Reviews from

in the past

[Played on Atari 50th Collection] I considered this game beat when I beat the COM once, which took like 10 mins. Not really the deepest game in the world by any stretch of the imagination, but as far as 2600 games go, its equally entertaining to me as playing pong I guess. Gonna play NES Volleyball after this to experience just how major of a jump that game could be.

A certified classic. Best RealSports game probably. Look at the beach in the background with the little sunset. Good memories.

Played as part of Atari 50.

Honestly kinda expected all the RealSports games to suck but this one's pretty damn solid. Very fast and energetic, with graphics that really lean into the best of what the 2600 was capable of. Imagine this one's even more fun with a friend, but even just rallying against the CPU is pretty fun. Definitely one of the best the 2600 has to offer that I've seen so far.

Fun and memorable game from the ancient times.

I am from the Windows 98 era so ATARI was not something that I grew up with. Nevertheless, at some point, the nostalgia for ancient gaming kicked in, and I bought an ATARI 2600. I did not have that many games for it, nor did I complete very much, but I did play the simple game “Volleyball” a lot.

The game is as simple as it sounds. You play as two harps (which resemble two people standing in a half-duck like stance) who smash a square ball over a net. Like many ATARI games, you can play forever and the fun is only over when you say it is over.

I played this game a lot back in 2008 with my best buddy, purely for the fun and simplicity of it. Grab a beer and play some Volleyball.

Graphicly, this game is nothing special. You got a nice, yellow beach, a net, two players and a ball. In the background, the sea is visible and the sun is always shining.

In terms of sound, the sound of smashing the ball feels like a grenade impact every time, but the best (and worst) sound is the waves of the ocean, which sound like a building that collapses every ten seconds. That is just the beauty of ATARI.

When talking controls and mechanics, they work surprisingly perfect. The movement of your two player sprites is fluent and the hit detection of the square ball is spot on. This is the magic of analog joysticks.

Because the simple mechanics work so well, matches can be intense and, with the added noise of the explosive impact, it makes for a great experience, the way it was intended back in the dark ages.

Overall, I have nothing to complain here. If you have an ATARI 2600 and some free time, I would definitely recommend this classic.