Reviews from

in the past

não é rdr. n deveria ser rdr. mas a pior coisa de rdr é colocada como protagonista.

isso é left for dead só que terceira pessoa, e o john marston é um cuzão. achei divertido, mas parece mesmo só um jogo feito para acompanhar o hype de zombies. se vc gosta de rdr, vc talvez goste. eu n gosto da gameplay do jogo, e eu adoro a história e o mundo feito. mas apertar L2 e R2 respectivamente é chato. 3/5 pq é engraçado, e a mitologia é sensacional.

all i ever wanted is red dead 2 undead nightmare

Unpopular opinion, pero Undead Nightmare me pareció tedioso, frustrante y repetitivo. Si bien el gimmic y la premisa es interesante y que las balas escazen le agrega dificultad, al final es hacer lo mismo una y otra vez (defender pueblos para desbloquear misiones).

Jugué la version de switch así que no pude probar el multijugador, pero si cuento solo la historia principal lo resumiria como un buen gimmic, pero en mi caso tedioso y repetitivo al punto que aunque ya iba por las últimas misiones lo termine abandonando ya que no podía seguir obligándome a jugar algo que no estaba disfrutando.

This is a pretty good DLC for its story. However, the glitches are ridiculous and terrible. It's also super tedious. It takes forever for the missions to show up and I hate that.

Tons of fun. Even if you're sick of zombies, I'd give this a shot. Gameplay-wise, I'd argue this is more enjoyable than the main game. I wish Rockstar would do more single-player expansions like this instead of just updating GTA Online.

This mode is wild and a lot of fun.
At first I found it difficult, but by the time I beat the main game, and came back to it, I was on a rampage.
And getting the legendary horses is a blast.

Fun expansion to RDR, it's great to see all the characters back and reacting to this outlandish situation and the new gameplay mechanics are lots of fun
Unfortunately, in the final patch for the game Undead Nightmare was broken and is now extremely glitchy. Thanks Rockstar!

The same character in the same setting, yet a completely different style of gameplay. This is what every dlc should strive to be, new content that changes the way the game handles. At least every dlc that brands itself as such. I love the zombie font, it helps create a different immersion as compared to the western. This isn't a western anymore, it's a zombie flick. Not just a horror game but one hell of a comedy. It is a shame that the character of Landon Ricketts got besmirched but I do appreciate how the story here ties into the story of the base game.

Headless zombie go brrrrr(oken game)

I really liked this DLC, it has a lot of charm. The supernatural aspects where really cool, especially the four horses, sasquatch and the Chupacabra they where all fun to find. I also really enjoyed a lot of the set pieces, the bad assery of saving Las Hermanos filled to the tip with zombie hoards, was perfection. A really solid DLC, it's a shame RDR2 never got something as wacky as this.
And the Kreeps made the best song for this dlc, Bad Voodoo is so good.

It's fine. The actual gameplay is a mediocre change to a game that already has just, like, OK shooting; almost every enemy just rushes you down but dies to one head shot, so most of the shooting is just backing away while cycling through different guns so you don't run out of ammo. It's playable but the DLC is long enough that it starts to wear out its welcome.

However, it gets a lot of charm points by simple virtue of building off the main game, with missions that riff on main-game missions and giving the end of the world a certain texture by having it be an open world you already know from the main game. It's honestly pretty funny; the writers evidently identified that West Dickens is the only one of the New Austin goobers from the main game that's actually funny, and accordingly gave him a ton of well-deserved screen time. The soundtrack is also excellent.

very much a product of the time when zombie games were probably at the height of their popularity
that being said still an enjoyable time but incredibly buggy I could never finish the ps3 game because apparently the last patch of the game breaks it I am not sure that's an issue exclusive to certain models of ps3 but in mine, it's impossible to progress because of a bug that makes zombies heads invisible and various game objectives just won't complete as zombies dont actually register as dead for some reason very weird either way and i can't really play an older version of the game because I have the digital version yup so it took until this recent switch release for me to be able to give it another go and well finished it in an afternoon not really a giant game which is expected out of this type of expansion that being said the game feels artificially lengthed as well with the way the missions are laid out and how long they take to pop up between each other

Undead Nightmare é A EXPANSÃO, pensar que hoje tem tantas DLCs que vem do jogo original pra vender a parte e antes tínhamos expansões cheias de conteúdo e essa é uma delas, ela é totalmente não canônica, apenas uma história de um apocalipse que ficou muito bem feita, é bem mais desafiador, vários tipos de inimigos e munição escassa, tem cavalos especiais irados pra caramba, algumas missões com objetivos engraçados e um específico bem característico da Rockstar.
O conteúdo durou comigo em torno de 5 horas mas ainda tinha algumas secundárias, achei um tempo bom e fiquei com porcentagem de 60%.
No geral gostei bastante do projeto, só algumas missões que não gostei tanto e algumas não serem tão bem explicadas e eu tive que apelar pra internet, teve uns bugs mas não sei dizer se é com o jogo ou meu 360 versão PCkkkk.

"I miss the fresh corpses."
-John Marston

They dont make DLC like this anymore

greatest dlc of all time, period. the story isn't anything special but the gameplay, the setting/atmosphere, the zombies just everything is pitch perfect. i got the original disc for the 360 on Christmas in 2010, my dad helped me set it all up and as soon as i popped in that disc and started playing, 9 year old me could not fucking stop. it's now a tradition for me on halloween to pop the disc back into my 360 and play it all the way through. 9.1/10

great dlc but has one major glitch that happens frequently