Reviews from

in the past

played it because it inspired the best shootout in John Wick: Chapter 4 so I thought I owed it some attention. Honestly as a concept - a slightly more realistic looking Hotline Miami inspired top-down shooter - it plays pretty well! It actually has a real John Wick kind of mentality, that weird blend of tactility and gun-fu - where you're as likely to have success shooting some goon accurately from cover with one bullet as you are diving in mid air and taking out three goons with an entire spray of one clip of ammo.

where this game loses all its points is in its vapid style and art direction and level design. it's just so uninspired - boring brown hotel rooms and the occasional spatter of neon coloured led lighting. music that just lacks any style. it's hotline miami inspired but not inspired enough to be its own thing. story is also so paper thin and passe it would make John Carmack take notes.

shooting is fine though I guess. could have been worse

This game kind of scratches the John Wick itch. Its fun, and its satisfying to finally beat each level but the bosses are lame and the weapons aren't unique enough to stop me from always choosing the best one every time.

It’s a pretty bad game, but if this didn’t exist, we wouldn’t have that overhead oner from John Wick 4. So thank you Hong Kong Massacre. Thank you

Максимально по всем параметрам не дожатая игра

Eu vi o trailer em algum lugar e achei a arte sensacional, resolvi comprar por isso. De fato, a arte é muito bonita e quando muitos tiros estão voando o jogo fica lindo, mas o gameplay é repetitivo e sem graça. Eu não sei exatamente o que Hotline Miami faz de tão melhor, mas a diferença é grande. Além disso a mecânica de slow motion deixa a arte menos atraente, e por conta da dificuldade, vc precisa manter o jogo na maior parte do tempo em slow motion.

O jogo é bem curto, mas não consegui me levar a finalizar.

I have a soft spot for top down shooters, but I just didn't enjoy this one at all. The first 20 minutes were decent and after that it just turns into a boring and frustrating mess. As mentioned by others, it's extremely repetitive to the point where every "boss fight" is the exact same level.

The thing I strongly disagree with is, people praising the visuals. While I understand they are trying to go for the neon Hong Kong look, the end result is extremely muddled and ugly. This game could be used as a great example on poor readability. Enemies often blend into the environment, so you often get shot without having any idea where it came from.

Just play the first chapter, as the rest of them follow the exact same structure, with the only difference being that they get much more frustrating.

Had loads of fun and even more amounts of frustration with this. The gameplay loop is really enjoyable, and the level design was interesting. Gun play was exciting but I didn't really care for the story. The enemies were ruthless even on lower difficulty. Had a blast and faced no bugs.

Hotline Miami-like Max Payne, but with even more blatant John Woo inspiration. Which isn't a bad thing cause John Woo's awesome. Pretty alright for something you almost certainly picked up on sale or in a bundle.

trying to match john woo's aesthetic by making clutter in a one shot top down shooter is certainly a decision of all time

buen combo de inspiraciones pero aburrida ejecución

EDIT: cosa buena de este juego: hizo que me diera suficientes ganas de jugar al max payne 3 que busque como saltarme el launcher de rockstar

Though i enjoyed it i cant help but think that its being held back by not wanting to be too different from its contemporary's. While bullet time is fun along with the dodge roll and effects, the lack of more then 4 weapons coupled with horrible boss fights leaves a bitter taste.

If Hotline Miami were slower and had a little bit less of an arcade-y feel. Misses a trick by the slow death animation and respawns as well as unremarkable music. Pretty visuals. Decent. Boss fights suck ass, though.

john wick 4 when he's shooting everyone with the fire shotgun

The game just isn't competently put together.

Enemies have instant reactions, and can kill you in one hit as soon as they enter the screen, even partially. This means you spend nearly the whole game looking at the edges of the monitor looking for a single pixel of someone's shoe to tell you that you have the next 200 milliseconds to shoot before most likely dying.

Enemies usually have flawless accuracy, but not always. Sometimes they do miss for no apparent reason, and there are times where you need to simply rely on getting that lucky break to get past rooms that just don't allow you to get an advantage on the opponents.

You're meant to survive despite the odds by using your dive and slow motion. The former sucks to use and the latter literally doesn't help you.
The movement on keyboard is very stiff and delayed, sort of inconsistently, too. Movement isn't as terrible on controller, but that isn't really a valid alternative - the camera and reticle stay too close to your character for the game to be properly playable when you use a gamepad.
To top it off, it's hard to actually see whether you're diving or not - the animations aren't exaggerated enough to be able to tell that with just your peripheral vision, and there are no visual or audio effects to inform you of your invulnerability.

