Reviews from

in the past

Eyeball on the cover is kinda Tilda Swinton coded

Meti bala no tio Paulo, uma casada me enganou e levou bala, zumbi cachorro boss final foi fácil, e Magnum melhor arma junto da XOTAGUN.

Ada gostosa, nota 9.5.

-The best classical RE game in my opinion.
- Exploration is a bit more limited then the original RE but still have sections dedicated to it to make the world feel bigger.
- More Cinematic in some parts but has slow moment to allow tension to build.
- Alright OST, fits the game fine.
- Combat and camera requires getting used to, but after managing movement and doing what you want becomes easy.

até hj tenho infarto com o william birkin e suas mil transformações, maluco parece um super sayajinn

this shit is sooo good 😭🙏

Aged like fine wine. Sometimes I'll just whip out the old PSP and do a little run of Leon A. Has everything the original had - the strategic survival horror gameplay, the fun puzzles, the... all right the voice acting here is much better, the beautiful pre-rendered backgrounds - and improves on them all, especially those backgrounds. The sense of place in this game and its sequel are breathtaking to behold. Great game

In some ways I didn't like the game, but it still has those notes of fear that made me jump out of my chair, which is pretty good for such an old game.

С какой то стороны мне не понравилась игра, но в ней есть еще те нотки страха, которые заставляли меня прыгать со стула, что довольно неплохо для такой старой игры.

still great today, love these classic survival horror games just as much as any modern game

simplemente godines aunque el jefe final es medio pete, lo matas con 10 balas de magnum, nemesis me hizo pasarla mucho peor en el 3 pero juegardo, jugue con Leon en algun momento que me pinte juego con Claire

Fantastic game. It's a hallmark of video game design, incredibly satisfying to explore and uncover all of its labyrinthian secrets. Even though it's not really scary anymore, the game still delivers a tense experience through its mechanics of scarce ammo and health items. Death is always just around the corner.

I especially like the setting, first traversing through a destroyed city infested with zombies, walking past debris and raging fires before finally arriving at the infamous police station. You'll travel through more varied environments before reaching the game's satisfying conclusion.
It feels more grounded than the first Resident Evil with it's Rube Goldberg-machine like mansion and it's quirky death puzzles.

It's a short game that warrants multiple playthroughs to get the most out of it. Well worth the time and effort.

Here’s a cool video game hot take: I don’t love the RE2 remake. I like this one much MUCH more.

The level design and methodical exploration is near-perfect. The soundtrack is absolutely perfect. I love the tank controls. I love the fixed camera angles. I love the pre-rendered backgrounds. I love the zapping system (although, it is woefully underdeveloped). Force feed this shit to me. It’s so good.

Btw, this is another comfort game for me, which, like with Killer7, makes me very cool and worthy of praise.

nao tem o chris
mas tem a claire

last of the classics I needed to play!

extremely fun time but nothing beats re3 <3

Doesn't hold a candle to the remake. That said, it's definitely James Cameron's Aliens to Ridley Scott's Alien. More Hollywood, high budget, and bombastic in its approach to the material. Different, but not bad. In fact, it's one of the greatest survival horror games I've ever played.

ta talvez esse seja o melhor jogo que eu ja joguei

Resident Evil 2, lançado em 21 de janeiro de 1998 pela Gradiente e Factor 5, é uma sequência do primeiro título de Resident Evil. Este jogo recebe uma nota de 9/10, refletindo sua excelência e impacto duradouro no gênero de jogos de terror e sobrevivência.

Assim como seu antecessor, Resident Evil 2 utiliza gráficos tridimensionais para os personagens sobre fundos pré-renderizados em duas dimensões, oferecendo uma atmosfera imersiva e arrepiante. As diversas câmeras fixas em cada ambiente contribuem para uma sensação de tensão constante, mantendo os jogadores à beira de seus assentos enquanto exploram os corredores sombrios e perigosos de Raccoon City.

A capacidade de escolher entre dois personagens principais, cada um com sua própria jornada e desafios únicos, adiciona uma camada adicional de replayability e profundidade à experiência do jogo. Isso incentiva os jogadores a experimentarem o jogo novamente com diferentes personagens para descobrir todos os segredos e nuances que Resident Evil 2 tem a oferecer.

Além disso, a narrativa envolvente e a atmosfera sombria e opressiva cativam os jogadores desde o início até o fim. A sensação de desespero e isolamento permeia cada momento do jogo, enquanto os jogadores lutam pela sobrevivência contra hordas de zumbis e outras ameaças horríveis.

No geral, Resident Evil 2 é um marco no mundo dos jogos de terror e sobrevivência, e sua nota de 9/10 é uma homenagem ao seu legado duradouro e sua qualidade excepcional. Se você é fã do gênero ou apenas procura uma experiência de jogo envolvente e emocionante, Resident Evil 2 é uma escolha altamente recomendada.

Resident Evil 2 on the Gamecube offers a faithful port of the classic survival horror experience, with pre-rendered backgrounds creating a tense atmosphere alongside tank controls that add to the challenge. While the visuals might not hold up by today's standards, the puzzles, resource management, and different scenarios for Claire and Leon keep it engaging.

The first half of this game is about as good as Resident Evil has ever been.

Mi ca*ai addosso da bambino giocandoci.

Играла. Леон мой краш, была влюблена в него в детстве. Естественно он был главной причиной прохождения игры. Хотя мне и сюжет за Клэр понравился. Зомби я люблю

A milestone in gaming, how I played this marvel!!! For the time, just perfect

Masterpiece. Not sure there is any game out there I've played through to the end as many times as this.


La formula secreta, la receta perfecta, el how-to hacer un Resident Evil tiene que salir de éste juego. Es increíble como el primer juego ya había sido sensacional y comparado con este se ve anticuado.
Muchisimo mas contenido, Raccoon City, un mapa mucho mas interesante e interconectado, distintas rutas, modos de juego, personajes secretos desbloqueables.

La moderfokin cabra.

Claire Story is better than Leon Story dont @ me

may come back to this later but i just found it really tedious and boring in ways that the first one wasn't. the RPD is a much worse map to explore than the mansion with a frustrating amount of close encounters that are pretty hard to avoid. lost an hour or two of progress at one point and decided i don't really care. playing as sherry was cute

Tão excelente quanto o remake de 2019, Resident Evil 2 é um espetáculo de survival horror que, como se não bastasse sua campanha, pode ser jogado quatro vezes (Leon A e B e Claire A e B) e isso por si só já ajuda fortemente no fator replay e na vontade de explorar mais ainda os horrores de Raccoon City.