Reviews from

in the past

An interesting, but underwhelming story set in the Life is Strange universe.

Life of Strange produced one decent game then spat out another 3 boring ones, including whatever this is meant to be.

Samostatně stojící gratis prolog druhé série Life Is Strange, který je zatěžko hodnotit bez kontextu. Tím že funguje sám o sobě, a do značné míry pouze nenásilnou cestou představuje "specifika Life Is Strange universa" neznalým, tak se v něm nic zásadnějšího neuděje a celé to stojí i padá "pouze" na zachycení křehkého vztahu otce a syna. A právě atmosféra i nálada zasněženého utahaného sobotního dopoledne s temnými podtóny otcova zhoršujícího se alkoholismu a synova melancholického vyrovnávání se se ztrátou matky je trefena přesně a nezadá si ani se solidnějšími zástupci zámořské indie tvorby s jakými se můžete setkat na filmových festivalech.

Jenže to je zároveň tak nějak vše. Rozhodnutí veškerá žádná (přitom zrovna v rámci takto krátkého samostatného zážitku si to o volby a důsledky přímo říkalo), prostě to zabere dvě poklidné hodiny klikání po aktivních předmětech (čímž se nahání do značné míry čas, jinak by to nezabralo ani hodinu), obsahuje to jednu nepovinnou minihru a když se zdá, že se začne něco dít nad rámec bloumání po těch několika metrech čtverečních, tak... Ano, nepřekvapivě následuje konec a pouták na druhou řadu Life Is Strange. Pokud tedy tuto sérii máte rádi, tak tohle minout nechcete. A pokud jste jí zatím na chuť nepřišli, tak tady máte ideální ochutnávku stojící videoherní žantýrkou někde na pomezí "Telltale (ne)rozhodovačky a walking simulatoru".

Why did i play this game ? (I'm heterosexual)

uma boa introdução para o LIS 2

Une introduction à Lis 2 dans la simplicité

its surprising to me this and BTS are the last two LIS games i havent played yet, considering the main song is from my second favorite singer of all time.

no powers this time, a rather simple story of a kid trying to go through his day, but sets up the next game nicely! dontnod really improved their writing from the first game, and i'm glad this trend continued onto the next

Don't Nod coming in with some free prologue goodies for Life is Strange fans and I ate it up.

surfjan stevens soundtrack ❤️❤️

This review contains spoilers

All right, here we go.

I loved both Life is Strange and Before the Storm. I have my issues here and there, but Life is Strange hit such an incredible sweet spot for me, and Before the Storm was proof that the first game was more than just a one-time thing. So when Don't Nod announced that they were returning for another spin-off - a free release, one that would lead into their own sequel to Life is Strange, to boot - I was ecstatic. It took me a little bit to get around to it, but I sat down one fine Sunday to play through it.

And, um, after playing it, I decided Life is Strange 2 could wait for another day. As of this writing, I still haven't played LiS2.

(to be fair, part of that is also because I was told that LiS2 tackles Trumpism, and I really wasn't ready to deal with that in fiction in 2018. But Captain Spirit was a non-zero factor).

Captain Spirit is such a cynical, mean-spirited story. You're playing a little boy, Chris, who uses his imagination to combat his chores, all the while exploring his house and life situation. That's all well and good, but what the game is actually about is his widower father, who's slipped into drinking after his wife's death and stands to lose custody of his son. You're trying not to bother your day-drinking father while he watches and falls asleep to a basketball game on the living room TV. You eventually have to wake him up, and the expected happens. Your father engages in a little abuse, you almost break your back, and you meet the protagonists of the upcoming sequel, whom Chris has nothing to do with. The end, see you next time.

I think the problem lies in my expectations. I'd been told by a friend that Captain Spirit was a Calvin & Hobbes sort of story. I really need to temper my own expectations when someone uses Calvin & Hobbes as a point of comparison, because I think Calvin & Hobbes means something different to me than it does everyone else - but I get what was meant: a kid using his imagination to turn mundane reality into exciting adventures. I'm all for that, but the part of me that likes to engage with that type of media is almost wholly divorced from the part of me that likes to engage in more serious character drama. This game tries to have it both ways, and I'm afraid that all the fun that comes from Chris's adventures as Captain Spirit melts away with the certain knowledge that a drunken, cuss-riddled encounter sits around the corner. It's like, you know that you're going to be slapped in the face at some point on a given day, you just don't know when. Hard to have a good time with that certain knowledge looming over you.