At least the dive is usable though - the same can't be said for the slow motion. I beat the entire game without using it because it's just pointless - it lasts no longer than 2 seconds, doesn't slow time that much, and doesn't even activate reliably.
The slow down also affects your character and bullets, meaning that you'll spend most of its duration just waiting for hit confirmation, and you can't use it to dodge enemy shots or anything of the sort.

The level design is pretty samey and doesn't accommodate your painfully stiff movement.
The enemy AI is basic and passive for the most part, but with some unpredictable exceptions (they refuse to open doors, but only 99% of the time) and chaotic movement.

I only played this for like 5 minutes but imagine hotline miami but slow and sticky. It misses what made hotline miami fun and trades it in for, admittedly, a really good visual and audio style. But honestly just dont even bother, it plays like crap.

I buyed this game like two years ago and decided to play it after watching some John Woo films. This is probably the best hotline miami type game ive played (taking out the hotline miami games, obviously) its hard, with a great esthetic that reminded me a lot to John Woo or even Wong Kar Wai with the color schedule, with good big or small different zones, this game will take some time. I played it while listening to Aphex Twin, i recommend that, this game has practically no story, so dont worry on paying attention to it.

Estou tentando jogar, mas não está me prendendo. A estética do jogo é muito legal e foi o que me fez comprar, mas não está funcionando comigo tão bem como Hotline Miami, talvez porque a história de Hotline era intrigante, e a desse está sendo muito chata.

If that one scene in John Wick 4 lasted 6 hours instead of 3 minutes.

Supposedly this game inspired that scene, there are some levels that are infuriating and make you wanna quit, but then there are other levels that are extremely fun and feels like you’re completing a puzzle of bullets.

Mort from Madagascar crying .mp3

Plays like a fast paced Hotline Miami that trades the melee combat and stealth elements for the dives, rolls, and slow motion filled shoot outs common in Hong Kong action cinema. Pick from duel pistols, a shotgun, rifle, or a single and later upgrade-able to duel SMGs. Base gameplay is a lot of fun, simple to control with exciting to watch gunfights taking apart the environments.

Suffers a bit from a lack of variety, four dull boss fights that all play the same, same three challenges on every level. Occasionally some movement issues, like diving over balconies to other buildings not working, or enemies that don't really react to things where they might just be standing around while you are shooting in the room or even right by them while you are in a different room.

Gameplay Montage:

Um Hotline Miami 3D realistinha sobre china matando china (não li a história deu preguiça). A gameplay funciona meio pelas coxas, tem hora que o tiro não saí, as portas sugam as balas da sua arma e a física gosta de arremessar os defuntos dos inimigos para espaço. A IA é foi feita por um dev bem tímido pq os inimigos, que consistem em bonecos tosqueira se movimentando como um carrinho de supermercado com defeito na roda, adoram se enfiar no cantos das salas e começam o tiroteio só de sentir a aura de um desconhecido (nós) andando na sala do lado. Os problemas me desanimaram de buscar os 100%, na reta final do jogo eu só queria que acabasse logo e senti que perdi meu tempo.

(just copy-paste of my Steam review lmao, played on Steam Deck, works well)
I know this gets said a lot, but games like this make me wish there was a 'mixed' review option on Steam. The gameplay is fun at first, borrowing the frantic, top-down, one-hit-kill gameplay from Hotline Miami slow-mo and weapon behaviours from My Friend Pedro. The fundamental gameplay mechanics are very good, and the first few levels are enjoyable. The earlier levels are concise and fun, but the levels become longer and more frustrating later on. The main difficulty spike comes from longer levels resulting in more repetition rather than new enemy types or intelligent level design. It becomes infuriating and I was keen for the game to end. However, the visuals are gorgeous, even being the inspiration for a sequence in John Wick: Chapter 4. It never gets old and it carries the game in the later sections. The story is, well, there. It isn't special and it doesn't need to be.

The most insulting part of this game are the boss fights. All of the five bosses are exactly the same, consisting of two separated corridors, one with you and some enemies and the other with the boss. The boss is just a normal enemy with a bigger healthbar who constantly moves forward while shooting you. This is copy-pasted in all the encounters, with only differences being different location and a longer length, with the exception of the last one adding a new enemy variety.

Those boss encounters are a perfect example of my issues with The Hong Kong Massacre, repetitive and uninspired design leading to unnecessary tedium and frustration. That being said, the core gameplay is great and the visuals are stunning. It is with regret that I do not recommend this game as it is, to me, a quintessential mixed bag.