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in the past

I haven't played many horror games, this is the first Resident Evil game I finished. My main issues with this are with how the gameplay is handled, there's a lot that seems unimmersive when it doesn't need to be. I expected horror games to have a big focus on immersion but this one plays more like a spooky action survival game.

Zombies are super tanky and randomly wake up shortly after going down. I can't run past them or melee them, why? Why does opening the map or interacting with a puzzle pause the game? Why does the game incentivise save-file cheese? I get that the original game is old but this is a modern remake from the ground up, many of these decisions make no sense to me. Once I figured out what the game was going for and started 'playing along', I definitely enjoyed it more but I still have a lot of mixed feelings.

Going through an area with a million zombies only to then find out I have to go back and waste more ammo never feels good. Resource management is a constant threat in this game but I never really felt the consequence of it, it was just something that annoyed me. The early game has a big focus on backtracking and exploration, the idea of going back and forth is cool from a perspective of conserving resources and finding the best routes logistically but in practice it didn't feel like I could really solve anything or that my decision making had much impact. Dark Souls does a much better job here even with unlimited heals.

Thankfully, the later sections of the game are less problematic here, they lean more towards action with stronger level design and pacing. I still found the boss fights to be underwhelming but generally it was pretty good. The game has a lot of strengths throughout, the environments are nice with fantastic visuals and atmosphere. It's an extremely polished game which goes a long way. The story is interesting enough and I found myself wanting to keep progressing despite the flaws, it keeps you on your toes.

Overall it's a totally mixed bag but I enjoyed it and I'm glad to try out some more games in the series. I bounced off RE7 a few years ago because I didn't like the gameplay, this one was definitely a lot better for me but I don't care to do a second run right now, I'll try RE3 next and maybe come back to this.

Replayed it playing as Claire. Worth it for the true ending. Again, great game.

This is the second best Resident Evil remake. It was a lot of fun to return to Raccoon City, and it was interesting to see a game I loved treated to the tone it always really wanted to have. Sadly, kick started the remake apocalypse in my eyes...

Resident Evil 2 Remake is like stepping back into the golden age of survival horror, but with all the bells and whistles of modern gaming. From the moment I booted it up, I was hit with a wave of nostalgia. The gameplay loop, which perfectly balances tension, resource management, and exploration, is incredibly satisfying. It reminded me why I fell in love with survival horror in the first place.

The atmosphere in this game is nothing short of phenomenal. Capcom has done an excellent job of bringing Raccoon City to life with great graphics and immersive sound design. Especially the stomping of a certain character chasing you, had me on edge all the time. The revamped visuals and audio not only pay homage to the original but also elevate the experience.

What worked unexpectedly well for me, was how the game encourages multiple playthroughs. To achieve the platinum trophy, you have to dissect the game piece by piece, mastering speedruns and tackling various challenges and handicaps. Each run feels like a new puzzle to solve, pushing you to optimize your strategies and improve your skills.

However, not everything about Resident Evil 2 Remake is perfect. The story and characters, while iconic, feel a bit outdated and, at times, cringe-worthy. The dialogue can be cheesy, and the character development is somewhat shallow by today's standards. This didn't ruin the experience for me, but it did pull me out of the immersion occasionally.

In the end, Resident Evil 2 Remake is a fantastic revitalization of a classic that nails the core elements of survival horror. It's a must-play for fans of the genre and a great entry point for newcomers. If you can look past the dated story and characters, you'll find a game that masterfully combines the old and the new, delivering a heart-pounding experience that is both nostalgic and refreshingly modern.

This game is an absolute fantastic remake. Nemesis is no longer the greatest Resident Evil juggernaut now that this remake has revamped Mr. X. Play this game, then immediately play it again for the B route. It's that good.

Apesar dos pesares, como alguém que tem Resident Evil como uma das franquias mais importantes da vida, e que jogou o clássico (Mesmo que não tanto quanto este), devo dizer que foi uma ÓTIMA experiencia. Divertidissimo e uma ambientação incrível.

Finally finished this after letting this sit in my backlog for years. This is up there with the re4 remake for being my favorite game in the franchise.

I loved the atmosphere that this game has.

Um dos meus jogos favoritos da franquia Resident Evil, facilmente uma das melhores ambientações em um jogo de terror, acho incrível a forma que eles conseguiram trazer o terror mesmo com a câmera acima do ombro, usando o cenário e iluminação a seu favor.

