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in the past

I got invested in the story just as much as I would in any of the Star Trek tv episodes. A must play for any Trekkie.

Great game for a Star Trek fan, a lover of the Telltale-esque narrative game format, or ideally both.

Lieutenant Bedrosian is a psychopath.

With that out of the way, this isn't just a great Star Trek game, it's great Star Trek period. Yes, it's rough around the edges and was clearly made on a shoestring budget, but if you're a '90s Trekkie fan it really doesn't get better than this.

Star Trek: Resurgence is a story-based “choose your own adventure” type game from Dramatic Labs, a developer made out of some ex-Telltale staff, who have been doing this kind of game for a while.

While a few known characters do show up, this game is focused on a unique cast of characters on the science ship, the USS Resolute. You play as two members of the crew: Jara Rydek, the ships new first officer, and Carter Diaz, a lower decks engineering crewman. They’re both very likable, and the dialogue options let you have some sway over their personalities – for example, Jara can choose to fully trust her captain, or can fight to do what she thinks is right.

The rest of the crew range from likable to immediate dislike but grows on you (or you end up feeling sorry for them). Most of them are well written (the only exception is the the tactical officer, who goes psycho later on), with their characters flaws serving the story and your choices in some manner. the ship suffered a disaster before Jara was brought back on board, so you have to deal with the comradery that came out of that experience.

Due to an intense ion storm, the Resolute was picked to transport an Ambassador to the Hotari system, where previously peaceful races, the brutish Hotari and the militaristic Alydians, both species with great designs that look like something that could still be achieved in live action. The Alydians have provided technology to the Hotari, while also using them as a labour face to mine the dilithium rich moon of Hotari Prime. However, this is interrupted by the emergence of an ancient and powerful civilization. I’ll leave it there for details of the story, but it was one that I loved the entire way through the game, with lots of stunning locations that you get to visit.

As for the gameplay, it changes a lot throughout the course of the game to meet the scene’s requirements. Most of it is spent on foot, walking around then pressing dialogue options and quick time events when prompted. Sometimes you’ll have to use your tricorder to scan, swapping between different modes to further analyse components, or a phaser, which is used for non-combat reasons during the walking sections.

There are some shooting sections, but in those you’re behind cover (and can occasionally swap cover), popping out to take shots. Other action sequences include piloting a shuttle and stealth sections. Some parts I absolutely loved was interacting with consoles, including a brilliant segment where you get to use the transporter, having to counter interference. It’s a really great depiction of what a transporter chief actually does during difficult transports.

While the gameplay itself is simple, it all helps the game feel immersive and works really well with the world. I’ve always disliked Telltale’s story games due to a “stiffness” about them that Resurgence manages to avoid. It’s a joy to experience the Star Trek Universe in this way and there are some meaningful references to a few episodes – even using a very disliked episode of The Next Generation in a great way.

I absolutely loved my first playthrough of Resurgence. The characters and story are extremely enjoyable, with lots of great different moments. The characters definitely make the game and I think it helps that this isn’t the “best” ship in the fleet – it gives a wonderful insight into Starfleet. You’ll also be given insight into how each character reacts to your choices, showing approval, disapproval or indifference, and I do like that it mentions that the character is a bit confused if you do flip-flop.

I did play again immediately after and the flaws of the game do show up – although it’s more the flaws of the genre. As the main story beats have to be consistent, some of the choices don’t matter. Plenty of them make smaller changes, including which characters you interact with, some character deaths or injuries and how some of them treat the main two. If you did your second playthrough after a break, it would be a better experience. Although I do think that the game should be better at punishing you – some of the actions you take can be pretty bad, but the consequences are very mild.

Resurgence is a brilliant game that captures Star Trek extremely well. It has engaging story and characters, and the gameplay, while simple, helps to compliment it all. It’s a wonderful way to experience a slice of the Star Trek universe.

I've always believed the Telltale format would be the most fitting for a Star Trek game and it's nice to see confirmation of that. It's the most "Star Trek" a Star Trek game has ever been, with equal parts charm and crustiness to be expected from the Telltale format. Really hope Dramatic Labs/Bruner House get another crack at it.

One of the worst games I've played this year. After my disappointment with Telltale's The Expanse, a similar choice-oriented game, I started expecting better from this game, but it doesn't even work properly. After I started playing the game, I realized that it was ported from a crappy console to PC, and they didn't even bother to update it months after it was released. Definitely not a game I would recommend playing on PC. As for the other aspects, you can't pay attention to anything else because of the bad optimization and a gameplay that's broken because of it, but the story doesn't seem to be very good either. It makes you choose a little bit of dialog and then it moves the scenes forward by adding ridiculous mini-games in between. The graphics sometimes look good and sometimes very bad and the quality of the animations is terrible. It's almost Mass Effect Andromeda-level mediocrity in facial animations. I don't understand why they bothered to release a broken thing on PC if you have no intention of trying to fix it. Even if I accept that it was problematic when it first came out, I can't accept that almost a year after its release, there are still no updates to fix it in any way.The game doesn't introduce you to the characters, doesn't tell you the story, doesn't explain the terms in the universe, and acts as if you know everything about the Star Trek universe. On the other hand, it makes you do every little thing in the game as if it were a VR game. You pick up something from the ground, you pick it up, you scan the object, you place the object somewhere, it's a horrible gameplay. They extended the 2-hour game to 10 hours by doing this. I also don't understand why it's getting such positive comments and reviews despite all this. If you really like games like this, then you deserve this mediocrity.

