Reviews from

in the past

Gladys crush my head between your thighs

this game is great. my favorite part was the politicial-social commentary regarding feminist power dynamics through GLaDOS. also the writing is rife with wit, with some light puzzling on the side. the good kind though, not the autopilot type stuff that gets tedious as soon as you cant progress, more so the kind that makes u feel smart for turning on a light switch

absolutely love this game and glados is real as freak on god for really for reals

a great introduction to the series. weak on story and gets a bit challenging at times if you aren't used to the controls, but it's still a classic. the feeling of overcoming a difficult puzzle always feels fantastic. originally played on windows, replayed on switch.

Short but fun with entertaining puzzles. Got me very emotionally attached to a cube. May it rest in peace.

Did not finish this game due to a very late puzzle that requires perfect timing and reflexes. You can't make a cerebral puzzle game that's all about thinking and then expect the player to have unreasonably quick physical reflexes right at the end. It's an unfair shift.

Classic. A bit on the short side.

Bem legal e dinâmico com puzzles legais, mas ao mesmo tempo extremamente simples. Tem muita qualidade mas acredito fielmente que esse jogo "apenas" serviu de base para sua sequência maravilhosa. Ainda assim, recomendo que joguem os dois.

A bit cruder and more primitive than Portal 2, with subtler humor, but still one of the best games I've ever played.

Mi è venuto un po' la nausea, però bello.

One of the most creative puzzle games ever, it’s such a simple concept but it was executed perfectly.

Walking through portals is seamless and all the puzzles are expertly designed.

It’d be 5 stars but I feel Portal 2 does everything this game does and better.

But still, it’s impossible to deny the shear perfection that is Portal.

I love Portal and once again, I just need to come back and finish it

Genius level design. Genius characters. Perfect game.

It's a genius game, with a creative, a little terrifying atmosphere and good humor.

meu resumo;
com certeza um dos jogos já feitos, vou poupar um pouco minhas opiniões pra a "review" mas vamo lá...
Portal com certeza é o jogo de puzzle mais legal que eu já joguei (que me vem a memoria) e com certeza merece os aplausos que já recebeu, ser colocado numa situação de "rato de lab" é interessante, as grandes sessões de silencio e pensamentos que divagam com certeza melhoram a experiência, e mesmo quando interrompidos pela GLADUS só melhoram o sentimento (faz sentido isso?), é um jogo pra relaxar e aproveitar, é massa
• graficos: normais, mas no bom sentido, acho que pra época era muito boa
• musica: não lembro de nenhuma além da do radinho 🕺
• gameplay: a gameplay é com certeza o ponto alto do jogo, os puzzles são divertidos, não são DIFICEIS mas podem te deixar preso pensando por uns 5 minutos oq é muito bom, é bom pensar
• historia: ̶E̶U̶ ̶A̶M̶O̶ ̶B̶O̶L̶O̶ ̶ é bem boa, a glados falando coisa no ouvido é engraçado, os detalhes no mapa que revelam que o segredo dos "testes" de portal, de gente sendo morta e tals, é massa, e o final que eu fiz é interessante, derrotar a Gladus mas mesmo assim ver que mesmo assim, foi pra nada, interessante

short but fun.worth playing it

I can't remember if I ever even finished it
But the puzzles were fun and very unique!
You know, the Portal way

Finally played it a decade after I only played Portal 2. While it isn't nearly as flushed out as it's sequel, it's still an excellent first entry in the series and holds up in story, gameplay, and graphics to this day.

I would do anything for Glados

Classic, flawlessly made and creative puzzle game

Um jogo bem revolucionário, infelizmente curtinho, mas muito bom

Sempre tive a curiosidade de atravessar portais, hj em dia não tenho mais;
Pontos negativos: acabou com meu sonho muito rapido(atravessei o continente europeu); jogo com puzzle é igual flor preta(BORA VILLLLLLL).

Only game I've ever played I think is unhateable. (Besides like... tetris, I guess) If you hate this, you just hate the concept of puzzles in general. It does one thing, and it does it with near perfection.

Hell, I like the sequel more, and I don't even believe I can say the same thing about it.

The game is nice, but it just feels like tech-demo. Don't get me wrong, but there is not enough everything in the game. I still love the game's puzzle design, mysterious setting and Ellen McLain's performance for all talking charaters (especially Curiosity Core).

Esse é um completo triunfo da Valve.