Reviews from

in the past

writing is god awful but for a free mod that takes like 4-5 hours to beat it's definitely worth playing just for the cool new features and puzzles they added to this already great game

Fun mod with interesting puzzles. Not quite as funny as the main games are but I enjoyed the storyline. Definitely give this and Portal Reloaded a try!

i liked the 1 portal puzzles more than the later ones, a couple cool new mechanics but if you've played a portal game before then u instinctively know how to solve most of these ones too.

the puzzles in this game are very fun! honestly something that could come out of a portal 3 or portal 2 dlc. unfortunately let down by its extremely lackluster story and terrible ending.

There's no separate voice audio slider. i hate reddit cores.

It is as good as Portal 1 and 2 and may even be the best portal mode.
The humor in his story is in a very good portal style and fits Decently between 1 and 2.
The difficulty of the sections was quite in place.
Not to mention, the vocalizations were better than I expected.
The end ended like portal 1, as if there will be a sequel, I hope we can see more work from this team.

For a free mod it's impressive. Feels like a genuine sequel to Portal 2. Some of the new mechanics were interesting and for the most part the levels were good (a couple occasions where I didn't like how it was designed unless it was an issue with how I was doing them).

A very fun Portal experience. The puzzles are good and I like the new elements they introduce. The level design is very good - there is very little chance of the player becoming hopelessly lost and having no idea where to go, which a lot of fan-made projects have the habit of falling into. This game feels very good and very professional. Its story is fine - nothing particularly earth-shattering by any means, but perfectly acceptable. I would say this is absolutely worth a play if you are into Portal, or just Valve games in general.

fun puzzles, neat lil story, great portal mod all things considered

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Portal: Revolution, even for a fan-made game, is great. Puzzles are fun and innovative, using concepts that could've been explored in Valve titles without any of the frustrating ultra-difficulty found in other fan-games. Unfortunately, they did also heavily rely on looping--doing the same sequence three or four times in a row--which often grew monotonous.

Environments were gorgeous with a glorious blend of nature and sterility that made them fun to explore. I know some people have reported glitches or softlocking. I personally experienced neither.

The one key area the game let itself down was the writing. The reason I still rate Portal 2 so highly over a decade later is for the strength and genuine humour in its character voices and narrative; comparatively, Portal: Revolution sits firmly in its shadow. While the conceit was good, the story was otherwise the same as Portal 2 in almost every way.

Stirling, in particular, felt like a bootleg version of Wheatley with none of the narrative sense. Why would Stirling want to reactivate GLaDOS when he also admits he's terrified of her? It could have been an easy sell: maybe she allowed the other artificial intelligences to do as they want; maybe they revered and feared her in equal measure. Instead, his characterisation was muddied and confusing, echoing Wheatley in all the wrong ways.

While I also realise this was a fan-game, designed to bulk out resumes--however the decision to just cut to black at the end of the game was a confusing one, especially after the agonising process of setting everything up.

Overall: a great fan game that aspires towards both the spirit and puzzles of the original game, but fails to capture either.

muito bom, praticamente um Portal 3, parabéns à todos os envolvidos

portal 2 diet. not quite as good, but still kinda scratches that itch

Portal: Revolution is the first Portal mod that felt very well-polished to me. The puzzles work, no weird cheesing, and the achievements are well-incorporated as well.

I wouldn't say this mod was difficult compared to other mods, but it was more atmospheric and a lot less frustrating. A nice, short story with plenty of puzzles. Revolution even features new mechanics, which were fun and refreshing. I wish there was a little less "navigate the facility", but overall a pleasant experience.

The voice-acting was pretty good, too. Although the story was clearly written from fans' viewpoints, it fit well into the Valve universe.

I recommend Portal: Revolution to anyone who is in for a refreshing puzzle experience after having completed the main two games.

While not quite reaching the amazing writing of Portal 2, it’s still a very creative puzzle game with great use of new mechanics and ideas.

One of the best fan-made portal games that I've played. The story was pretty good and the voice actors did a very good job. The ending felt a bit sudden and abrupt, but still good overall.

The chambers were all pretty well designed. Either I got dumber since the last time I played a portal game, or some of the chambers in this game were harder than the original portal games. The parts outside of the chambers were also well designed and it all felt like it could fit into the official games.

