Reviews from

in the past

great game, i just wish you could skip cutscenes :P

Sometimes I would go to Expedition mode only to just sit there and watch the landscapes, and the monsters occasionally beating up each other.

Monster Hunter World is such an amazing game.

The combat is great and each weapon has a playstyle, its graphically great, the monsters have super cool designs and everything feels so alive, especially how monsters interact with the biomes and other monsters.

Not only it is much better than most of the previous titles, it is also much better than all its clones such as Toukiden or God Eater, so go ahead and play MHW! :)

نظام قتال خيالي

Played through it again and had a much better time just playing solo. Still many things I don't like but it was a great time

I've played other Monster Hunter games but this is the first one I got "Serious" with. It was very enjoyable and honestly I felt the game does a good job showing you how to play. There's definitely still a learning curve but honestly nothing insane if your willing to go through it. It was also awesome to see the series go multi-plat or at least go on xbox. I think there was some Monster Hunter Game on 360 but it was either japan exclusive or some weird MMO or both.

Monster Hunter is a series that as name implies where you hunt monsters, you hunt either the same monsters or others to get parts to upgrade your weapons and armor. For worlds their big changes include a grappling hook for basic movement enhancements (Where rise would eventually take it to another level) and big ass kaiju size monsters, that you walk around on (and do multiple tasks to get them taken down). I'm not sure the big ass monsters may have been in earlier ones but I remember these being a big deal.

The game absolutely shines in multi-player, it's easier to fight monsters and it makes it so more goofy shit can happen. People and monsters can get flung around, it's a great time. Also the good thing about the MP mode is that everyone progresses both in terms of story content and getting there own materials.

I can't wait for the next game, and thank god it's releasing multi-plat on launch

We stopped playing this game half way through because Lauren started feeling sorry for the monsters.

I started this 4 years ago, and now i finally finished after a loooooooong pause. Monster Hunter is a masterpiece, full of cool monsters and strategies. Definitely one of my favorites games of all time. Now lets go to Iceborn.

rise being my first mh fucked me up

also the inconsistent appearance of co-op missions makes this hell to co-ordinate jfc

Los controles en teclado y ratón van muy regular...

Bom jogo introdutório para a franquia. Se você gosta de lutar com monstros grandes, ter muitas opções de armas e armaduras e curte grindar, esse jogo é perfeito para você.

I love this game and everything is perfect, with the exception that, being a inherently multiplayer game, it does not let you multiplay until 5 hours into the game.

- repetitive
- hunting
- tracking
- habits of monsters
- huge enemies who have great fights!
- the equipment is stylish but a little sexist, sad
- the weapons are enjoyable, their combos are different and adapt to different monsters, different timings, fabulous
- superb maps
- a well-made nature

An autistic game when u try to find the perfect way to slay a kaiju,
love it!

This review includes the Iceborn dlc.

I enjoyed it. Solo. I was running like a headless chicken at first, and by refusing to use items and just wielding my bard ass guitar-mace-axe-didgeridoo thingy I actually started to have fun so much I couldn't put it down. I will be doing more playthroughs in the future with other weapons... Maybe. But it is worth grabbing.

It is not a perfect score cause it has some really pesky details that quality of life mods fix, but since the mods make it better and the base game still doesn't fix them, it's a 4/5.

The intense detail in the world, monsters, and everything is incredible. It sucked me in unlike any other game in this genre managed to. Its actually an amazing game, the only reason it doesn't get a perfect 5 is because the handler is really annoying and immersion breaking sometimes... partner.

One of my gang's main games to play

Fantastic game full of amazing and creative creature designs and quite possibly my favourite combat in any game I can think of and an absolute delight to play with friends. Biggest downside is that getting actually optimal sets is quite possibly the most unreasonable grind in any game ever made because of how they implemented decoration acquisition. Recommended if you want a good time sink game.

MH dudes are like PETA if they stopped complaining and instead learned how to use weapons the size of a small tree

Frustrating and grind-heavy at times, but if you have time to burn, this is great for that.

Compared to other Monster Hunter games, Monster Hunter World embodies a profound essence in every aspect – whether it's the majestic monsters, the richly detailed world, or the exhilarating combat dynamics. Its gameplay loop is undeniably captivating: encounter a formidable monster, gather essential materials, craft necessary items to confront the beast, learn its intricate mechanics, emerge victorious through skillful execution, and then repeat the cycle with newfound challenges.

However, the post-game content can prove excessively challenging and somewhat monotonous when tackled solo. Furthermore, the multiplayer experience often devolves into a focus on pure damage output, lacking distinct dedicated roles despite the potential for such strategic depth.

Personally, I find the Guiding Lands content to be somewhat tiresome, resembling an endless grind devoid of clear direction or purpose.

Nevertheless, Monster Hunter World stands as one of the most exceptional gaming experiences I've ever had. Its immersive world, thrilling gameplay, and deep mechanics make it a standout title in the Monster Hunter series and in gaming as a whole.

I cannot stress you enough, the open world in this game is so great.

-Вырвиглазная картинка
-Постоянное подключение к онлайну
-Ни один крафт не имеет смысла вплоть до 9-го ранга (до этого момента можно тупо играть в одном и том же сете)
-Нельзя пропускать катсцены
-Бессмысленно запутанные локации
-Уродливые персонажи
-Поиграть с другом - отдельная мини-игра
-Мешанина из эффектов
-Херовая оптимизация

Я не знаю как можно провести в этой игре больше 20 часов. Это полный шлак.

isso aqui é pica. cada mapa é seu próprio mundo semiaberto cheio de vida (literalmente) e cada bicho é mais foda que o anterior. jogue com uma party completa com seus manos e se delicie.

Me and my cat about to f this dinosaur up

Monster Hunter: World is the first game in the series that makes its way to PC, and it does a pretty good job while retaining most of the original Monster Hunter mechanics.

It's mostly still the same Monster Hunter as all of the others in the series, with some new features and quality-of-life improvements. It's significant;y more accessible than previous Monster Hunter games, which is both good and bad. Veteran hunters will probably sigh and groan, but most new hunters will still feel the challenge. PC graphics look amazing, and I didn't have to sacrifice quality for performance too much (with a GTX 1080). Multiplayer is fairly simple, send a signal and people join up, or create a session with friends and hunt together. There is also a fairly wide variety of monsters to hunt from, along with the promise of more in the future, and most are new and several of them are unique in both behaviors and attack patterns.

There are several issues as well, including lots of server errors, although the most recent patch fixed a lot of those issues for me. It is a bit frustrating to suddenly disconnect in the middle of a hard hunt and have to slug out the rest of it solo. Also, some of the new mechanics really take away from the hardcore Monster Hunter experience most people are familiar with, like scout flies and other things. The interface for the game is also fairly confusing and the game doesn't always explain everything clearly, although that's a persistent Monster Hunter problem across multiple games.

In conclusion, Monster Hunter: World brings a lot of loved mechanics to PC and delivers a pretty good cooperative experience, but it's flawed by interface and server issues and for some people, it's easier than normal, which can ruin the hardcore Monster Hunter experience.