Reviews from

in the past

It's the remake of the original Postal. And that's pretty much it.

There are better controls and graphics but that's about it. The controls improvment is now debatable because the OG got patched as well with new controls...

But you have a rampage mode now, and that's pretty good fun.

This game kinda ruins the atmosphere of the first game. The loading screens are much higher quality, yes, but they loose this charm that's undescribable. The music for the loading screens is remastered too and it also kills the atmosphere.

If you have money, buy this. If you don't have it or you want to save some money, go and play OG Postal.

Moving to "Paradise" was a tragic mistake.
People here are ...sick.
I hear gunshots, screams after dark.
Now the phonecalls, sayin' I'm being thrown outta this house. MY house.
Wearing kevlar vest and carrying a sidearm at all times now...

This isn't as funny and absurd as Postal 2, but I will still give it credit for not being cringe millennial burnout humor like Postal 4 or... whatever Postal 3 was. It still has its own gruesome sense of charm, but as we all know, Postal isn't exactly known for its solid core gameplay loop. I don't even think it's worth mentioning in depth because you're probably going to be playing this for "haha school shooting game", but just know there will be a fair amount of jank that can be frustrating to deal with, even for the standards of its time.

Mi partida guardada se corrompió a la mitad y la verdad incluso obligándome a terminarlo ya sabia que no tenia nada mas que ofrecer que no me podría dar un juego flash de hace como 10 años. la estabilidad del juego es dudosa siendo habituales los crasheos en una pc que según los requisitos recomendados de steam lo debería correr perfectamente, asique en conclusión no vale la pena ni en oferta.

Game get's repetetive real quick. But i finished nonetheless.
I enjoy the more comedic nature of the second game.

Don't think i'll replay it though.

This feels like edgelord erotica if you think about it.

haha kill people go brr demon i love demons in my head
haha i'm schizo lmao i fucking hate people i regret nothing lol

I kind of appreciate this design philosophy of “you can hurt pedestrians but it’s your choice” as opposed to forcing it in gameplay. The illustrations in loading screen were so cool too. Overall the game had a dark atmosphere while also not taking itself too seriously. Loved it!

Has it's fair share of bugs and leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but the gameplay's quite fun and gave me a good few hours of enjoyment. Worth picking up considering how cheap it is on sale.

very sad that some extremely cool art, music, and aesthetic is trapped inside the most boring game imaginable

I could forgive this game's barebones combat, lack of music/soundscape, monotonous levels, pitiful enemy variety, and uninspired graphical style if it had something funny or interesting to say. Unfortunately, the only thing of note that Postal Redux has to offer is poorly executed shock comedy. One might argue that it also attempts to tell a provocative tale of delusion that commentates on the desensitisation of video game violence, but I think that's giving this game too much credit. It's a simple run and gun game where the only gimmick is its blatant edginess. When you're underpowered for the first few levels, it's a tedious slog. When you have all the weapons towards the end of the game, it's just mindless monotony. While I enjoyed the 2nd half more than the first, it's pretty much just because of the inherent catharsis that arises from shooting people in a video game with adequately executed kinesthetics. On a technical level, Postal Redux is fine. It loads longer than I'd like it to, but I ran into very few bugs. I enjoyed the top-down levels the most, but that's probably because I just enjoy that camera perspective. Other than that, there's really not much else I can praise about this game

And before anyone gets on my case about being "filtered" by the "comedy," I have absolutely no issues or reservations with edgy shock comedy. When executed well, I think it can be really funny. The problem in this case is that there is no buildup or purpose behind any of the one liners or scenarios in the game. It's basically just paint thrown on a wall. And besides, I fully completed every level in the game. But the only reason I did this was because someone gifted it to me along with the entire Postal franchise, so I felt obligated to finish it, and I will do the same for all the other games. I hope they aren't as dull as this one was.

Despite some aspects being better in the original, this is the definitive way to play the original Postal, especially taking into account all the QoL improvements.

Like the original, it's a horrific descent into madness, and although it's highlighted with some quips here and there, it is ultimately still about mass murder.
There is some subliminal messaging about the Postal dude being mentally insane or under demonic possession. It has some sort of narrative spun, it just doesn't feel like it ever goes that deep with it.

The weapon selection is fun to play around with and trying to find creative ways to use them and get around the levels makes Postal sometimes feel almost like a puzzle game.

It's a solid title, what can I say? Very different to what came after this in the series, but I have a soft spot for it.

una perla infravalorada, el giro esquizofrénico terrorífico debería haberse mantenido en la saga

even though i doubted this game at first, i loved this experience and the atmosphere; the soundtrack gave this a lot more than it should've as well

A fun game to enjoy with the family on a nice sunday evening :3

Yeah we like shooting napalm at Kindergarteners so what.

The soundtrack is an absolute banger, It's nice being able to actually see the map unlike the original. Damn the challenges are hard though

had more fun with this than I expected, it's surprisingly dark in tone with a vague backstory that suggests pure maniacal delusion driving your player character. demonic art and disturbing interludes between each level add to this. the gameplay is fun for the few hours I spent and I actually wanted to get as many achievements as I could get. looks like a bit shift to a more goofy/cartoonish atmosphere in the sequel.

Esse jogo é divertido, mas pra mim oque rouba a cena é o conceito, eu realmente adoro o fato de que com intenção ou não dos criadores, isso é uma critica a como o nosso sistema de governo na prática nos força a nossos limites até quebrar, é uma fabrica de corpos.

Co-op'u çok sarıyor ama çok zor o yüzden 4.5/5

Eu já gostava do primeiro por ser uma ótima crítica ao capitalismo. Postal (1997) tinha uma aura tão doentia, mas não era algo sádico, era perturbador; dava medo, era uma perfeita representação da mente corroída de alguém que trabalha 12h por dia de Domingo a Domingo (tanto é que tu consegue fazer uma óbvia relação visual entre o final do primeiro jogo com os Mementos de Persona 5, que é basicamente a mesma ideia temática).
Mas Postal: Redux, além de intensificar isso à nível estético, pega, no modo Rampage, essa visão errônea que a maior parte do público tem do primeiro jogo (de ser meramente sadismo por sadismo) e banaliza a um nível que deixa de ser perturbador e se torna apenas uma busca por pontos frenética. O remake banaliza tanto a violência, que nem violento é, é apenas uma busca (por vezes frustrante) por pontos com uma música MUITO MASSA de fundo. Postal: Redux consegue inovar e reimaginar da melhor maneira possível o jogo que originou a franquia.
Agradeço ao Lukioos que comprou pra mim o jogo. Obrigado Lukioos eu te amo.

It is a graphic game, but i dont plan on playing it again soon..