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in the past

Nunca tinha jogado nenhum monster hunter e achei legal. As missoes sao meio grindy demais pra eu ter vontade de terminar o jogo, mas oq experimentei no quesito combate e etc me satisfez bastante.

hooolllyyy shit i can hunt monsters

i dont like you and you are STILL a 4.5/10

MH Rise is the odd crackhead cousin of the Monster hunter family tree: while the other titles are more methodical, slower and more focused on the environmental settings they are building on, Monster Hunter Rise is more about "YO LESGO SPIDERMAN AROUND TO KICK THIS BIRD AND THE USE THE BIRD TO KILL THAT ANIME TIGER BEFORE THE RAMPAGE OR BEARS ARRIVES"

Comparing other MH games to Rise is like comparing the real historical depiction of a ninja with the "Naruto anime ninja" ... which is kinda funny considering the inspirations behind RIse's settings.

Compared to older titles, your movements is fast, energetic, almost limitless... it's soo good that even the monsters struggle to keep up with you (something that luckily the Sunbreak extention fixes heavily). This creates an experience so different compared to the rest of the franchise that is no surprise that it received mixed feelings from the fanbase.

But at the end... you still have a lot of fun with the quirky crackhead cousin: the gameplay is fun and addictive, the design of the monsters is impeccable and full of care as ever, the environments are corgeous (especially considerin Risa was originally a Switch exclusive), and even the story, one of the least interesting parts of a MH game, is able to make to have some slightly touching moments.

One it's own, Monster Hunter Rise works a lot... but if I can suggest something, the extensition Sunbreak fixes a lot of issues of the vanilla game, so I suggest to include that one if you plan to try it.

It just runs so BUTTERY SMOOTH with near-instant load times between quests and village areas, plus a lot of new neat mechanics to slice and dice lots of new monsters.

Also, cats and dogs for companions, can't go wrong there.

A really addicting arcade style game. Something really fun and easy to understand with a lot of deeper elements!

Excellent game which stangely has a lot of problems. Bad hitboxes, weird gameplay elements, unnecesary, or straight up boring mechanics, and the fact that this game is severely limited by the Switch platform, is pretty much carried by the beautiful enviroments, excellent monster design, and my brain going "awooga" everytime i hit a 2000 bonk hit on greatsword.

Far better roster and than its predecessor but a bit a more arcadey. Fantastic experience overall.

A fun, faster paced monster hunting game

Pre-Sunbreak, I thought this game was a nightmare. With Sunbreak I'd give it a 4 star.

- 90 hours played
- Weapon of choice - Light bow Gun

YouTube tells me that I can’t prefer this game to World. YouTube also tells me that comparing them is unfair due to the Switch’s limitations. Limitations be damned. I loved this game. Also since World is the only other game I have played in the series, that’s my point of comparison.

I recently completed base World and whilst I enjoyed it, I found its sluggish combat and immersive elements frustrating. Rise doesn’t suffer that at all because it’s made for handheld consoles. Its gameplay is designed around pick up and play short bursts. This game wastes no time and I appreciated that.

The combat is fast, flashy and always frantic. The wire bug enables fantastic levels of traversal. I was flipping around these arenas bullying the monsters. It felt amazing. The monsters can’t really compete with your mobility and couple that with some Insane damage output and Rise can be a very easy game. But it’s still enjoyable and its gameplay loop is maddeningly addictive.

I much preferred the hunt quests in this game. Gone are the immersive elements of looking for tracks and scratch marks to find the monster. The maps are already scouted by Cahoot, your pet owl so the monsters show up on the map at the start of the quest. The Palamute dog mounts act like horses, making traversal faster and getting to the action quicker. The quality of life changes make picking up bone piles and mining spots much faster, one click of the button picks up everything from the spot. Instead of three separate presses of the button in World. They also added a pause function in this game which I really missed in MH World.

Despite the graphical limitations of the Switch I much preferred this games art style. I felt it had more character. There was no issues with visual clarity and reading what was on screen and I loved the monster designs. Especially the little monster symbols drawn on the quest board.

The monster roster felt more unique as there seemed to be more types of monsters other than Wyverns. Quest wise there’s not much variety. We get Hunt, capture and rampage quests. Hunt and capture are self explanatory but Rampage is something new. It’s a horde mode style of mission and to be honest, these were awful. I only played those required for story progression and then forgot about them entirely. I also wasn’t a fan of the Spiribird system. Collecting Spiribirds every hunt to increase my max health and stamina got boring fast, therefore I never completed a hunt with a full health or stamina gauge. Outside of the missions where a Max Spiribird is supplied right at the start.

Overall I loved my time with Monster Hunter Rise but there’s a decent chunk of the game I just don’t care for. The inclusion of the Rampage missions is the only thing holding this game back from 5 stars.

Top 5 Monster Designs
1. Magnamalo
2. Anjanath
3. Mizutsune
4. Rakna-Kadaki
5. Khezu

Top 5 favourite monster fights
1. Magnamalo
2. Mizutsune
3. Anjanath
4. Rathalos
5. Rajang

Top 5 least favourite monster fights
1. Jyuratodus
2. Barroth
3. Volvidon
4. Basarious
5. Tigrex

Barbaridad de juego, una joyita lo veas por donde lo veas, simplemente master piece de verdad.

Amazing gameplay, I hope to see more of these dynamic additions in Wilds as well. I could really spend hours on this game, but I can't give 5/5 because the monsters choices weren't it. Too many fire element monsters, too little diversity in quests; it was refreshing to see return old monsters like Amatsu and Espinas, and I just wish they would've done more of that instead of adding all those Risen versions, and other "classic" monsters we see in every chapter, like Kushala and Teostra. The rampage is also a type of mission I hope I won't see again.

