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TOEM is a game that defies the genre tags you'd usually see on steam, id describe it as Pokemon Snap if you had more agency and the puzzles were more engaging. You go from area to area "solving problems" and taking cute pictures and its short and sweet but with secrets for replayability. I did it all in my short time and did not regret a moment.

is TOEM deep? not very, if some dark souls gamer came up to me and asked if he'd be into it, id say sure because clearly if they're even asking they have some nuance to their gaming tastes. but i certainly wouldn't just recommend it to someone whose library was mostly rockstar Triple A games.

what I'm getting at is if you like simple puzzley adventure games and photo modes, this game will please both those lobes of ya brainbox

Exciting concept, just feel bland....

Tuve un momento Vodafone esta noche y me quede sin internet asi que decidi pasar 5 horitas jugandolo y que bonito y tranquilito ha sido, todo el rato asi :)

Definitely one of the cutest games where you have the opportunity to collect, or rather directly photograph, everything that is at hand in the small world of the main character of the traveler.

Однозначно одна из милейших игр, где есть возможностей собирать, а точнее непосредственно фотографировать все что под рукой в небольшом мирке главного героя путешественника.

This review contains spoilers

TOEM é diferente, não sei como gostei tanto de um jogo de tirar fotos, é lindo, perfeito e inexplicável, peguei todas as conquistas em uma noite, jogaria facilmente de novo mesmo sendo curto.

Beautiful game, I should finish it sometime

The mixing of 3rd person iso and 1st person is wonderful.

I was incredibly surprised by how much fun TOEM is to play. It reminds me of A Short Hike in all the best ways possible. A game built around all the things you do on the way to your destination, but rather than being a time waste all the side quests reward you for being observant and just enjoying your surroundings.

TOEM es una aventura en tercera persona con vista isométrica donde recorremos distintos escenarios haciendo fotos y ayudando a personajes de lo más variopintos por el camino, a cambio de que nos sellen una tarjeta de visita, para poder así avanzar y continuar explorando otros lugares.

Se trata de un videojuego independiente, tranquilo y acogedor que invita a tomarse con calma cada una de las tareas que se van sucediendo y que demuestra una gran capacidad para sorprender al jugador por el ingenio de las situaciones que plantea a lo largo de la aventura. Sus puzles no son complicados, pero sí requieren que prestemos atención al entorno y siempre consiguen sacarnos una sonrisa con su resolución.

A lo largo de las seis o siete horas que dura, Toem trata nuestra relación con los lugares que visitamos, los recuerdos que generamos a nuestro paso por ellos y la importancia de valorar y disfrutar de los pequeños detalles, todo ello mientras se celebra la tranquilidad de los parajes naturales y se critica la suciedad y el estrés de vivir en una gran ciudad.

Me ha gustado mucho.

Very cute game. Fun game to run around and take pictures of stuff. Well done!

TOEM is a really fun and charming game centered around photography. It's based around these really neat monochrome set pieces that you interact with in the third person as the player and the first person with the camera. This makes for a really unique world and cool gameplay elements with perspective.

The UI is pretty and fitting while also being very functional. The missions are a lot of fun to figure out and usually quite cute. I really liked how they included the sparkly portrait close-ups you get to take after helping some of the NPCs, very rewarding lol. I especially loved the 100 followers close-up. All the different locations having their own identity and central mechanics added a lot to the experience as well. Cataloging all the different animals was a fun side story that the game never pushes you to do outside of an achievement. I like that about it. I just kinda wanted to do it, and that feeling pervaded the experience. There were so many times when I took photos, selfies, or tripod shots that I thought were just cool for the sake of taking them. Sometimes they helped me out in a later quest but sometimes they were just fun photos to take. 100% was fun and not all that frustrating, but I guess that's a bit hard for me to say because I did look up hints on some of the quests and achievements I could not figure out. The character designs are cute. The main character is just a little guy out there in the world. The story is pretty much the journey itself which is great for a game like this, and the end of the journey was a satisfying moment that provides a beautiful opportunity for your final photo.

Overall, a super soulful game that allowed me to live out my dreams of being a photographer. I don't have much bad to say about it. They even got an expansion world that went hard.

This review contains spoilers

For personal reference more than anything else. Still have done spoiler warning just in case though.

First time playing through this game. Did the Base Game (85%) and Basto (75%).

This is such a nice game, its one that really feels ok with the player taking their time and provides a fun and satisfying yet simple gameplay mechanic. Taking pictures didn't really ever feel like it got old, which was helped by the additions you get throughout the game that allowed for a more varied selection of puzzles but even with this by the end of the game it still felt really good to whip the camera out and take a photo.

The art style was initially something I felt a little apprehensive about at first but it really worked for it. The game is really cute and I loved seeing all the people and creatures in it who all looked so different. Being in black and white was my biggest worry as while I have no problem with B&W I felt it would be strange to have a game about taking pictures not really have much in the way of colour. It was perfectly fine though and helped make things that I needed to find stick out.

Every location felt unique and fun to explore with my personal favourites being Kiiruberg and Basto. The music also complemented the game and there were some songs, especially the ones in Basto that I really enjoyed. It all had a nice chill vibe to the game even if I was moving around quite quickly, but I was always going at a pace that I felt most comfortable with. By the end of the base game I was aware that I had missed some photos but I had tried to work them out and couldn't so I was fine leaving them and then at the end of Basto there were some that I left that I probably could have done, but at that point I felt content with my experience and ready to stop which the game was perfectly ok with.