First started playing it around March 2023 and finished it over several months (since I was too afraid to continue it because of Mr. X and then my save file somehow got deleted lmao). But eventually I started playing it again (almost from the beginning) and it made me fall in love with gaming again. Another thing it made me fall in love with was the Resident Evil franchise, which is now my favorite franchise.

mr x was not that scary idk wtf ur all on abt but still great game

Friendship ended with Lickers, now Mr. X is my new best friend

Se hace muy repetitiva la segunda run :( pero me lo pasé bien matando 💋

Resident Evil 2 benim oynadığım en kaliteli yeniden yapımlardan biri. 1998'deki sürümü günümüze uyarlayan yapım bunu çok başarılı bir şekilde gerçekleştiriyor. Resident Evil serisinin 5 ve 6'da sürekli zombi vurduğumuz sıradan aksiyon oyunlarına dönüşmesinden sonra seri köklere dönüşün ilk adımlarını Resident Evil 7 ve Resident Evil 2 ile çok başarılı bir şekilde attı. Serideki köklerine sadık kalmaya Resident Evil 3'ün (her ne kadar başarılı olmasa da) yeniden yapımı ve Resident Evil Village ile devam etti. Resident Evil 2 aynı zamanda atmosfer ve oynanış olarak da kaliteli bir oyun.

Oyunun eleştirilecek kısımları genel olarak hikayesi ve hikaye anlatımı. Resident Evil 2'nin çok oldu bittiye getirilen ve anlatımı çok kopuk bir hikayesi var. Özellikle aniden gelişip oyuncunun kafasında soru işaretleri bırakan olaylar hikayenin en zayıf kısımları. İşleniş olarak da senaryonun pek ilgi çekici olduğu söylenemez, bana göre Resident Evil 2 daha çok atmosferi, bölüm tasarımı ve oynanışı ile öne çıkan bir oyun.

Resident Evil 2 hikaye bakımından zayıf olsa da güçlü oynanışı ve kaliteli atmosferi ile diğer yeniden yapımlara örnek teşkil edecek bir oyun.

Esa es la reseña

Damn Ada you look like you cou-

This is just perfect. A hugely enjoyable horror experience that faithfully remasters the original and brings it to modern times. This game looks god like, runs great, sounds amazing, and plays like butter. Just don't do all the playthroughs at once, since it is kinda repetitive. But it's also pretty short each run, so theres that.

Finished both A and B play throughs

beautiful, i love the way this game looks and feels, timeless story

Minha primeira experiência com a série também com jogos de survival horror, foi fantástico

resident evil 2 é um jogo incrivel e provavelmente o meu favorito da franquia. acho que o jogo tem uma atmosfera muito boa que passa exatamente oq era pra passar e um desenvolvimento muito legal pro leon (fodase a clare) gosto muito de joguinho de zumbi e resident evil 2 conseguiu tornar isso uma experiencia muito mais legal, e o fato do mr x te seguir quase o jogo inteiro me deixava bem tenso.
e sim eu joguei so por causa do leon.

hello? is anybody here?

Somehow was harder than re3 i ended up having to play on assisted because i got stuck in the police station but after that it was pretty much smooth sailing. I learned that i could dodge the zombies and monsters so I proceeded to do that and i collected about 4 stacks of handgun ammo. Probably the best part was Sherry and Claire they’re probably my favorite resident evil characters.

Without a doubt the best boxing game ever made for any platform. A few touches here and there will no doubt bring perfection.

Um bom jogo, tem uma boa duração. Tem a possibilidade de jogar duas campanhas que pouco se diferenciam, apenas o começo e algumas cutscenes, mas alguns bosses se repetem nos mesmos locais, e até alguns puzzles também. Se as campanhas fossem um pouco diferentes, onde o que fizesse no cenário A não precisasse ser resolvido no B seria excelente, mas não deixa de ser muito bom!

O jogo que começou com o catalogo de remakes da Capcom, a açao é muito legal e a gunplay tbm, a ambientaçao e os enemigos foram muito bem feitos. Mas o jogo patina um pouco quando vc ta chegando perto do final, mesmo o jogo sendo bem curto, e eu achei o ultimo chefe bem bosta. Tirando que a jogatina da Claire é 90% a mesma que a do Leon.

This review contains spoilers

What I thought was a very well-paced game. Leon's story in my opinion was fine, but I found Claire's story to be the more interesting one. The main thing I had an issue with was both stories having almost the same exact pathing, with small differences in-between. But the game is very enjoyable. I just feel like if you're going to have two different stories within the same game, there should be some substantial differences between the two. But finishing the game, then having to go back through for Claire's story to have almost the same pathing throughout, just felt like I played the same game twice. Game is worth a playthrough, and I could see a bunch of people taking a liking to it. If it weren't for the two playthrough's pathing being damn near identical, I would've rated it higher.

Replaying RE2 after finishing the RE3 remake and... wow. Liked it a lot more than I remembered. Engaging action, spooky survival horror, interesting puzzles and a well-written narrative. What more can you ask for?
Thinking of playing again for Claire's POV, even though I played it already when this first came out. Still, probably has more impact if I play both runs back to back.