And it's a real shame, because I think there's some fun with Captain Spirit's adventures in isolation. There's something very true to form with a lot of it. That you can somewhat customize Captain Spirit's appearance is cool, and I love how minimalist the audio design is for the imagination sequences. Like, yeah, the only sounds you hear SHOULD be the sounds Chris is making, contrasted with the lager-than-life visuals. That makes perfect sense.

I'm willing to believe that I simply am not in the audience for this game. Life is Strange appealed to me because I saw a lot of myself in Max, and Before the Storm appealed to me because I'd grown attached to Chloe (and the game has a lot of fun incidental moments). I think, if I'd grown up in a life situation such that I could identify with Chris, this might've resonated with me, too. Even so, there isn't any actual narrative catharsis I can see from experiencing this. There is no resolution presented to Chris and his father's situation, the game just cuts after Chris is saved by and meets the LiS2 brothers. I think, if I was like Chris as a kid, I would see verisimilitude, but no actual release for the feelings this work brought on.

Maybe I'll change my tune once I get around to LiS2, but for now - you can skip this one. You stand to gain nothing from it.

I have to admit, I ended up loving this game more than I thought I would and it's a nice little teaser before the LiS sequal, even though, at this point I still havn't played the prequal to LiS.

This game captured what it was like to be a very imaginative kid and it captured those moments perfectly, however I was also invested in the story and loved how trauma tied itself to his creativity, like it does in real life. This game made me realise why I felt so cringy when watching the trailer and that's because when I had to grow up I felt as if I had to push aside all childish thoughts and focus on adulthood, but all that's done is made me misable and I feel so much better after playing this. Thanks Dontnod. I hope you guys stay around for a very long time.

Captain Spirit (2018): Más demo que juego, fracasa en su intento de venderte Life is Strange 2. Ni dos horas de duración, pero se las apaña para meter relleno y coleccionables en un juego pretendidamente narrativo, dónde apenas hay ideas y se tratan poco y mal. Una pena (4,20)

Las increíbles aventuras de Captain Spirit es una historia dura, oculta en parte por la imaginación desbordante de Chris.
La verdad, espero que los hermanos de Life Is Strange2 consigan ayudarle 🥺
Se hace mención a Arcadia Bay, que siempre es bien 😎

That's... that's literally just a kid doing kid-stuff...

joguei esse pq life is strange 2 pediu e achei bem divertidinho(apesar de ser apenas uma demo)!! uma introdução de personagem bem interessante e bem triste também.. ansioso pra ver como a história dele vai andar ao longo dos eps

Okay for what it was. The story went pretty much the way I expected having already played a Life is Strange game. But I did feel like this was interesting introduction to the character.

cute for just a demo type thing.

Life is Strange's take on P.T. Not horror focused, but same idea of a Playable Teaser.

honestly a really cute intro to LiS 2 that feels natural and makes sense in the context of the story... and it feels far more focused than that game ever did

Une bonne introduction a l'univers de Life is Strange 2. Assez court mais rafraichissant, n'a pas une ambition de malade a part nous avoir fait attendre l'arrivé du 2

Kind of goofy, because you play as a kid that uses his imagination to fight chores, but doesn't overstay it's welcome and honestly I found more interesting and fun than the friggin slog of a game LiS 2 was....
Unpopular opinion: "my least favorite game in the franchise is LiS 2"

Só recomendo caso goste de Life is strange, sendo apenas um spin-off do jogo, para quem gosta de Life is Strange é bem legal e divertido o jogo, e lindo a arte dele, e é bem divertido.

Other than the fact that it's too easy to accidentally finish the game without finishing all objectives and getting to experience all the cool scenes from Chris' imagination, exploring the little house and its surroundings is really cool as you learn more about the kid and his family, especially the origin of his archnemesis, MantRoid.

a perfect, nuanced vignette about a kid from a broken home trying to make the most of his saturday. honestly one of my favorite installments in the life is strange franchise

isso aq n deveria existir, quebra o ritmo do lis 2 e é bem ruim e inútil, totalmente dispensável e desperdício de tempo.