Reviews from

in the past

I've loved Skipmore games since playing Fairune on my phone in 2013. I've been antsy for a big new adventure from them since Fairune II five years ago, and this was worth the wait. Movement feels great, the puzzley bits are fair and smart, and the last area goes hard in a JOYOUS way. I just loved exploring and existing in this world. The FM Synth DLC is extremely worth it!!

While exploring the world of Transiruby is interesting at first, the Metroidvania style Action Adventure gameplay keeps switching from doing skill free, simple, and fun exploration to then doing complex, difficult, and unnecessary puzzles which leaves the player confused as in what there doing. The Platforming is probably the best part of this game unintentionally since as you go on you get more ways to traverse the levels in fun ways, but the same can not be said about the Fighting which stays the same the whole game and could've really benefited with some extra moves or upgrades. So yeah that's my review, I'm going to be giving Transiruby a Strong 5 on the recommendation scale.

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