Reviews from

in the past

I have no clue what this was or what it was about. A fun fact: even when I played it, it did not show up in Switch's play history, which makes it even more like a fever dream: did I even play it???

There was a charm to it, but it was an extremely brief experience. It's under an hour long. So it's hard to come up with things to say. I tend to like these bizarre kinda games so it wasent a total waste of time.

I found this on our switch Thanksgiving of 2019 and played it out of boredom. It mostly felt like what would be a good gmod map with a story designed to hit all the beats of Game That Makes A Statement NGO praise.

Ugh I wandered around in a red nothingness for what seemed like an eternity before giving up on figuring out what I was supposed to find. This wasn't fun at all.

What kind of weed did i hit?