Fun. World is better, but this one is fun too.

Pretty awesome addition to the series and was pleasantly surprised at how quickly the game throws you into questing and the hub area.


Jogaço, história principal é bem curtinha, mas no geral diverte bastante.

Melhorou a gameplay e movimentação do World e tem os é um dos jogo da franquia que mais tem monstros. Se for começar a jogar Monster Hunter o Rise é uma ótima escolha.

Really amazing! though it does have its flaws. Sunbreak really improves this game massively

Monster Hunter Rise feels like the core ideas and mechanics of the game are there and great but get held back massively by being a port of a switch game. Throughout this review I will be comparing to MHW quite a bit as that was the last MH game I played and is apart of the same gen.

Firstly the story of this game was incredibly bare bones. The flagship monster for this game appears for one cutscene and proceeds to die in roughly 15 minutes in a quest not too long after. Magnamalo as a monster is cool and I enjoyed his fight but the build up is non existent and ends way too soon. In comparison to a monster like Nergigante who you repel twice and has enough build up to make him feel like a threat, Magnamalo falls flat hard and it’s a real shame considering how good of a design he has.

Rest of the story follows a pretty similar problem. The rampage never really felt developed on and the appearance and problems Ibushi causes is glossed over and done with very quickly. Narwas even worse for it as you don’t even get to see the resonance as it happens off screen. It all just feels very empty and not enough moment to moment story sections to make me care for the main threats of the game. Once again however design wise the serpents are stunning and their fights are alright but that’s all they’ve got going.

Due to the story being lacklustre the characters suffer also. Despite them being named this time around they don’t get the time to do much or have anything going for them. Even though I thought the characters in world were just okay, they still had the opportunity to interact more because of how the story is structured. Rise doesn’t really give the characters or monsters this chance making the game boil down to just doing hunts with no real link between them excluding the urgent quests. Even then those urgent quests feel quite disconnected and are just like normal hunts.

Like with MHW however, the story for these games is not the primary reason I play these games. I love the lore of the monsters and the world that the games take place in but the actual story I’m fine with being just okay like MHWs. Typically I do like having some kind of strong structure or continuity connecting the quests like MHW but where this game shines the most is in its gameplay.

Rise’s gameplay is incredibly fun. I think the switch skills and move set swapping system was such a good addition to the game and allows for attuning your weapon to whatever you prefer or need. All of these skills don’t get outclassed by their counterpart as each have a specific use that can only be accomplished by using these skills. The Palamutes (mounts) are amazing additions and I’m glad they are going to add something similar to Wilds. Having a mount you can use to freely and quickly traverse the map is great and was needed a lot in MHW.

However this game feels a lot less weighty and impactful with its gameplay as the sound effects and visual effects like screen shake and hit stop aren’t as heavy makes it feel like I’m hitting the monster with a twig at times. The impact is still there for stuff like the hammer and greatsword but unlike MHW where every action felt like there was huge weight behind it, Rise sacrifices that for speedier gameplay which some might prefer.

Visuals are never something I complain about especially since the switch has limited capability but they are obviously lower detail. For the most part this lower detail didn’t bother me as its art style was still incredibly strong and some of the new monsters looked fantastic.

The area design is what I really think this game gets set back by from it being a switch game. Once again in comparison to MHW, there is severely less interaction with the monsters, you and the environment. The areas feel a lot more basic and don’t have these small things that can make hunts unique just off the environment alone. The best example I have is Diablos in MHW and Rise. In MHW I was in the middle of fighting two other monster above this section of desert that solely exists for Diablos to emerge from and engulf the other monsters into it whereas in Rise Diabolos is just another monster in the desert and the environment has nothing unique to interact with.

This was such a huge thing for me in MHW as it was everywhere: the flood taking Rathalos down a cliff, Boulders that can be dropped on monsters, the volcanic eruptions in Elders Recess, The ice crags falling and limiting movement, tons of more examples that made the hunts unpredictable at times and this doesn’t even include certain monsters who will purposely intervene in your fight. None of this was present in Rise and it was a massive shame.

Music as always is brilliant and I really don’t need to comment much on it since this review is long enough. Fits the style of the game and sounds fantastic.

Overall the game is great to put on and get a few hunts in. With small maps and much more favourable options for the hunter it’s easy to hunt a few things and be done within the hour, something that was probably intentional with it being a switch game. MHR doesn’t come without its limitations but I’m still interested to see what Sunbreak has as these games love to save their best for the DLC.


Comprei um PC para jogar ele depois te ter se apaixonado no world... E quebrei a cara skskkssk
(Com o sunbreak o jogo melhora muuuito)

Really not as much of a fan of this one. The combat is trivialised by the new wirebug mechanic, and makes monsters feel like DPS sponges more than anything. I do think this one is likely a better introduction to the series than World if you're getting a friend into the series, considering its multiplayer system is less of a pain to deal with.

mayhaps visually a bit of a step down from monster hunter world, i think rise still has a lot of charm, and it plays as good as mhw, with stuff i sometimes even like more. i do think the actual story content is pretty light but monster hunter's usually more about the actual hunting anyway, so it's all fine.

if you liked monster hunter world, there's a pretty good chance you'll vibe w this one too, much faster gameplay loop though, without the need to go out and search for the target monster(s) after the first time you do it. it does expedite farming quite a bit which is nice enough.

my one real complaint is kinda just not vibing too much w the way spiritbirds work, capping off max hp until you find enough of them, which i find to be a little annoying sometimes tbh

I tried making Bunny Dango irl when this game came out and I fucked it up. I blame this game for that and for all the other problems in my life.

It's really good, let's se how far I go

Excelente juego, mucho mas "amigable" que las entregas anteriores. Al igual que los otros, el post-game consiste en farmeo y paciencia.