Reviews from

in the past

Really fun, loads of content, fast cars. It's just a great racing game all around. Very arcade-y. It's exactly what I want from a game like this honestly. I do have a few complaints though, aside from the game feeling a bit repetitive at a certain point.

Other people go into this a bit, but this game is very much "on rails." You start a drift and as long as you aren't steering in the opposite direction from where you're supposed to be turning, you'll probably be able to make any turn you want. It's fine and dandy as a mechanic, but some sections feel as if they require you to exploit the system to make the turn without hitting a wall. If I'm going over 200 mph and approaching a section of small, precise, punishing turns in alternating directions (like that one spot on Crimsonrock Pass), I'll often turn my car entirely sideways and let Jesus take the wheel. It works about 95% of the time and I hardly lose any speed lmao.

I had also planned on getting 100% in this game, that was until I unlocked the MAX tours. I played the first race maybe 30 times until I finally managed to get lucky enough to come out in first over the cheating AI with infinite boost, immovable cars, and instantly go 30+ mph faster than me when I pass them. It was ridiculous. I tried the next race a couple of times but eventually decided I was just gonna leave the game at that. It just wasn't fun at all. It didn't feel rewarding having to rely on the stars aligning to win, let alone for almost 30 races more. I don't even want to think about how long that would take either.

This was just a small portion of the game though, ~6 or 7 tours of almost 50 across the entire game. The races right before unlocking MAX were an amazing victory lap-feeling experience for the end of the game too, with a great balance of difficulty and straight-up fun. I especially loved the special angel and devil tours. Felt like a great way to end such a fun and fast game, just you and some fantastical cars on empty roads running through some beautiful maps with bright lights and tight turns. Loved this, even with the sour experience I had near the end. I wish every game made me feel as cool as Ridge Racer.

Really fun racing game. Played this a lot when I was a kid.

excellent arcade racer and a great compilation of ridge racer tracks. but i recommend skipping to ridge racers 2 for psp (which i believe is also on ps5) since it has all the content of this game plus more.

i find myself coming back to this one a lot ! its so fun to just... pick it up and play. drifting feels so damn good. SO good.

the soundtrack here is, predictably, good as ever. disco ball + sanodgs rareheroes remix rule so much.

the cars literally look like the cover art of vroom vroom?? disco ball being the best track ever???? i love this game sm this one is for the girls and the gays

it's ridge racer. a mashup of new and old tracks and music, with the first appearance of nitrous in the series. an extremely solid but unique time, a palate cleanser to remind you that racing games are actually very good.

Chulísimo. Vibes impecables y difícil de narices si quieres todos los coches. El coche de Pac-man está rotísimo

If I grew up with a PSP, I'd probably be addicted to this.

Ridge Racer feels like it is from the future no matter when you play it. This game strikes the perfect balance of personality with cleanliness such that it is remembered as a racing game with soul, but a subdued and high tech soul. Ridge Racer shows off without making its ego its core appeal. On a gameplay level, much of the same applies: the tracks are bright and full of detail, clearly made for skillful driving, the handling is swift and goes in and out of drifts easily. Furthermore, the driving is enhanced, by of all things, custom tachometers from car to car. Some cars feature a more VFD-style display, while others feature an analog needle. It is such a significant factor in feeling out the car's personality because it shows either an adherence to the styles of tradition, an embrace of new tech, or a little bit of both. Ridge Racer's personality shows in its execution of formula, with grace and with fun.

Why does this twenty year old game have better drift mechanics (that are tied to a single analog stick!!!) than most racers I've played?

Are these other games trying to fuck me? Are you trying to fuck me, car games? Are you trying to exhaust my tailpipe with bullshit? Why does this game not waste my time with overcomplex physics and is actually fun to pick up and play?

This game is a bit older than me and was one of my first racing games that I got my hands on. I just played it again and gosh - the graphics, the cars, the music! Officialy Ridge Racer is more playable than me.

Ridge Racer is an arcade racing game released for the PlayStation Portable in December 2004. As one of the first games I purchased for my PSP, it has always held some nostalgia for me. Replaying it now in 2023, however, I can see that my nostalgic love for this title was not ill placed.

The first portable outing for Ridge Race is truly a success. The graphics and gameplay from the other games in the series are ported beautifully to the PSP. From stunning sunsets to glistening paintjobs, Ridge Racer is no slouch when it comes to pushing the PSP's graphical capabilities. The gameplay is tight and responsive, with the series' drift mechanic translating seamlessly over to the PlayStation handheld. The introduction of the new NOS mechanic in the game is also fun, and adds an extra layer of depth to the races that I feel was missing in prior titles.

While there are several racing games on the PSP, none capture the magic that Ridge Racer presents for me. It's presentation is second to none and drifting around corners and blasting past opposing racers never gets old. Overall, I believe Ridge Racer more than deserves its spot as one of the best games on the PSP.