Reviews from

in the past

(I'm just archiving my old review from steam. This does not reflect the current state of the game, which is abysmal, a half star experience. #FixTF2, and all that. This is representative of my thoughts on the game itself, regardless of preexisting context)

This is it. The peak. My favorite video game of all time, and what I believe to be the best game of all time. I've spent about 1% of my 21 years of life just playing this game, making it the most I have ever played of any game. Even now, as it's been years since I've played with any amount of regularity and the game has been progressively going down the shitter with the bot crisis and a draught of meaningful content, I can still confidently say that it's the GOAT. The sheer quality of every single individual aspect, every minute detail that comprises a video game: gameplay, game design, controls, movement, skill curve, replayability, map design (save for a few exceptions), art direction, character design, music, voice acting, sound design, the community, all of it, is just completely unparalleled.

Reviewing a game like this is a futile effort in many regards because it is impossible to compare to anything else, it is something you compare other things to. It is so indescribably fun and well made, with such well-designed, engaging, dynamic combat and a timeless presentation that is such a testament to the power of stylized art direction that it holds up better than games released a week ago, that any words I try to conjure simply fail to properly describe it. It is the gold standard of what makes a good video game, the platonic ideal that every game developer subconsciously strives for. It's the Mona Lisa of video games, an aspirational masterpiece that likely led me to enter the game industry. And you get all of this for free. I literally, and I sincerely mean literally cannot think of a better cost-reward proposition in gaming, or just art in general. So quit reading me flounder as I attempt to describe why perfection is "pretty good actually," and just download the damn game. You quite literally have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

#fixTF2 It's time Valve does something about the bots. The game has been overrun with people willing to doxx, DDOS, and SWAT anyone who takes action against the problem.
Sign the petition:

Something about the rock-paper-scissors nature of the classes was a turn off for me. Never got into it despite having friends that loved it.

Great combat, awesome mechanics and easy to pick up and play, only thing that ruins is the bots in casual.

the masterpiece that truly never dies

The description for tf2 on this site mentioning "constant new updates" is really funny, considering valve has all but abandoned it. Despite that, tf2 remains one of if not the only multiplayer competitive fps I still play regularly, and it is a thoroughly enjoyable game most of the time. Valve's aforementioned neglect has definitely had its effects, mainly in the form of sniper bots which are thankfully usually voted out quickly on the casual servers I play on.

The game has some of the most fun and nuanced movement mechanics in a class shooter, and without the ability cooldown system most of them use. Most of the playerbase has a distinctly casual mindset compared to other similar games, which generally leads to more low stakes, fun matches where using dumb strategies and stupid weapons is common. In ctf, my favorite gamemode, there's a weird wordless social contract where no-one focuses on the objective and the game essentially becomes an endless team deathmatch lobby, which is always a good time. This game somehow even made random crits fun, something no other game has managed to achieve.

There's a lot of variety in terms of weapon unlocks, some transforming the gameplay to such an extent you are essentially playing a different class. Outside of the bot issue my biggest gripe is the sniper class, who is generally frustrating to interact with and get killed by compared to the other classes, without much in terms of interesting counterplay. If you live in a region where the bot problem isn't a big issue or you can handle playing on Uncletopia (I can't, they don't have random crits) the game is still a great time!

pena ser um jogo com 17 anos de idade

fun af game
so many bots tho, like jesus christ
i wanna go back but the game has been overrun by racist bots that keep saying the n word
That along with the total lack of community support dont have me coming back immediately
Will pick it back up tho with friends tho

Valve's magnum opus, up there with games like Portal and Half-Life.
They'd have a fantastic shooter if they fixed most of the issues this game has.

Best game of all time. I mean it. This is my favourite game ever.

The visual design, the iconic characters, the brilliant soundtrack, it's all an amazing work of art that brilliantly enhances the already amazing game play. Each of the 9 classes provides a very distinct and fun way to play and so every game feels different. This game has a style of humour and player-to-player interactions that no other game does leading to some of the most funny and memorable experiences I've ever had.

The developers who worked on the game clearly put enormous amounts of effort into making the game as special as it is and as a consequence, despite the game being almost as old as I am, it still holds up amazingly today.

But this game has been left to rot.

I don't understand how the company that made this game as good as it is can be the same company that abandoned it almost entirely and left it to be overtaken by bots.

The complete lack of updates and the gradual overtake of community-made filler content that is supposed to make up for it I can excuse, but not the refusal to put a sliver of effort besides copying and pasting the occasional community-made hat to sell cosmetic cases. I can't believe that the same company that made this masterpiece of a game is the same one who abandoned it and decided it wasn't worth their time.

Valve is selling a product that doesn't work. That shouldn't be allowed. I love this game and I want to see something done about it.

#FixTF2 #SaveTF2 and all that.
Please Valve. Do something.

i'd rather play with dumbass hackers than to play valorant


TF2 has been unplayable for the last few years because of the sheer amount of cheater bots in official servers. And that's why people decided to pull the FixTF2 movement, along with commencing review-bombing to get Valve's attention.

For any old players who’ve already left a review, I recommend changing it to Not Recommended and state your reason why. In its current state, I cannot recommend this game to new players because the bots make Casual borderline unplayable. Community servers are very unintuitive for newer players.

TF2, resmi sunuculardaki aşırı sayıda hileci bot nedeniyle son birkaç yıldır oynanamaz hale geldi. Bu yüzden insanlar, Valve'ın dikkatini çekmek için FixTF2 hareketini başlattı ve inceleme bombardımanına giriştiler.

Daha önce bir inceleme yazmış olan eski oyunculara, incelemelerini "Önerilmiyor" olarak değiştirmelerini ve nedenini açıklamalarını tavsiye ediyorum. Şu anki durumda, botlar yüzünden bu oyunu yeni oyunculara tavsiye edemem. Topluluk sunucuları da yeni oyuncular için pek kullanıcı dostu değil.

best multiplayer game, have many great memories with my friends :)

Deservedly called a classic. It is still the same polished and enjoyable multiplayer game. It can be a bit too chaotic, but you get used to it.

It's a Masterpiece.


goat, fuck valve for abandoning it

Up until a few years ago this was one of the greatest games of all time, but Valve's continued neglect of the game has resulted in thousands upon thousands of cheaters and bots ruining the fun for everyone. #FixTF2

At the risk of sounding INSANELY old, I don't consider myself a fan of this game or in the community because when I played it it was way way waaaaaay back when this game was released with a few others on The Orange Box.

That's how I experienced Portal, that's how I experienced this, and I liked this. To be honest, realizing that that was 17 years ago now both explains why I have very few memories of it and why my bones are turning to dust, but it was fun. Back then everyone was new so you could do a lot more shenanigans, so I would often play the Spy in that the briefcase or whatever game mode, slip by the others with my disguise, and score points. It was like a little social deduction game because sometimes I would exchange glances at people or have to quickly pretend I'm heading some other direction so they wouldn't catch on, it was a good time.

I basically stopped playing that same year, so never really experienced the pop-off, but I don't mind too much, it was fun while it lasted.

The best FPS game ever made. Nothing has ever and maybe will ever come close.

Unplayable today with all the hackers. That being said, the prime was insanely fun. Literally the best hero FPS I have ever played by far. I am very biased tho since it was my first FPS on PC.