Overall I really liked this game, I don't always play such chill games so for this one to be especially good and provide a really fun and memorable experience that I felt so happy with basically all throughout the game, it makes me really glad to have played this.

nicely cute though doesn't fully scratch the itch I was hoping for. maybe the artstyle puts me off a smidge.
the larger problem I have is that things feel too one-dimensional. too many of the items you receive along the way are one-use. I would have loved to see more challenges that utilized different recurring mechanics rather than "here's this clothing that you'll use for one photo and forget about wearing until the next piece of clothing replaces it," ESPECIALLY the filters which I was expecting to have a lot of potential. I didn't 100% the game so perhaps there's more that mix-and-match than I encountered?
the music and world are nice, the act of photography feels snappy (haha), I merely wish those good aspects could have been allowed to flourish even more.

Amei muito. Que delicia de aventura. Curta e confortável, com uma trilha sonora deliciosa. Da pra perceber o amor das pessoas que desenvolveram o jogo espalhado em cada cantinho! Joguem!

uma verdadeira viagem que não precisa de cores pra te contar uma história simples, divertida, cheia de sentimento. As quests chegam ser misteriosas e intrigantes de um jeito totalmente espontâneo. Jogo pra quem gosta de fotografia, também é um ótimo jeito de aprender que fotografia é o melhor jeito de guarda memórias.

TOEM - 10/10 (Review will avoid spoilers)

Found through PS Plus Essential, TOEM is a photographic adventure in a unique 2D-3D cartoon style.

(Story) The story is very simple, which makes sense as it takes a backseat to your gameplay. You play as yourself, tasked by your grandmother to go on a personal adventure to photograph the legendary event known as TOEM. Through your good deeds you can earn your bus pass in order to advance your adventure further to discover the titular TOEM.

(Gameplay) The game is a photography puzzle game, but don't let that discourage you in any way. In order to progress through the game you have to accomplish tasks and good deeds, and you do this mainly through your camera. Most of your deeds involve you taking photos and presenting them to people. The game progressively adds new twists, such as using a horn add-on or taking a tripod shot, or taking a selfie. For the most part this doesn't change at all during your time playing.

(Characters) The characters aren't really anything too important, and that's alright, since they aren't meant to have any great arcs or dynamics, more so that everyone is interesting in design and characteristic, most likely meant to reflect how in your journey through life you'll come across the most interesting and unique individuals.

(Music) The music is really pleasant. There's no rock, or remixed beats, but rather peaceful tunes meant to remind you that there is no rush in your journey, and instead you can take it easy, as life is not a rush, and is meant to be enjoyed.

(Difficulty) For a base game, as in only completing the necessary amount of good deeds, the difficulty won't be bad, and realistically you can accomplish this in a relatively quick amount of time. But trying to completely fill out your card in each area can be a bit of a hassle. Some deeds have no clear clues, and others require locating things that can be hard to find. The difficulty can spike, if you choose to tackle them.
In conclusion I think TOEM is a quaint little journey. If you want a peaceful break from high octane action, or like puzzle games this one is for you! I am interested in future games from this indie group, and even though It might not be for everyone but it deserves to be checked out.

simplesmente perfeito!
nao consegui sossegar enquanto nao fiz absolumente tudo que tinha pra fazer nesse jogo
uma ideia totalmente diferente e criativa que funcionou muito bem

Toem é com certeza um dos melhores jogos que já joguei, sua gameplay por mais que seja simples é muito divertido e seus estilo artístico único carrega um charme o qual não consigo explicar

This game puts me to sleep. And I mean that in the best way possible. It's a very relaxing adventure that inevitably causes me to drift into the world of dreams.

All you do is take pictures and talk to wacky characters. All this game asks from you is to be curious and present, which is a nice break from the adrenaline-fueled action games I'm used to that require you to be fast, precise, and brave.

I wouldn't brand myself as the "cozy gamer," but I was genuinely disappointed when I finished it. Now I need to find another game to act as my sleep aid.

despite getting stuck and confused a few times, this was one of the most fun experiences ive ever had playing a game. the swedish "translation" (i assume it was written at the same time as the english) was so fun and the "vem var det som kasta" reference made me genuinely laugh out loud. can't wait to see what the developers make in the future.

Um dos jogos mais divertidos e que mais me surpreendeu.

“Toem” stands out as a serene adventure that captivates the heart with its simplicity and charm. It unfolds as a delightful odyssey, inviting players to explore with a camera in hand, uncovering the world’s whimsical stories one snapshot at a time.

The game’s black-and-white visuals craft a timeless atmosphere, encouraging a focus on the narrative and emotional connection. The minimalist design complements the smooth gameplay, ensuring every photograph taken is a moment treasured.

“Toem” is an enchanting escape that proves the power of games to weave tales without words, leaving players with a gallery of memories and a sense of peaceful satisfaction.

🏆 Conquistas: 48/48

Bem divertido e interativo, adorei

From the amazing hand-drawn art style, too the incredibly fun dialogue. This game is just so much fun. The levels are amazing to explore, the dialogue is fun and well written, every sound effect is done perfectly giving off an amazing natural feel to each environment.

The soundtrack is incredibly soothing and relaxing. The game's main mechanic (the camera) is polished and immediately fun to use; and the game has cool puzzle elements for first-time players. Overall, it is one of my favourite games and I highly recommend it.

I really like the mechanics of this game you do quests that involve taking photos of different things and you get to go to different places and talk to people, its a neat little game to spend some time on