Didn't think it was funny and tried too hard to be. Puzzles are a mixed bag, difficulty very inconsistent, no real curve but rather a zig zag. Way too much filler content where you're just walking around and looking for the next "portalable" wall.

Considering it's a free mod it's got very good production value and some of the puzzles were indeed excellent. Were it a standalone, regular priced game I would not necessarily recommend it, but it was decent overall.

Extremely good fangame. If you're a Portal fan I highly recommend checking it out. Generally good puzzles, a bold attempt at a plot, and it does a lot of things that I also liked in Portal 2.

Disclaimer: I got about halfway into this game before I decided I got my fill. It's possible that lategame improves on things I mention, though from reading other reviews, I'm doubtful.
After some hours I did get my fill, and decided to stop playing prematurely. I think something that happens with a lot of Portal 2 fan-campaigns/mods is that they get stale in their puzzles after a while. Portal 1 and 2 both introduce mechanics one at a time and then start combining them together, such that over the course of an entire game you never really go too long without getting some new stimulus to process. Most fan content obviously can't do that. They use the tools that are provided in the box, and are generally designed with the knowledge that a player has already finished the main game and knows how everything works.
Portal Revolution advertises that the puzzle difficulty picks up right where Portal 2 left off, with some new mechanics added, and that playtime ranges from 5 - 7 hours. However, while the difficulty picks up where Portal 2 left off, I felt as if it also plateau'd there. The time between new mechanics made me feel as if things were getting long in the tooth before I'd even reached them. Remember, Portal 1 is 3-5 hours, potentially shorter if you already know what you're doing. Making a fangame longer than Portal 1 is truly no small feat, but I do think it points to a lack of brevity in the team, something that can often happen when a team is too passionate about its own work to have restraint.

I don't want it to sound negative, honestly the game is still fun to play. It's just that it's easier to make criticisms when the only positive things I have to say are that I enjoyed the puzzles.

he durado una hora, los puzzles tienen cosas fatal diseñadas y el nucleo que te habla me hace querer reventarlo contra una pared, y viendo el palo del que va el juego esas dos cosas van a ir a peor y paso de sufrirlas

Gameplay-wise it lives up as a worthwhile Valve-quality new entre in the Portal franchise. It felt really good to be playing high quality test chambers again and getting to see a few mechanics that were scrapped from Portal 2 fully realized was cool.

Narratively? Very disappointing. Almost a beat-for-beat retread of Portal 2 with weaker characters. It introduces cool ideas with lots of potential and doesn't really do anything with them, and then ends on a miserable anti-climax. Huge bummer that really soured this in my mind.

I still think it's worth your time if you're a fan of Portal, especially considering it's free.

An unusual addition to the series. Almost nothing new was told, and the story itself is similar to both original ones))
Some rooms were very difficult, I sat and thought for a long time. It's good that it was made longer than the first part. I liked. The visual has become more beautiful in places and a red device and new cubes have been added.

Was looking for something a bit more challenging

i was curious how they would improve on 2, how can you tell a new story that makes sense, how do you make the puzzles enjoyable and fresh, how do you innovate and create a similar yet distinct experience, much like portal 2 was for portal 1? it all just kind of works, and i gotta admit, i'm thoroughly impressed! while it isn't the most ground breaking/innovative experience, it definitely knows what i want in a portal game, immersion and awesome puzzles.
i really love how they teach you the game with one portal for a solid hour before moving on, i think it perfectly teaches you how to "think" and play the game it was designed. i rather preferred how it was handled in this game, you're given way more time to get acquainted with understanding the core concept at a nice pace. although i can totally see people getting frustrated and just wanting to play with 2 portals straight away.
i remember valve explicitly said they refused to use timing/reaction based puzzles. in this game it is actually used to increase difficulty, which isn't actually bad or anything, in fact i love it and it's the perfect direction to go. but it just cements to me that the series ended at portal 2, which is bitter sweet to think about. you really can't improve on this game anymore without changing it entirely and valve realises this.
for something free, and made with a small team, this is incredible. it really speaks the language of portal; the story, the vibes, the puzzles, the characters, music, just everything honestly. i can't believe i didn't have to pay for this! it's absolutely insane.
recommend if you want more portal content, this is the best sequel we will ever get i reckon.

