Reviews from

in the past

Ótimo jogo que mexe com ilusão de ótica. Tem uma mensagem bem legal

Thats a pretty good puzzle game, with a creative main mechanic and an interesting story

Perspective puzzle game. So so, seemed cooler than it was

too short
creative puzzle mechanics
thoughtful ending

challenging at times perspective puzzle game.

A remarkably profound, consistently creative journey that never ceased to amaze me. Glenn Pierce, I love ya.

Trippy and fun, Good game overall, short, weird ending.

- Everything could be totally perspective -
No se como explicar lo INCREIBLE!!! que es este juego, su forma de resolver los puzzles está a otro nivel y te reta mucho a buscar la perspectiva del problema.
Sinceramente es top dentro de los juegos de puzzles y lo mejor es que dura alrededor de unas 2 horas o menos.
También su musica y mensaje e pequeña historia me gustaron bastante todo encaja perfecto y se sienten natural.

Great puzzle game and actually left somewhat of an impact. Can be beaten in under 2 hours so there's no reason to not try this.

This game fucked me up and turned me into an abstract concept. My mother just does not understand what I have turned into and my pets live in fear.

I don't usually have that childlike wonder that I did playing games anymore. I think everyone loses that as they get older as well as nowadays it's blocked by the fact that under the hood I know everything in the game is within the bounds of what the developers have coded. This games atmosphere, story, and gameplay gets rid of all those boundaries. It convinces you anything is possible. The narrators continuously try to take control of your situation and you take it back every time by breaking the rules and making your own path. It lets you fully tap into that childlike imagination and it makes for an experience that everyone should have.

Gastei cérebro de mais e saí meio itálico
tbm achei q a mensagem final nn pegou mto nn

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It's not a common thing for me to be effected by games to this degree. I just don't get emotional over fiction, some of the most sad movies tend to not get to me. THIS is different, this message is everything that I should be okay hearing, and yet the first time I read it, it hit pretty light a few days later, and its hitting hard.

Feelings I didn't realize could even be felt over fiction, are being felt, and I need to change the rating of Superliminal solely off of the emotion after the fact. It is a deceptively simple game, as the real game is played for that monologue, that ending speech. Given a lot I use games to calm me down, to feel in control, and to have this game turn and call me on that very thing, is getting to me in a really good way.

This is unironically a game that anyone suffering with anxiety, depression, anything really, should play, its a quick playthrough (unless you're me).

Mi juego de puzles favorito hasta la fecha

Wasnt feeling much for the first 2/3 of the game but the ending was suprisingly sweet and obviously tied nicely to the gameplay. The puzzles were really simple but it didnt take away from how fun it was seeing all the mind bending illusions.

Your Perfect, Your Difference Makes You You

i did indeed need to throw up once so i loaded this game up and it caused me too which helped me feel better.. i never touched it after that due to me getting a headache every second. besides that it had some very interesting puzzles i'll admit.

For a gimmick puzzle game, the gimmick is extremely good and well explored. While its not quite as good as things like Stanley Parable or Portal, its enough like those games with its own identity thrown in that its worth playing if you have any interest in it.

Really fucking great game that I completely fucking ruined by playing on switch tbh. Just doesn't work as well on controller

I love optical illusions so I thought this was pretty cool

Very Good

Diet Soda

When the ending started to start to end I was worried it would be cringe and bad but then it really wasn't it was kinda like ... ok fair point

Absolute masterpiece. Really innovative gameplay, coupled with a great message and big introspective moments. A puzzle game that is sort of a mixture between Inception, Portal and the Stanley Parable.

Great narration, great story, great puzzles, great journey. By the end of it I had chills all over me. It just keeps breaking expectations. The soundtrack is also amazing and contributes to the dreamlike feel of playing it.

It's all about perspective.

I dont like it it made me dizzy and it was kinda hard

Ce genre d'expérience me marque trop c'est comme Stanley Parable félicitation.

this was fun! the puzzles were pretty easy but it was still enjoyable and subverted my expectations enough to keep me intrigued

its a super cool idea and a thoughtful ending that makes you say "man"