This is a sequel of sorts to an episode from the first series of The Next Generation. And wow, it's actually a really good time. Typical TellTale style formula, but they get TNG and it doesn't try hard to be edgy and cool like a lot of modern Trek.

The story and acting are alright, but the actual act of playing the game is just absolutely the worst. I don't know if the game plays fine with keyboard + mouse and only has a very bad controller experience, or what, but I just can't stand it. The walking isn't good, the shooting isn't good, when there's more than one shooting segments in a row if you die on the first and restart with "story" mode to be invincible, then the next segment turns off story mode so you have to die again and restart that segment to get story mode back on. Scanning stuff with a tricorder should be kinda neat, but the tricorder's screen is wireframe mush with inconsistent coloring so half the time you can't tell what the game thinks you should be scanning.

For this one, just watch a let's play on youtube. Actually, maybe don't even do that. There's a lot better star trek radio drama stuff made by fans that you can find if you want good trek (eg: Star Trek Outpost or Star Trek Lost Enterprise).

Complete playthrough. Played after the first major patch, Star Trek Resurgence no longer suffers from the significant technical issues that seemed to be prevalent shortly after release. What remains is an enjoyable extended traditional Trek episode in the post-The Next Generation era, with an engaging story that switches between two protagonists. The degree of interactivity varies - in many cases just dialogue selection, but with a few 'minigame' segments based around shuttlecraft flight, stealth or phaser combat (for example). These work on a basic level, but, not being a major focus of the game, don't really excel and come off as a bit clunky. Again, though, the story is what players will come to the game for and on that measure, Resurgence stands as one of the better games set in the Trek universe.

I was completely engaged in the story of Resurgence but unfortunately as the game went on I couldn’t ignore the technical mess that it is. There is a near constant stuttering between transitions and in moments of action. I had one crash but was genuinely surprised there wasn’t more. I did have one bug where a character had been firing a phaser then stopped and put the weapon back in their holster but the phaser was still firing which carried on into a cutscene with this big beam of yellow and accompanying phaser sound as people in the scene walked through it which at first was hilarious but the scene went on for a while and became obnoxious as the sound was drowning out what the characters in the scene were saying.
This game was made by ex Telltale devs and it shows both for good and bad. It depends on how much you like Trek and how much jank you can stomach as to if you should play this game or not. Such a shame because there’s something really fun underneath the mess.

It's a bad game that I really enjoyed despite that fact.

It's broken. There are loads of complaints about how it runs at 30fps, but it couldn't even do that on the XBSX. Regularly the audio would go to hell as it trys to sync up with it running slow.

The actual bits of "minigame" gameplay are awful. Shooting, sneaking, flying, it doesn't matter. The controls are knackered and you just have to hope that the section is easy enough to get through it.

The rest of the game is 50/50 on foot where you may get to use your tricorder or phaser, but a lot of the time it's just getting to the next slow-time action to open a door or snip a wire. Sometimes it's a more complicated puzzle, many work fine but are still busy work, and some don't make any bloody sense. It sounds terrible but it does actually help make you feel like you're doing something other than watching an 8 hour Star Trek episode.

And it's quite a good 8 hour long episode that kept me interested throughout and was well told jumping between the two protagonist, one officer and one lower deck, to get an overview of everything going on.

For a Star Trek nerd like me that would probably be enough, but there are moments of actual decision making that have to be made. It mightg all be smoke and mirrors but it feels like they all have some weight in how people react ot you, how the story progresses (slightly) and making your mark on the game.

I'd happily play another one of these if they just stop trying to make it a game and focus on what it's good at.

Playtime: 9 hours.

I'm not sure if the choices yield different outcomes apart from the fate of the characters. The plot seems pretty straightforward.

Minigames, QTE, especially the flying and scanning sections, that are frequent, were horribly boring. It's clear that the developers don't know how to do any kind of enjoyable gameplay, shooting for example plays worse than early 2000's titles.

However, the writing is decent. The characterization and tense moments made this game, or interactive movie, compelling enough for me to experience, as a non-Trekkie.

I was pleasantly surprised by this experience. While I wouldn't label myself as a die-hard Star Trek enthusiast, I do harbor nostalgic sentiments from my childhood, where I would watch the Next Generation faithfully with my dad each week. As the plot unfolded, I found myself recalling a specific episode that was cleverly referenced. Whether you're a fan of the Star Trek universe or have fond memories of it, I believe you'll find enjoyment in this title.