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Portal Revolution édition Communiste

Portal 2 is, in my mind, one of the best written games I've ever played. The character writing is amazing, the dialogue is quick and wonderful, and the world it weaves is FASCINATING even at the small glimpse of it we see.
Portal: Revolution easily steps into Portal 2's footsteps with the grace of a true Valve prequel (halfquel? midquel? it's between Portals 1 and 2) if the company had it in them to ever count to 3. It has all of the sardonic wit and clippiness of the original, while still carving out its own unique niche with new mechanics and puzzles. Its two characters (beside the traditional nonverbal player character, of course) are full of energy and are voice acted to the moon and back. If you had told me this was an officially produced prequel, I would believe you.
There's very little to hold it back other than the shorter runtime, which is understandable due to the nature of being made by a small team. The game bugged out and soft-locked me during the final fight (god bless games built in Source) and I would still rate it as highly as I did, even without a true conclusion.
If you liked Portals 1 and 2 and want more, this is more. Welcome back to Aperture.

Fun as hell, great puzzles and very well made. The voice acting is great, but the story falls flat. Adds in new mechanics like the new laser cubes which are fucking rad as hell, a 10/10 addition.

HOWEVER, the ending was very bad. The final boss fight has no music to build tension and is incredibly boring. It also just ends, like a cut to black oh no you died, maybe I got a bad ending or something.

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I can’t complain about more portal content, and this delivers. The puzzles strike the perfect balance of not being too hard and not being too easy to solve. I also enjoyed that a decent amount of the early puzzles have you only using one portal with the portal gun. I’m not sure how common this is in the modding community since I’m not too familiar with it, but it made these puzzles more unique for me.

The characters are also great. Emilia is easily the highlight. She has so much personality, and a lot of the bits involving her are very amusing. Hearing her cringe at her voice when she was an intern at the facility was great. My only problem is that she wasn’t in the game that much. Instead, Stirling is, and he’s also good, but he overstays his welcome. He feels like Bargain Bin Wheatley and even does a similar betrayal near the end. He has a few good lines but is still the weaker character.

The story is fine… it’s not bad, but nothing groundbreaking. In short, Stirling wants to revive Glados, so he uses you to activate “the spire,” but some unplanned mishaps send you straight to the bottom of the facility. You meet Emilia, and from there, you climb back up and attempt to stop Stirling, who now wants you dead. It sounds very similar to Portal 2’s plot, but that’s not my problem with it. The problem is the ending, or the lack of one. Once you push the button to stop the spire, the game just ends. No wrap-up, just credits and a little epilogue that only tells us that our player character is pretty much screwed. There needed to be something else because the ending as it is now is far too abrupt.

Despite some problems with its story, Portal Revolution is a great mod. Check it out if you’re craving more Portal content.

On par with other Portal 2 fan games like Portal Stories: Mel. Some of the puzzles by the end felt either very simple, time consuming or taken directly from Portal or Portal 2 (especially the whole segment before the final big puzzle).

The new ideas it brings in are pretty interesting. I didn't expect the game to have fleshed out outdoor-like sections that feel really nice to not just be in boxy rooms all of the time. As well as bringing in new puzzle mechanics, I think it's really solid.

Other have noted the criticism of the ending, and without going into spoilers I felt there would be more. Once the credits rolls, I was there thinking "was that it?", like I expected a more fleshed out conclusion. It's hard to do when the game narratively takes place between Portal and Portal 2 and without wanting to disrupt the law like Portal Stories: Mel does.

As someone who likes puzzle games and a fair few Portal fan games over the year, it's definitely a highlight and considering that it's completely free is just the icing on the cake.

This is a very highly polished portal experience. The puzzles are mostly pretty easy but not totally trivial. The plot is fine if not up to the hilarious high standards the portal games set.

My main criticism is that there is a lot of walking around aimlessly through environments between puzzles. Obviously they put a lot of time and effort into those environments but they added 0 to the fun of the game and just padded the game time. There were even several times when it wasn't obvious where to go next that I spent fumbling about just lost not even in a puzzle not even using my portal gun.

I also have one minor quibble about the last few puzzles that I won't elaborate on so as to avoid spoilers, but suffice it to say I had to redo parts of that puzzle that I had already solved many more times than any other puzzle before it.