard, but i'd rather have something new over something that doesn't make sense for LoTR.

The only other thing I think is worth mentioning is the Nemesis System. This is simultaneously the thing that sold this game to millions of players, and the thing that brought it down.

It's a good system because it provides a cast of characters that don't have to written by the developers entirely. Most captains just have a basic template, and a few things that make them different than the standard orc, plus more health. There are some really cool encounters with orcs that return from the dead, or are infested with flies, or has a gang of enraged ologs that travel with them, etc. The coolest part about it, is that you can make any one of those orcs your follower, if, and only if, they are under your level. Which brings me to the negatives.

The nemesis system is marred by the microtransactions that plagued this game at launch. All of the store options are gone now, but the grind of progression that remains makes the game unenjoyable to me. You get to a new region excited to recruit more orcs, just to discover they are three to four levels higher than you and you have to shame them just to recruit them, or grind a few levels, which can take hours. It essentially doubles the time it takes to recruit any orc, and it makes the nemesis system something that is more tedious than it is fun. There's nothing worse than playing for a few hours and feeling like you got nothing done. You get a few things in the game that can help you boost your xp gains, but it essentially just kicks the can down the road a bit.

This game had a lot of potential, especially off the back of Shadow of Mordor. Unfortunately, it was yet another AAA game ruined by greed.

Whoever designed the ending should never be allowed to make games anymore wtf

um combate muito bom ( ataque e contra-ataque),boas citações a senhor dos anéis, uma fasta árvore de habilidades do anel do poder, apesar de que se torna extremamente repetitivo a um ponto onde você perde toda a vontade de jogar quando se vê fazendo a mesma coisa por um jogo inteiro.

Improvement upon the first in every way except that the story is somehow way way worse. Got this game on release date cause I was and am a huge LOTR nerd.

Love lord of the rings but don't get this game at all.
Can you just spam square (PS) infinitely and win every fight?
Also the menu and UI is such a mess. Really don't understand what is going on.

JAJAJA SI TU VIEJA SE LO VA A TERMINAR AL 100%. Es una mejora a nivel jugable, grafico y con el sistema de nemesis pero una mierda que el equipamiento es literalmente UN GACHA con misiones diarias y retos online.

1) Боевая система получила глубокую прокачку по сравнению с оригиналом, что добавило возможности делать под себя какое никакое подобие билдов;
2) Локации стали гораздо масштабнее и проработаннее;
3) Появилось разнообразие большое среди врагов;
4) Добавили еще 2 типа транспорта. За дракона просто уважение глубочайшее;
5) Появилось большее количество хорошо поставленных катсцен;
6) История Талиона останется навсегда в сердечке особенно из-за финала. В игре много твистов (да которые можно предугадать, но это не делает их плохими);
7) Опять же тонна фансервиса, но сделанного правильно. Сюжет игры попытались органично вписать под основные события вселенной;
8) За проработку системы Немезис, захвата и удержания крепостей хочется отдельно пожать руку разработчикам;
9) К сожалению, присутствует монотонность выполнения миссий, где тебе надо просто гасить кучу противников, но из-за боевой системы все происходящее не наскучивало;
10) Что касается дополнительных квестов, то запомнились только задания Карнан, где в конце происходит великий босс файт с знакомым всем фанатам ВК персонажем и квест с орком Крысарием из 1 части, а остальные истории обрывались как-то странно и из-за этого присутствует недосказанность. Возможно в DLC раскроют все, но как-то разработчики забили можно сказать.

Definitely an improvement over the first game in terms of playability, gameplay quirks, and the world, and not so much in terms of story. The playable world takes you to more parts of Middle Earth than Shadow of Mordor, including Minas Morgul when it was still controlled by Gondor; all in all, it's refreshing after the first game only included two areas. Where Shadow of Mordor played around a little bit with the established Lord of the Rings lore, Shadow of War has completely given up on maintaining any type of relevance in canon. J.R.R. Tolkien probably did a few loops in his grave with the reveal of Shelob (the spider from Return of the King) as a sexy, dark-haired human woman. Game is at least fun to play, and any chance to play around with the Nemesis system introduced in Shadow of Mordor is well appreciated.

So let me get this straight - I’m supposed to do multiple sneaking missions with dogshit controls and the world’s most worthless camera system? Hell no.

The first game but a little bit better, improved lots of stuff and made it more bearable to play. The mini plot twist is meh and the ending is confusing.

amo esse jogo, a mecanica de exercito e fortalezas simplesmente me encanta, fora o fator replay, esse jogo nao cansa nunca

Gdyby nie lore ta gra byłaby świetna

when there's lawsuits about your game you can tell you've fucked up

Mejor AC que cualquier nuevo AC

One of my favourite games of all time. Especially because of the nemesis system. The nemesis system was impeccable tho the combat was a bit repetetive so it can bore some people out but it was fun for me. It is near perfection but it is not. The atmosphere, graphics, combat, dialogs are great but not perfect thats why it is a 8.5/10