One of the highlights for me in the game was immersing myself in the narrative and feeling a sense of control over the characters through the dialogue choices. The performances of all the characters were fantastic, each convincingly playing their respective roles.

However, my sole gripe with the game lies in the scattered gameplay elements within the story that felt a bit cumbersome and outdated, such as certain stealth sequences. While these moments didn't linger too long to significantly detract from the overall experience, they might be a potential barrier for those less inclined towards gaming—like my non-gaming dad. Additionally, there were a few Quick Time Events (QTEs) that I engaged with, and I found these to be effective in maintaining my connection with the game.

In summary, I approached this game with skepticism, but it turned out to be the kind of experience I couldn't tear myself away from, providing a refreshing break from my time with Baldur's Gate 3.

It has hints of being a good story and i tried to stick with it AS long as i could because every review said story was so good. But the very very boring controller inputs that are slow and very boring missions in between the story beats really made it so hard to keep going. The environment sound in this was soo horrible that i turned it off. the animation is clunky. maybe if i was. HUGE fan of star trek i could over look this but i just like star trek.

Tell tale games are some of my most fav games and when they have the formula perfect like with tales from borderlands or walking dead series, why can't they follow that?

boring and not going to play it again. i can't help but feel i wasted 5h on this waiting for the payoff. if you arent into it within the first 1hour just quit.

Best recreation of old (but not TOS old) trek since Enterprise. If you like Voyager/Deep Space 9 then you will love this game. The gameplay is "just ok" but the story captures the feel of Trek so well it makes you forget anything else.

Overall quite good, immersive Telltale-style game that stays faithful to Trek, but unfortunately lacking polish, particularly in the audio department.

Aside from the typical Telltale "did anything I do truly matter?" criticism, Resurgence is solid, resonant Star Trek one-of-those-games... game. A fair share of jank but it's pretty impressive nonetheless knowing the small size of the team that made it.

Gostei muito, bateu a minha expectativa.
Adorei a ideia de pegar uma história da 1ª temporada de TNG e trazer 15 anos após o ocorrido.
TNG é a minha série favorita de Star Trek e a 6ª favorita, então a ideia do plot do jogo me agradou muito.
Controlamos 2 personagens, a primeira oficial e um alferes, tendo que tomar decisões que podem influenciar a história e por fim elas se encontram.
O único ponto negativo, foi o de nos momentos de maior ação o jogo ficar lento no PS4.
É bem divertido e recomendo muito. Com certeza irei rejogar.

Dramatic Labs strikes a home run and then some with their debut title. The Unreal + Beanie engine really power through with both visuals and graphics that are far beyond the original Tell Tale Tool's capabilities. The story and the choices really ramp up in the final act, and this is a real edge of your seat Star Trek Movie, far surpassing the action and Ooomph in even a traditional modern television episode. Highlights are the deep dedication to Lore, the voice acting (Krizia Bajos really shines as Jara Rydek), the facial expressions (man, I wish the old Dragon Age games had this level of facial fidelity), and yes, really enjoyed every minute and hour of the story. Best enjoyed in 1 hour bites every day. Finished a single playthrough and will definitely come back to this in a few months to a year.

About the only negative thing I have to say about it is the very generic and average music tracks throughout. Feels like they were inspired from the 90's TNG Show.

But an amazing effort nonetheless from a small, new indie adventure dev team. Can't wait to see what their next project will be like.

I'm a bugger for a spot of communist noblesse oblige. Better plotted than any recent non-animated Trek drama, shocking "gameplay" though. Next time drop the phasers and stealth sections.

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It captures the spirit of Star Trek well, but was a bit disappointing in the rushed ending and the shallow characters.

Wie ein spielbarer Arc mehrerer aufeinanderfolgender Star Trek Episoden. Vereint das Beste, aber auch das Schlechteste der angewandten Telltale Formel. Durch die immer wieder eingestreuten verschiedenen Gameplaymechaniken wie Schleichen, Transporter Flügen, Phaser Kämpfen, Dialogverhandlungen sowie kleineren Rätseleinlagen, welche den Tricorder und andere Trekkie Utensilien beinhalten, gibt es aber gefühlt mehr Abwechslung im Vergleich zu den letzten Telltale Titeln. Darüber hinaus sorgen sie für eine gehörige Star Trek Atmosphäre, welche einen mehr und mehr in die spannende Story zieht.
Eine zweite Staffel der Resolute Crew kann gerne kommen!
Like a playable arc from several consecutive Star Trek episodes. Combines the best but also the worst of the Telltale formula applied. Due to the different gameplay mechanics that are interspersed again and again, such as sneaking, transporter flights, phaser fights, dialogue negotiations and smaller puzzle inserts, which contain the tricorder and other Trekkie utensils, there is felt to be more variety compared to the last Telltale titles. In addition, they ensure a proper Star Trek atmosphere, which draws you more and more into the exciting story.
A second season of the Resolute Crew is very welcome!