Reviews from

in the past

Yeah this is among the best puzzle games ever made

joguei bastante portal 1 no meu pc antigo que nao rodava nada
gosto bastante desse jogo mesmo ele sendo relativamente simples e curto!!
continua sendo muito bom

Jogo bem legal e divertido de se jogar, a lore também é algo interessante de se explorar.

This game was ALMOST obliterated by the sequel on most levels. But I still like it a lot and I think it stands on its own on at least a couple of points: the atmosphere is much creepier and the puzzles, towards the end, are significantly tougher than anything in the sequel.

everyone loves portal. it's really short and the puzzles are kinda easy, but come on. it has a unique, creepy atmosphere that's been unrivaled by any other video game.

A perfect showcase of a game made nearly 15 years ago.
As engaging as ever

make portal and go through very fun

the game is awesome
3.5 why? because i played portal 2

too short, but I guess that's why Portal 2 exists.

Portal 2 oynadıktan sonra biraz yavan geldi ama güzel oyun.

Caraca, que jogo divertido! Portal é um jogo que marcou muita gente e trás muita nostalgia para alguns. Porém, eu nunca havia jogado, então resolvi dar uma chance a ele, por muita indicação e curiosidade. E realmente, o jogo é muito divertido, e possui mecânicas muito legais e criativas, assim como os puzzles que são incríveis e alguns extremamente desafiadores, mas com as possibilidades que temos com a Portal Gun, podemos concluir os níveis com maestria, além da história, que apesar de não ser o foco, também é muito legal. O jogo é bem curto e antigo, mas segue divertido e criativo até hoje. Se procura algo diferente e muito legal, eu super recomendo jogarem Portal.

um dos jogos mais foda q tem

Hopped into this right after Half-Life 2: Episode 2 because I saw the Aperture Science logo. Portal leaves you wanting more but only because what's here is so perfect. The concept, the dark humour, the level-design... it's iconic for a reason. What a fantastic couple of hours.

im motion sick as im writing this anyways good introduction to the portal series i think. this was my replay btw, im gonna go throw up now

also whatever you do, do not play the RTX version of portal it looks bad

Dans mon livre il a inventer les liminal spaces merci

A classic for a reason. Amazing game.

In concept, and execution, Portal is a game which plays out like one of those unexpectedly good party tricks. One of those that make you think question reality, makes you ask redefine what kind of trickery is possible. Despite Portal having the disadvantage of not being the hottest rear currently on the market; the ideas presented in this game are still fresh and unique to this day. Not very many games (popular or notable, fyi) have scratched that itch for originality in video games quite like Portal has. Around every each corner of those test chambers, Portal has something new and cool to show off. It doesn't overstay its welcome or smoosh the player with a ton of gimmicks. It has one central idea, and a handful of supporting ideas that fit perfectly around the central idea. It's fantastic still by 2024 standards (and even better considering the current state of AAA gaming.)

How did this game come out in 2007?

a bit of a classic this one. this is the game that made me start enjoying first person shooters back when my only real reference was idk war shooters and usamerican propaganda

it is a little bit half-lifey in terms of long ass parts where you're escaping, which is not something i really enjoy about portal. i get lost wayyyy too easily and even nowadays sometimes when i'm replaying this game i get lost GLKSJD the puzzles are a lot more interesting to me personally

One of the best puzzle games ever made.

Era mentira a parada do bolo ou nao

Played alot of this when I was fresh out the womb (when I got an XBOX 360 when I was like 6, pretty good game can't say alot about it though since I never completed it.

what happens when talented developers use 100% of their brain? they make a perfect game.