Reviews from

in the past

Sympa ce dlc de dlc
Mais j'ai Dark souls et ff a finir là en gros

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In my opinion, this game is just flat out awful. It’s just NSMBU but you play as Luigi, he actually has special abilities like fast run and high jump, you can play as nabbit, each of the levels is only 100 seconds long, and those stupid blue and yellow toads are back. That’s it, nothing else of substance. Such a shame considering Luigi is my favourite Mario brother and he had to star in this trash. NSMBU already had its fair share of problems, so for them to just rinse and repeat and add a few differences here and there is just lazy. The game it’s self plays so speed runner like it’s not even good for people who just wanna play it casually. The only good things I have to say about this game is you can play as nabbit, and I like that Luigi has his special abilities. Nothing else really good to say about this one. They really did my boy Luigi dirty considering 2013 was a year Nintendo dedicated to HIM. Overall, 1.5 out of 5 stars.

fun, i like harder mario games

After having just beaten Super Mario Bros U, NLU was a fun change of pace, despite its much shorter levels. You only have 100 seconds to beat every level, thus making their lengths much shorter than the original game where you commonly had 400-500 seconds to beat them. Combine this with the fact that Luigi (and possibly the other characters(?) I never had a chance to try that out) controls like he does in SMB: Lost Levels/SMB2 (i.e. he can jump higher, has lower falling acceleration) and you get really fast paced and manic levels, because this game is HARD.

All of the levels are new, with none being taken from the original game, but just because the levels are short, doesn't mean they're easy. Granted you usually will get a mushroom early on if you enter a level small, but they basically cram 500 seconds worth of enemies into a 100 second stage. With Luigi's crazy jumping, I was fairly frequently crazily jumping around trying to avoid the onslaught of enemies flying around me, or trying to avoid the lava/acid/spikes which threatened below my feet. The secrets are also immensely well hidden. Despite many run-throughs, I didn't find a single secret in the first four worlds, where in the main game I'd found them all.

The difficulty is one of the few small qualms I do have with the game. Considering that the game is technically playable with 4-people at once, the speed at which you have to complete levels really makes it so one player is constantly leaving the other person behind. That said, the addition of the Nabbit character really makes it a little easier for the second player given his immunity to enemies, but that still doesn't save you from the screen scrolling or pits to kill you.

Ultimately, I feel the game is good, but far too short a novelty to warrent the $40 price tag which the physical release shares with the main game's physical release. I'd say defeinitely keep an eye out for the New Super Mario Bros U + New Luigi U pack that I got, which tends to be a much more reasonable $45-$55. Still, it was super fun, and still comes very recommended to any Mario fan if you can pick it up at a good price.

He stole it! He stole it!
Nabbit stole my... heart 😉

Fun 4 or so hours. Some challenging levels and could see myself returning in the future

If we consider this as a standalone game then this might be the best NSMB game. It's challenging with great level design.

the dark souls of new soup games

Para a minha surpresa, New Super Luigi U é um game essencialmente novo, não um mero remix de New Super Mario Bros. U como eu temia. Os assets e os temas dos mundos são os mesmos, mas os níveis são completamente originais - e, criticamente, bem melhores do que na campanha original de Bros. U.

O ritmo é mais frenético, com um limite de 100 segundos para concluir cada fase (apesar de que os segundos de Luigi são maiores que os de Mario; ainda assim, é um tempo mais curto). Com isso, os níveis são bem mais direto ao ponto. O padrão de lentamente introduzir uma nova mecânica ou gimmick e reiterá-la repetidamente é quebrado, com novas ideias sendo usadas de forma rápida e o desafio às vezes te pegando de surpresa, sem preocupações em te dar tempo para se acostumar. Some a isso os controles contraditoriamente ao mesmo tempo mais imprecisos e perdoáveis do Luigi (ele parece que tem sabão nos pés, mas pula mais alto e pode até flutuar um pouco), e temos o platformer mais intenso que qualquer um da série New Super Mario Bros - e, ouso dizer, o melhor!

... O que nos dá uma idea do beco sem saída que essa série se encontrava. Se esse era o melhor e mais criativo que Mario 2D conseguia ser desde o SNES, o negócio tava tenso mesmo. Ser perfeitamente competente e razoavelmente divertido é pouco demais para os padrões de Mario.

ok but as much shit as I give NSMBU this game is really fuckindg fun actuaklly not evben gonna lie.

Literally is just fast-paced. That is about it.

A versão melhor de New Super Mario Bros. U, com level design superior e mais desafiante.

These stars are for Luigi, I will sacrifice my own life…for Luigi

I've heard people call this one of the better NSMB games, but I just don't see it.

It's pretty much a carbon copy of NSMBU, which itself is a carbon copy of NSMBW. The game is pretty uninspired, and the Luigi physics and strict time limits really didn't add much to the challenge.

However, it's fine as some mindless fun, especially with friends or family.

The best 2D Mario
Perfectly paced so that no level overstays its welcome.
Hard but not in the Lost Levels kinda way.
Doesn't have the same level of Charm™ as Wonder but the fun levels are off the charts.

An expansion pack to a game that is basically an expansion of another game.

(played the Nintendo Switch version but there's no way of selecting specifically the Luigi campaign of the Switch version on here so)
100%ed it again. I liked it a good deal more than the main campaign. The bite sized levels and increased challenge made it a good post game campaign. There's still some annoying level design here as well as all of the complaints I have about the main game (STOP GIVING ME PEACHETTE CROWNS IM NOT PLAYING AS THE BABY MODE CHARACTER) but overall im rocking with luigi

most fun the new super mario bros. series provided since the original game in my opinion, finally changes up the formula, making shorter but harder levels, with (albeit slightly) different physics for your playable character.

really good switch up and honestly probably my favorite new super mario bros. game.

Luigi physics and added challenge are fun but not really enough to make me not sick of the "new" mario series.

got some hilarious moments from this one

I wish I didn't accidentally break the disc to this one

Ao contrário dos jogos do Mario tradicionais as fases tem menos tempo para serem concluídas, o que torna mais desafiador.

Review in progress:
Haven't I already played this three times already? Incredibly bland and soulless.

This is a pretty fun quick decenty challenging piece of dlc. wish most of the other nsmb games had this level of difficulty and luigis

Turned a great inoffensive mario game into an even better stranger luigi game